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"California News" A New York paper reported in 1849 that "gold news has unsettled the minds of even the most cautious and careful among us." (Gilman Paper Company Collection). Poster: "Union"
"California News" A New York paper reported in 1849 that "gold news has unsettled the minds of even the most cautious and careful among us." (Gilman Paper Company Collection)
Poster: "Union" This 1848 campaign poster for Zachary Taylor from an 1848 woodcut by Thomas W. Strong reminded Americans of his military victories, unmilitary bearing (note the civilian dress and straw hat), and deliberately vague promises. As president, Taylor finally took a stand on the issue of slavery in the Mexican Cession, but his position angered the South. (Library of Congress)
Against the People Gold Rush pushes the CA statehood issue Underground railroad agitates southern slave owners Manifest Destiny & the Mexican War Against the President Unwillingness to compromise on the Compromise of 1850 Sudden death leaves power vacuum and rumors of assassination
Against the People Compromise of 1850 actually benefitted the North more than South Underground railroad persists Outlawing of slavery in D.C. & popular sovereignty out West Against the President Willingness to compromise actually awakens a spirit of antagonism toward South Complicity to conspiracy?
Against the People Demise of the Whig Party after Election of 1852 Expansionists in the South continue to create trouble Uncle Tom’s Cabin creates a sensation (1852) “Bleeding Kansas” (1856) Caning of Sumner (1856) Against the President Ostend Manifesto embarrasses the U.S. (1854) Gadsden Purchase overpays to please southerners (1854) Signs Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) Personal alcoholism
Southern Chivalry Cartoons like this one, showing the beating of antislavery Senator Charles Sumner by Preston "Bully" Brooks, confirmed northern images of white southerners as people who prided themselves on their genteel manners but who behaved like street toughs. (Library of Congress)
Against the People Dred Scott case outrages northerners (1857) Financial crash of 1857 Lincoln-Douglas debates show a divided U.S. (1858) John Brown’s raid at Harper’s Ferry (1859) Against the President Vetoed Homestead Act (1860) Fails to take action to forestall the Panic of 1857 Takes no action after southern secession (1860)