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Central European Monarchs Clash

Central European Monarchs Clash. Social Studies LLD IV Mr. Pinto 9/24/13. Peace of Augsburg (1555). German princes agreed to allow either Lutheran or Catholic church in their lands Peace did not last Lutherans joined together in the Protestant Union

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Central European Monarchs Clash

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  1. Central European Monarchs Clash Social Studies LLD IV Mr. Pinto 9/24/13

  2. Peace of Augsburg (1555) • German princes agreed to allow either Lutheran or Catholic church in their lands • Peace did not last • Lutherans joined together in the Protestant Union • Catholic princes formed the Catholic league

  3. The Thirty Years’ War • 1618, Ferdinand II (Catholic) closed Protestant churches in Bohemia • Ferdinand sent an army to crush the rebellion • Protestant princes revolted • The war was a conflict over religion and territory

  4. Spanish and Austrian Hapsburgs Hapsburg Triumphs Hapsburg Defeats 1630-1648 Swedish army shifted the tide of war Drove Hapsburgs out of northern Germany France aided German and Swedish armies to defeat the Hapsburgs • 1618-1630 • Hapsburgs crush Czech uprising • Defeated German Protestants • Army of 125,000 men received money from looting and plunder • Army destroyed everything in its path

  5. Peace of Westphalia (1648) • Weakened the Hapsburg states of Spain and Austria • Strengthened France • Made German princes independent of the Holy Roman Emperor • Ended religious wars in Europe. Made sure no Catholic empire would rule Europe. • Introduced a new method of peace negotiation whereby all participants met to settle the problems of the war and decide terms of peace. (Still used today)

  6. Austria and Prussia Grow Strong Austria Prussia Frederick William built a standing army of 80,000 Permanent taxation paid for the army Gave nobles the right to be officers in the army Religious toleration • Wiped out Protestantism in Bohemia • Created a nobility who supported Austria • Took Hungary from the Ottoman Empire • Controlled Czechs, Hungarians, Italians, Croatians and Germans

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