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Course Introduction

Course Introduction. CSE250. Course Overview. This course will be difficult Work hard and start early You are adults and I will treat you as such I won ’ t take attendance I won’t listen to your excuses You are responsible for the material and deadlines

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Course Introduction

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  1. Course Introduction CSE250

  2. Course Overview • This course will be difficult • Work hard and start early • You are adults and I will treat you as such • I won’t take attendance • I won’t listen to your excuses • You are responsible for the material and deadlines • If you put forth effort, I will do what I can to teach you

  3. What you’ll learn in this course • C++ • Data Structures • A variety of Programming topics

  4. Grading • 70% Homework • 30% Exams • All homework will be programming assignments • You’ll learn programming through practice

  5. Homework Format • 9 Assignments • Each is due in 3 parts • By Wednesday: Debug sample code • By Thursday: Write a small piece of code • By Friday: Write a larger piece of efficient code • You are encouraged to do the homework the week before it’s due • No late homework will be accepted

  6. Homework Grading • Automated grading for all assignments • Use the submit_cse250 command on the CSE servers • Live automated feedback each time you update your submission • You code must compile on the CSE servers • Leaderboards?

  7. Exams • 2 midterms and a final • Equally weighted • Each exam is 10% of your course grade • You final exam grade will override 80% of your midterm scores if it helps your grade • Exams will primarily cover material that is not covered in homework

  8. Data Structure • When the data gets big • With small amounts of data • You can get away with using an array for everything • What if you have millions of values? • Might need a different structure to write efficient code • What if you have trillions?

  9. Other Data Structures • In this course, we’ll get from a few to millions • To work with even more data take • CSE462: Database Concepts • When RAM isn’t big enough • When the data should persist outside the program • CSE486: Distributed Systems • When one machine isn’t good enough • CSE487: Data Intensive Computing • Methods to handle large amounts of data

  10. Day 1 survey • Optional • If you haven’t responded already • Why are you taking Computer Science? • What do you want to do?

  11. Day 1 Survey – Why CS? • Sample of responses (with anonymity) • It’s interesting, challenging, logical, useful • Sense of accomplishment from creating something • To develop video games • It’s required • The world is CS! • Because it’s my major

  12. Day 1 Survey – After graduation? • Sample of responses (with anonymity) • The big decision • Get a job • Go to Grad school • Develop video games • Start my own company • “Find a job, and live my life”

  13. Day 1 Survey – My Answers • Why CS? • Challenging. I’ll never be bored! • Practical. All I need is a computer and I use what I’m learning on my own projects • Many other reasons, but these are the two biggest for me • After graduation • Grad school, then teach • I was undecided < 1 year ago

  14. Get ready for C++

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