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SuperB igbite Spectrometer in Hall A

Measurement of the Target-Normal Single-Spin Asymmetry in Deep-Inelastic Scattering from the Reaction 3 He ↑ ( e,e ’)X Phys . Rev. Lett . 113, art. no. 022502 JUL 11 2014. SuperB igbite Spectrometer in Hall A. Large luminosity Moderate acceptance Forward angles Reconfigurable detectors.

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SuperB igbite Spectrometer in Hall A

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  1. Measurement of the Target-Normal Single-Spin Asymmetry in Deep-Inelastic Scattering from the Reaction 3He↑(e,e’)X Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, art. no. 022502 JUL 11 2014

  2. SuperBigbite Spectrometer in Hall A • Large luminosity • Moderate acceptance • Forward angles • Reconfigurable detectors Background: photon (250-500 MHz/cm2) charged (160-200 kHz/cm2) Physics: Nucleon Form Factors SIDIS – TMD’s ... Nucleon structure Front tracker reused in BigBite

  3. Silicon Detectors

  4. GEM

  5. Main Technical solutions • Use the COMPASS approach: 3xGEM, 2D readout - onesignificantdifference: use new single mask GEM foil (instead of double mask) – cheaper and faster production • Modular design: chambersconsists of 3 independent GEM modules (40x50 cm2) with thin dead area • Electronicsaround the module, direct connection; 90 degree bending betweenmodules • Externalsupport frame in carbon fiber (long bars) to minimizethermaldeformation 40x50 cm2 module Front Tracker Chamber: 40x150 cm2

  6. GEM Module construction process Module production fully established in INFN-Catania Electronics preliminary QA in Genoa Module integration and characterization in INFN-Sanità Permaglas Frames Visual Inspection Ultrasound bath cleaning GEM Foils HV curing and quality test Stretching Electronics Test Production rate 2 modules in 3 months Put together (align on reference pins) Gluing Assembling gas lines (improvement under development, no signficant impact on cost/production) Clean room Glue Curing in vacuum bag (>24 h) Electronics integration Test and characterization by rad. source and cosmics Finalization (solder resistor, check HV) SBS Coll. Meeting - Front Tracker GEM

  7. DESY/EUDET Pixel Telescope 3 Big GEMs Reference Small GEM SBS GEM Tracker - Test Beam / Jan 2014 • Small scale final system (gas, LV, HV monitored) • Main Goals: • Characterize chambers in terms of charge sharing, efficiency and spatial resolution at different HV, gas mixture. • Figure out the gain variation of the previous test 1-4 GeV Electron Beam AIDA-EUDET support → Got lot's of good data with high spatial resolution information from pixel telescope → Stable performance (“all” conditions carefully monitored)

  8. TrackAssociation by NN / Simulation Kalman Filter Reconstruction: simulation Sij – neuron (0 or 1) – connection between two points Residues Energy Vij Neuron changing rate

  9. GEM Production and Test Status • The very first 4 GEM foils did not pass the original quality checks, 3 recent GEM foils of the same bunch did not pass the new quality check • One readout + honeycomb suffered bad gluing (probably still usable) • 2 of the GEM modules passed preliminary tests but then degraded significiantly (large dark current); one recovered after N2 gas cleaning. • * soldering problem, bug fixed by the company SBS Coll. Meeting - Front Tracker GEM

  10. GEM Tracker Activity 2014-2015 • Continue Production • Test, Characterization and Calibration of GEM and electronics • Fix damaged modules/material, replace if no fix possible • Finalization of a rubust and efficient track reconstruction algorithm • Complete and test the complex firmware of the DAQ • Study (and solve) open issues

  11. Electronic (GEM + Silicon detector)

  12. Electronics for GEM and SiD VME Module (MPD) ver. 4.0 firmware upgrade • Revised memory mapping • Event builder implemented and simulated: • Multiblock (compliant to JLab request) • 24 bit, packed to 32 bit on 64 bit boundary for efficiency • 128MB FIFO data buffer using DDR2 SDRAM (pretty complex code) • D64 read only cycle implemented: MBLT, 2eVME, 2eSST (3 cycles): • 2eSST tested on STRUCK SIS-3104 (2 Gb/s optical link that limit the band) • To be done • Multiboard block transfer • Firmware for fiber optic protocol (important if modules will sit near the front-end electronics) • Deep debug and test (implies rewriting of some DAQ code) • Minor development to reduce backplane material budget and add flexible kapton bus (for SiD) • Study long cable induced noise SBS Coll. Meeting - Front Tracker GEM

  13. HCAL

  14. Hcal Italianactivity

  15. HCAL 2014-2015 activity

  16. Analysis

  17. 9Be(e,e’K)9LiL (G.M. Urciuoli, F. Cusannoet al. Submitted to PHYS REV C) Radiative correctedexperimentalexcitationenergy vs theoretical data (thin green curve). Thick curve: fourgaussianfits of the radiative corrected data Experimentalexcitationenergy vs Monte Carlo Data (red curve) and vs Monte Carlo data with radiative Effects“turned off” (blue curve) An elementary model for the (e,e′K+) reaction with a different balance of spin-flip and non-spin-flipamplitudesmight help to resolve the disagreement with theory of the relative strenght of the peaks in the doublets

  18. Experiment E07-002 Present result for KLL in E07-002 seems to confirm previous measurement of E99-114, at a different angle. Work in progress. Study of systematic uncertainties is undergoing. Optimize analysis in order to conclude that at our energy regime, pQCD predictions are excluded. With those points included, ready for publication

  19. Studies on 3He asneutroneffective target in SIDIS

  20. Spare

  21. Forza Lavoro JLAB12

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