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Research in Action: Rebecca Meikel

Research in Action: Rebecca Meikel. CSU Writing Project Summer 2011. The Context. Colorado is considered a destination state for English language learners. over 200% growth since 1992 in the number of English language learners in our state.

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Research in Action: Rebecca Meikel

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  1. Research in Action: Rebecca Meikel CSU Writing Project Summer 2011

  2. The Context • Colorado is considered a destination state for English language learners. • over 200% growth since 1992 in the number of English language learners in our state. • Colorado is one of the 7 states that has Limited English Proficient population of greater than 100,000.

  3. Nationwide • The increase in enrollment in schools nationwide is around 20%, yet the increase is enrollment for ELL learners nationwide is 140%

  4. Graduation Rates • Average graduation rate in Colorado is 74% • ELL graduation rate – 66 % • Migrant graduation rate – 71% • The graduation rate for Hispanic students is 57%

  5. In Poudre School District • According to www.schoolview.org, in the area of writing, PSD is approaching it’s growth goals for the populations of EL learners, minorities and economically disadvantaged students. • The level of poverty in the district has increased from 20.61% to 26.69% over the last five years. • Achievement data also suggests the district currently has a district-wide achievement gap and lower levels of academic growth among students of poverty and Latino students greater than that of other comparable districts (CADI Report)

  6. So what? • The ELL students in my classrooms lack the vocabulary to explain their thinking in English. • In spite of the opportunities to converse with native language support, writing lacks depth. It lacks voice. It is flat. It becomes formulaic. • Students feel frustrated because they feel they just “can’t write!”

  7. Research Question How will strategic pre-writing activities improve the writing of English Language learners and Native English speakers with low vocabulary skills?

  8. Questions • What are some authentic pre-writing activities that produce language? How do these language generating activities transfer into written form?

  9. Questions • How can I use the physical and digital spaces in my classroom to promote language development?

  10. Questions? • What tools are my students using to scaffold language when they are unclear?

  11. Questions • How will I inspire the student’s voice to emerge in writing when English isn’t their first language?

  12. What research is out there? Articles Suggestions from other teachers Blogs Podcasts

  13. Timeline

  14. Sharing

  15. Sources for those Stats • Colorado Department of Education. (1998-2008). Language, Culture and Equity. Retrieved from http://www.cde.state.co.us/cde_english/index.htm •  United States Government. (n.d.). 2000 Census . Retrieved from http://www.census.gov/ • Center for Applied Linguistics. (n.d.). English Language Learners. Retrieved from http://www.cal.org/topics/ell • Colorado Education Association . (2008, June). ELLs in the US and Colorado [PowerPoint slides]. http://www.coloradoea.org.

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