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Peer-To-peer Group Mentoring. f or Transitioning. Student-Veterans. Historical Framework . Theoretical Framework. Current Issue. Proposed Intervention. References. Alert Veteran students prod stodgy professors. (1947). Journal of Education, 130 , 31.
for Transitioning Student-Veterans
Theoretical Framework Current Issue
Proposed Intervention References Alert Veteran students prod stodgy professors. (1947). Journal of Education, 130, 31. Bannier, B. (2006). The impact of the GI Bill on developmental education. The Learning Assistance Review, 11, 35-44. Cohen, J., Warner, R. L., & Segal, D. R. (1995). Military services and educational attainment in the all-volunteer force. Social Science Quarterly, 76, 88-104. DiRamio, D., Ackerman, R., & Mitchell, R. L. (2008). From combat to campus: Voices of student-veterans. NASPA Journal, 45, 73-102. Feldman, S. F. (1974). Geography controls GI Bill opportunities (Staff Report). Washington, DC: National League of Cities and United States Conference of Mayors. Roach, R. (1997). From combat to campus. Black Issues in Higher Education, 14(13), 26. Rumann, C. B., & Hamrick, F. A. (2009). Supporting student veterans in transition. New Directions for Student Services, 126, 25-34. Ryan, S. W., Carlstrom, A. H., Hughey, K. F., & Harris, B. S. (2011). From boots to books: Applying Schlossberg’s model to transitioning American veterans. NACADA Journal, 31, 55-63. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2011). Stats in brief: Military service members and veterans (NPSAS:08). Wilson, R. (1995). The G.I. Bill and the transformation of America. National Forum, 75(4), 20.
Alert Veteran Students Prod Stodgy Professors “Exceeding pre-war records by 50%, 2,062,000 men and women are now crowding America’s colleges to the bursting point. With individual institutions showing increases of from 10 to 500%, educators are finding that lack of space is not their only problem. One college official viewed the influx of 1,073,000 ex-servicemen into the nation’s classrooms as stimulating, if not always comfortable. ‘The performance of teachers is being challenged for the first time by their students,’ he said, citing the case of a Western Reserve student-veteran who told a professor his lecture was ‘the stupidest I’ve ever heard.’ ‘Teachers have had to throw their old lecture notes out of the window,’ said M. B. Toler, mathematics department head at Fenn College. ‘We’ve had to acquire a whole new body of knowledge to keep apace of the widely traveled and experienced GI’” (Alert Veteran Students Prod Stodgy Professors, 1947).
Vietnam Era & All-Volunteer Force Veterans on Campus Veterans Educational Assistance Program (VEAP) was an enlistment incentive for Vietnam and post-Vietnam Era veterans (Bannier, 2006) Inferior to previous incarnations of the GI Bill (Bannier, 2006) Required contributions to the plan with federal government matches at a rate of two to one (Bannier, 2006) Veterans believed they were unwelcome on campuses during this era & consequently were more likely to try to ‘blend in’ to civilian college life (Rumann & Hamrick, 2009)
Schlossberg’s Transition Model • Transition = “any event, or non event, that results in changed relationships, routines, assumptions, and roles” (as cited in Ryan, Carlstrom, Hughey, & Harris, 2011, p. 56) • Four factors will influence the quality of any transition: the self, the situation, the support, and the strategies utilized, otherwise known as the 4 Ss (as cited in Ryan et al., 2011) • This model will give a framework for working with Student-Veterans transitioning from active duty military to college, including perceptions of the cultures of college and military life (self), perceived negative or positive reasons for leaving the military (related to the situation), family and connection to others (support), and techniques for navigating through the academic bureaucracy (strategies), among a multitude of other factors (Ryan et al., 2011)
Schlossberg, Lynch, and Chickering’s Transition Framework • Identified the “Moving In, Moving Through, Moving Out” structure of transitions (as cited in DiRamio, Ackerman, & Mitchell, 2008) • Structure is a useful way of evaluating transitions over time by separating stressors into these headings • Research (DiRamio et al., 2008) shows that student-veterans identify six factors associated with “Moving In” to college: “connecting with peers, blending in, faculty, campus veteran’s office, finances, students with disabilities, mental health and PTSD” (p. 80)
Percentage distribution of undergraduates and graduate students, by military status and receipt of GI Bill education benefits: 2007–08 (U.S. Department of Education, 2011)
New cohort of Student-Veterans is likely to increase in size as troops draw down in Iraq and Afghanistan (Ryan et al., 2011) • New “Post 9/11” GI Bill includes increased educational benefits (Ryan et al., 2011) • Student-Veterans of this era may have difficulties distinct from other eras (Ryan et al., 2011; DiRamio et al., 2008) • Current Student-Veterans are a population worthy of student affairs professionals’ consideration in developing specific programming that can help them to transition out of combat and into college • My program addresses the transitioning difficulties of Student-Veterans new to college campuses and would work best at an institution similar to Oregon State University
Peer-to-Peer Group Mentoring Program • New Student-Veterans are identified during the college application process and informed that another orientation program is available to them; they must opt-in to the program • Student-Veterans who have been on campus for at least one year are trained by a staff member to facilitate mentor groups of clusters of 5 to 8 new Student-Veterans and are supervised by a staff member throughout the program • New Student-Veterans elect to participate in this extended orientation that continues through the first term of their college experience
Mentor Groups meet once a week for an hour over the course of the term, with the trained Student-Veteran facilitator, to discuss transitioning issues, such as financial, relationship, academic, cultural, and mental health difficulties • Student-Veteran facilitator will be well versed in resources available to his mentees and able to refer them to student affairs offices such as DAS and counseling • Session topics may include in-depth discussion of college support services, challenges of the transition out of combat, culture shock, personal stories of military service, and overviews of the warning signs associated with PTSD, enabling Student-Veterans to look for those signs in others and in themselves • At the end of the term, new Student-Veterans can elect to continue to meet periodically with their mentor one-on-one to check up and follow through the first year
Program Goals • To empower Student-Veterans by offering extensive knowledge of the support services available to them • To create an instant peer group of other Student-Veterans who share a common culture • To offer a role model and confidant in the Peer Mentor • To assist Student-Veterans in “Moving In” to college • To give the Peer Mentor a valuable leadership and service experience in mentoring fellow Student-Veterans • To act as an early warning system for Student-Veterans who are having particular difficulties with their physical, mental, or emotional health or with navigating the “red tape” of the college campus
Student Affairs Competencies Required to Facilitate this Program • Multicultural Competence • Staffing and Supervision • Teaching in the Co-Curriculum • Advising and Consultation • Community Development • Academic and Student Affairs Partnerships