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Hi I’m Rosa Parks and I am married to Raymond parks. I lived from 1913-2005. I am most connected to history because I stood up for what I thought was right. I wouldn’t give my bus seat for a white man. Now if you were in my place would you give you seat to someone else if they didn’t need it?.
Hi I’m Rosa Parks and I am married to Raymond parks. I lived from 1913-2005. I am most connected to history because I stood up for what I thought was right. I wouldn’t give my bus seat for a white man. Now if you were in my place would you give you seat to someone else if they didn’t need it? Historical PerspectivesBy: Justin Barrett
The First Global Age. -slavery • British: the British believed that slavery was wrong and in humane. They wanted to oblation the idea. • French: The French were big time slave traders. They turned four times the amount of African Americans than Americans did. • Spanish: believed that slavery was not necessarily slavery because they would teach them there beliefs and ways of living • I stand on the side of outlawing of slavery because I wouldn't give me seat for a white man why would I work for one. Opposing viewpoints My viewpoints
Revolution.on the Revolutionary war • Patriots: thought the war was appropriable because they were raised to fight. • Loyalist: did not want to rebel against there king. So they didn't want to fight. • Neutral colonist: really didn’t know where to stand while some where for it while some weren’t. • I think the Revolutonary war was completely necssary because they were standing up for themselves and wasn’t going to be pushed around by the British rules. My viewpoint Opposing viewpoints
A new Nation.-Dealing with war debt for the war of 1812 • British: didn’t really care about the war debt right away because they are always willing to fight and were never scared to. • French: war debt led the French to a crisis to there government. • Spanish: were aware of there war debt and paid off. • My perspective of war debt was it was not necessary because there is no need for war and fighting. Opposing Viewpoint My Viewpoint
Civil War and Reconstruction - Lewis and Clark Expedition • British: didn’t agree with his expedition because Lewis and Clark wanted Native Americans to be slaves. • French: would agree because like Lewis and Clark they were slave traders but would not trade slaves because they thought Native Americans weren’t fit for work. • Spanish: would agree but would not call the native Americans slaves. • I would have to disagree with the Lewis and Clark expedition because I would not work for a white man of native American man cause I stand up and want to be treated as equal rights as a white man. Opposing Viewpoints My Viewpoint
Today’s U.S Society • British: would not agree with the ways we live because we are not under someone's control and are free. • French: yes, no because we are free but are not slave owners and traders. • Spanish: would not agree with our ways of life because we are all free everyone and will always will be. • I would agree with the ways of living in today's United States because everyone has the same right to everything and is not segregated. All of our races have came together as one race. Opposing Viewpoints My Viewpoint
Bibliography • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causes_of_the_French_Revolution • http://www.achievement.org/autodoc/page/par0bio-1 • http://etymonline.com/columns/frenchslavery.htm • http://www.users.muohio.edu/mandellc/projects/aronowml/History.HTM • http://www.redcoat.me.uk/ • http://www.redcoat.me.uk/Rev-War.htm • http://s270.photobucket.com/albums/jj116/johnflagman/?action=view¤t=SanAntonio2008-055.jpg¤ttag=coat-of-arms • http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.umich.edu/~themafia/spanflag2.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.umich.edu/~themafia/history.html&usg=__nscxmrErOffPFxevdhTdqqt8q6I=&h=330&w=493&sz=12&hl=en&start=2&sig2=scPuk8rDYhvsoS-pjGg_5Q&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=M6wNKawbQBfTiM:&tbnh=87&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dspanish%2Bflag%2Bin%2B1800%2527s%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=Fs6LTf7qDeif0AG9n8irCw • http://s4.zetaboards.com/HistoryMaking/topic/7970978/1/