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Welcome to Portola Middle School

Welcome to Portola Middle School. Math, Science & Health Mrs. Geidel. Introduction. A little about Mrs. Geidel Married (Shaun) Son (Logan – 14 months old) Head of the Science Department 6 th grade lead teacher Partner teacher is Mrs. Marjani-Ptah 7 th year teaching

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Welcome to Portola Middle School

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  1. Welcome toPortola Middle School Math, Science & Health Mrs. Geidel

  2. Introduction • A little about Mrs. Geidel • Married (Shaun) • Son (Logan – 14 months old) • Head of the Science Department • 6th grade lead teacher • Partner teacher is Mrs. Marjani-Ptah • 7th year teaching • What do you want to know about me?

  3. Bell Schedule • Pull out your schedule to review the bell schedule • 6 minute passing periods • Rotating Bell Schedule • Monday – 1st day of the week, so we start with period 1 after homeroom • Thursday – 4th day of the week, so we start with period 4 after homeroom

  4. Expectation #1Tardy • You are considered on time if you are in your seat by the time the tardy bell rings. • Running in the classroom when the bell rings is TARDY. • Tardies will affect your cooperation grade.

  5. Expectation #2Start work right away • The student is expected to copy the agenda and start their work when class begins.

  6. Expectation #3Bring Supplies Everyday • There will be a materials check on Sep. 27 (Monday) for 20 points extra credit. • The materials required are: • Agenda book – provided by the school • 1½ to 2 inch three ring binder (NO SMALLER than 1½ inches thick) • Pencil pouch • Yellow 70 sheet spiral notebook (no more than 80 sheets) – for your math notes • Blue 70 sheet spiral notebook (no more than 80 sheets) – for your science notes • White loose-leaf notebook paper • 2 black and/or blue pens • 2 pencils with a good big eraser • 2 red pens for grading • 1 highlighter • Tape white-out

  7. Expectation #4Respectful & Responsible • The student is expected to be respectful and responsible during class. This will affect the cooperation and work habits grade.

  8. Expectation #5Cheating • The student is expected not to cheat. Do not copy anyone’s work or let someone copy your work. This is considered cheating and will result in both students receiving a zero, a parent letter sent home, a referral to the counselor, possible class suspension, and multiple days of lunch detention.

  9. Expectations #6 & 7Absent • When absent the student is expected to see what they missed by checking the class website and calling three study buddies, before asking the teacher. • When absent the student is expected make-up the classwork, homework, notes, or any other information they missed. Absences do not excuse missed work. If it is an excused absence, the student will have the number of days they were absent to make up the work they missed. The student must write ABSENT at the top of their paper in order to get credit. If the absence is not excused the student will receive a zero for all work they missed. • The student is expected to make up any tests or quizzes when they come back to school.

  10. Expectation #8Late Work • Late work is accepted but will only be given a maximum of ¾ credit (75%) for the assignment if turned in the next day. The student must write LATE at the top of the paper in order to get credit. The student must also attach a late slip to the front of the assignment. Anything more than a day late will be given a zero. Please write MORE THAN ONE DAY LATE at the top of the assignment. • Turn in all “missing” assignments to improve work habits. • Never turn in late/absent work into a substitute.

  11. Expectation #9Late Work • Any paper turned into the late/absent pile with the ABSENT and/or LATE note at the top will be considered a zero. • All “no name” papers will be considered a missing assignment and a zero.

  12. Expectation #10Write Neatly • The student is expected to write neatly. Illegible or sloppy work will not be graded.

  13. Portola Website • You can check your homework for your classes online at www.portolams.org • .org NOT .com • Portola Middle School = portolams • Click on Teachers • Find me (Mrs. Jennifer Steel Geidel) • Click on our class for the homework.

  14. Grading Website • www.snapgrades.net • You and your parents will get a user name and password. • You and your parents can check your grades at any time. I update my grades frequently. • I will e-mail you and your parents your grades every 5 weeks. If your parents do not have an e-mail and you are struggling, then I will print it out for them and you will have to get it signed by them and turned into me the next day.

  15. Math Website • www.aleks.com • ALEKS is an internet based program where you do math online. You get your own user name and password. You will work in the computer lab once a week. You are required to do three hours a week of ALEKS (the three hours includes the one hour a week in the computer lab).

  16. Grading Scale • A = 90.0% or above • B = 80.0% - 89.9% • C = 70.0% - 79.9% • D = 60.0% - 69.9% • F = 59.9% or below • If you are on the borderline of any of these grades, Mrs. Geidel will pick the higher grade if your have no missing assignments, are working hard, and have excellent behavior.

  17. Work Habits & Cooperation • E = Excellent (A) • S = Satisfactory (C) • U = Unsatisfactory (F) • Work habits is based on homework, classwork, and supplies, and agenda signed • Cooperation is based on behavior, absences, and tardies

  18. Hand Signal • “If you can hear me put one hand in the air. If you can see me put two hands in the air.” • This means: • Freeze • Eye contact • Nothing in your hands • Listen to the teacher

  19. Red Marks • No red marks = E in cooperation • 1 red mark = S in cooperation • 2 red marks = U in cooperation • To earn off a red mark you need to have two weeks of EXCELLENT behavior. • To earn off two red marks you need to have a month of EXCELLENT behavior. • Poor behavior will restart your days

  20. What do you do when you first walk in the door? • Come in quietly. • Get materials out. Sharpen pencils. • Pull out your homework and any late/absent work. • Write the agenda. • Begin the warm-up. • Start your homework if there is nothing more for you to do.

  21. Agenda Book • You need to write the agenda everyday. The T.A.’s will not sign it unless it has been written in the first few minutes of class. • You need to get a parent signature at least once a week. • Agenda check every Friday • If you are absent you must write the agenda that you missed. Absent does NOT mean excused.

  22. Homework Policy • Homework is turned in at the beginning of class. The collector will collect the homework, check all headings, and tell me who did not do their homework. • Homework is always due the next day unless told otherwise. • Homework can be turned in one day late for 75% credit if the student writes LATE at the top of the paper and a late slip is attached to the top of the assignment. • If homework is turned in more than one day late, the student will receive a zero for the assignment and must write MORE THAN ONE DAY LATE at the top of the paper. No exceptions.

  23. Heading • What is a heading? • Last, First Name • Subject, period ___ • Date • Your heading should be in the top middle of the page • You will lose a point for each thing you are missing (-1 no last name, -1 no period, -1 no date, etc.)

  24. Math Answer Column • You MUST have an answer column for each math homework assignment. You will lose 5 points each time you “forget” to do an answer column. • ALL work must be shown on the left side of the page. • You will also box your answer on the left side of the page (not in the answer column) • Yes, you will have your answer in two places, on the left side of the page AND in the answer column

  25. Appropriate Clothing • If you are not in appropriate clothing you will either call your parents to bring you a change of clothes, or you will change into your P.E. clothes. • Appropriate clothing: • No solid white shirts (they need a logo on them) • Girls skirts and shorts need to be past fingertips when hands are at their sides • All shirts must have a sleeve (no tank tops/spaghetti straps) • Boys – pull up your pants – no underwear showing • Closed-toe shoes only

  26. School Etiquette • No cussing on campus • No running • No bullying • Hands off policy – do not touch anyone (even as a joke) • Treat people with respect • If you bump someone in the hall – say “excuse me, sorry” • Help someone who drops something

  27. Cell Phone Policy • Cell phones need to be turned off (not on vibrate) between the hours of 7:50 am and 3 pm. • If I hear it, it’s mine. • If I see it, it’s mine. • If your cell phone is confiscated, your parents need to pick it up in the attendance office. So keep it turned off.

  28. Gum Chewing • There is no chewing gum on campus. • Chewing gum will result in paper-pick-up or being sent to the dean.

  29. What is paper-pick-up? • Paper-pick-up is a consequence at Portola. When you get a paper-pick-up slip you are to find an adult supervisor (someone with a walkie-talkie) and give them your slip. They are to watch you pick up trash. After you finish, find that same person, have them sign the slip, and return it back to the teacher who assigned it to you.

  30. What is the deans office? • The deans office is where you go if: • You are disrespectful to a teacher or classmate (this will go on your permanent record) • You are a witness • You need write a complaint about someone bothering you

  31. No Food in Class • There is NO eating or drinking during class. • You may only bring regular water in a bottle. • No flavored water or vitamin water

  32. Illegal Items on Campus • Obviously, no weapons of any kind. • No Sharpie markers. • Sharpie Highlighters are ok  • No liquid white out • Tape white out ok 

  33. Books • You MUST bring your book & workbook to class everyday (unless I tell you otherwise). • I will give you class time to get started on your homework. If you do not have your book then you cannot get started. • You may not borrow a friends book. You must bring yours. Paper-pick-up will be given out if you “forget” your book/ workbook.

  34. Caught Being Good • A blue piece of paper that you turn into the main office in a big clear box. • Write your name, your homeroom number, and the date (in pen) on the caught being good and turn it in. • You can earn a caught being good when you are one of the first few quiet people to be in class and writing the agenda

  35. When my door is shut… • If my lights are off, I am not here or I am hiding.  • If there is a sign on my door, read it and do what it says. • The “I will be back in 5 min” sign means I am doing an errand and will be back soon. • The “Please do NOT knock, Mrs. Geidel is busy” sign means DO NOT KNOCK. • You may only knock if… • You left something in here (i.e. backpack, binder, etc.) • It is an emergency (i.e. fight, you are scared, etc.)

  36. Bathroom Policy • I will give you 3 extra credit bathroom passes each semester. You can choose to turn them in at the end of the year for 10 points extra credit points each or you may choose to use them as a pass.

  37. Tardy Lock Out • Tardy lock outs are when all teachers shut their door as soon as the bell rings. All tardy students must gather together with the principal, vice principals, deans, and school police. • You will get a zero on all work that day • Any homework due receives a zero • Any tests/quizzes receive a zero

  38. Classroom • Look around the room. What do you see? • Where is the math agenda? • Where is the science agenda? • Where is my agenda book? • Where is the calendar? • Where is the sink? • How many pencil sharpeners are there? • When should you sharpen your pencil?

  39. Classroom • Look around the room. What do you see? • Where is the clock? • Where is the bell schedule? • How many trash cans are there? • How many recycle bins are there? • What can you recycle? • Where does your work get posted when you get a good grade?

  40. Pull out your map • Where is the main office? • Why would you go there? • Where is the nurse’s office? • Where is the counseling office? • Why would you go there?

  41. Pull out your map • Where is the dean’s office? • Why would you go there? • Where is the gifted/honors coordinators office? • Why would you go there? • Where is the student store? • Why would you go there?

  42. Pull out your map • Where is the cafeteria? • Where is the 8th grade lawn? • Are 6th graders allowed on it? • Where is the 8th grade stage? • Why would you go there?

  43. Pull out your map • Where is the library? • When is it open? • Where is the textbook room? • Why would you go there? • Where is the MPR? • Why would you go there?

  44. Pull out your map • How many bathrooms are there for boys? • How many bathrooms are there for girls? • Where is the girl’s locker room for P.E.? • Where is the boy’s locker room for P.E.?

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