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UCA DR Use Case Overview August 17, 2009

UCA DR Use Case Overview August 17, 2009. Wayne Longcore, Chair, SG-Enterprise. Greg Robinson, Co-Chair, SG-Enterprise. Kay Stefferud Co-Chair, Use Case Team. Agenda. UCA Goals UCA Organization Use Case Methodolgy SCE Use Case Example Demand Response (DR) Use Case Example

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UCA DR Use Case Overview August 17, 2009

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  1. UCA DR Use Case OverviewAugust 17, 2009 Wayne Longcore, Chair, SG-Enterprise Greg Robinson, Co-Chair, SG-Enterprise Kay Stefferud Co-Chair, Use Case Team

  2. Agenda • UCA Goals • UCA Organization • Use Case Methodolgy • SCE Use Case Example • Demand Response (DR) Use Case Example • Moving Forward

  3. UCAIug Mission (from charter) • The mission of the UCA International Users Group is to enable utility integration through the deployment of open standards by providing a forum in which the various stakeholders in the utility industry can work cooperatively together as members of a common organization to: • Influence, select, and/or endorse open and public standards appropriate to the utility market based upon the needs of the membership. • Specify, develop and/or accredit product/system-testing programs that facilitate the field interoperability of products and systems based upon these standards. • Implement educational and promotional activities that increase awareness and deployment of these standards in the utility industry.

  4. GIS OMS CIS Integration Infrastructure AMR DMS WMS Goal: To The Maximum Reasonable Extent, Interface Standards Should Be Based on Common Semantics (e.g., CIM) Without Common Semantics, Point-to-Point Integration Will Continue at the Data Level • Integration anarchy is a chaos of: • (1) duplicated logic (2) duplicated data • (3) duplicated effort • (4) lack of ability to easily create new functionality

  5. http://www.ucaiug.org/

  6. OpenSG Subcommittee Organization

  7. SG-Enterprise Organization Structure

  8. Focus Of SG-Enterprise NIST Conceptual Model [Source: NIST Interim Roadmap]

  9. Use Case Methodology Use Cases: Best Practice for Requirements Development

  10. SCI Use Case • AMI Use Case: C1 • Title: Customer reduces their usage in response to pricing or voluntary load reduction events • 4 scenarios, 40 pages • Business rules, actors, trigger conditions, pre & post conditions, requirements etc. • Text and table format

  11. SCE Example – Trigger Pre and Post Conditions

  12. SCE Example – Scenario Steps

  13. SCE Example – Requirements

  14. DR Use Case Examples The DR solution shall manage demand resources.  The DR solution shall communicate with organizations that manage the grid. The DR solution shall provide for participation of independent third party electric distributors.

  15. Add DR Device – Functional Decomposition

  16. Add DR Device – Business Process Model

  17. Add DR Device – Use Case Graphical Representation IEC-61968 IRM Business Function

  18. Add DR Device – Requirements 3.10.1 Add DR Device 3.10.1-1 The DR solution shall manage the provisioning of new active DR devices. 3.10.1-2 If a DR device is capable of self-configuring on a network, then the DR solution shall be capable of commissioning the device into the DR program. 3.10.1-3 The DR solution shall maintain a database of all active DR devices. 3.10.1-4 The DR solution shall manage the provisioning of existing active DR devices. 3.10.1-5 The DR Solution shall validate the location of DR devices. 3. 10.1-6 The DR solution shall manage the provisioning of new types of future DR devices.

  19. Use Case Next Steps -- August 2009

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