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This tutorial provides an overview of SQL, covering topics such as data definition, data manipulation, string operations, nulls, selecting expressions, eliminating duplicates, and aggregation functions.
Information Resources Management February 27, 2001
Agenda • Administrivia • Exam • SQL Part 1 • Homework #5
Administrivia • Homework #4
Exam • Results • Review
SQLStructured Query Language • The standard relational database language • Two Parts • DDL - Data Definition Language • DML - Data Manipulation Language
SQL - DDL • Data Definition: Define schemas, delete relations, create indices, modify schemas • View Definition • Authorization • Integrity
SQL - DML • Select, Insert, Modify, Delete Tuples • Interactive • Embedded • Transaction Control
SQL - DML • SELECT • Single table • Multiple tables • INSERT • UPDATE • DELETE
SELECT SELECT attributes FROM table(s) WHERE conditions Result is a relation/table
SELECT Example • List all information in the Office table SELECT * FROM Office
SELECT Example • List all offices in New York state SELECT * FROM Office WHERE State = ‘NY’
SELECT Example • List owners with at least 75% of some property SELECT * FROM PctOwned WHERE PctOwned >= 75
Select Example • List all offices in Springfield, IL
Select Example • List all offices in Springfield, IL SELECT * FROM Office WHERE City = ‘Springfield’ AND State = ‘IL’
Select Example • List all properties listed by office 100 or 150
Select Example • List all properties listed by office 100 or 150 SELECT * FROM Property WHERE OfficeNbr = 100 OR OfficeNbr = 150
Select Example • List the office number and phone number for all offices in New York
Select Example • List the office number and phone number for all offices in New York SELECT OfficeNbr, PhoneNbr FROM Office WHERE State = ‘NY’
String Operations - LIKE • % - match any substring (*) • __ - match any character (?) SELECT EmpID, Name FROM Employee WHERE Name LIKE ‘Tom%’
LIKE Examples • List all properties whose description includes a fireplace
LIKE Examples • List all properties whose description includes a fireplace SELECT * FROM Property WHERE Description LIKE ‘%fireplace%’
LIKE Examples • List all employees whose name is Rita and whose last name is 4 characters long
LIKE Examples • List all employees whose name is Rita and whose last name is 4 characters long SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Name LIKE ‘Rita _ _ _ _’
LIKE Examples • List all employees whose name is Rita and whose last name is at least 4 characters long
LIKE Examples • List all employees whose name is Rita and whose last name is at least 4 characters long SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Name LIKE ‘Rita _ _ _ _%’
Nulls • An attribute that does not have any value is assigned a value of NULL • not the same as zero • not the same as empty string • indicates no or unknown value
Testing for Nulls • WHERE attribute IS NULL • WHERE attribute IS NOT NULL
Selecting Expressions • A mathematical expression can be selected instead of an attribute SELECT col1, col2*col3, col4+100 FROM table WHERE conditions
Expressions Example • Assuming 5% commission, give the address and potential commission for all Erie properties SELECT address, price*0.05 FROM property WHERE city=‘Erie’ AND state = ‘PA’
Selecting Expressions - 2 • Selected expressions can be given a name using AS SELECT col1, col2*col3 AS newname FROM table WHERE conditions
Expressions Example - 2 • Assuming 5% commission, give the address and potential commission for all Erie properties SELECT address, price*0.05 AS comm FROM property WHERE city=‘Erie’ AND state = ‘PA’
Renaming with AS • Can also use AS in FROM • SELECT * FROM somelongtbl AS A • rename table • useful with multiple tables
Eliminating Duplicates • SELECT DISTINCT … • Entire tuple must be the same to be eliminated as a duplicate
Specifying the Order • SELECT … ORDER BY attribute(s) • SELECT … ORDER BY attrib ASC, attrib DESC • attributes must be SELECTed
Order & Duplicate Example • List all office numbers for offices with employees; sort by office number SELECT DISTINCT OfficeNbr FROM Employee ORDER BY OfficeNbr
Order & Duplicate Example • List the name, city, and state for all owners that own at least 50% of a property; sort by state (descending) and city
Order & Duplicate Example • List the name, city, and state for all owners that own at least 50% of a property; sort by state (descending) and city SELECT DISTINCT Name, City, State FROM Owner AS O, PctOwned AS P WHERE O.OwnerSSN = P.OwnerSSN AND PctOwned >= 50 ORDER BY State DESC, City
Set Operations • UNION () • INTERSECT () • EXCEPT (-) • Add ALL to keep duplicates
Aggregation Functions • AVG • MIN • MAX • SUM • COUNT
Aggregation Examples • How many employees work at office 200? SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Employee WHERE OfficeNbr = 200
Aggregation Examples • What is the average price of the listings for office 225?
Aggregation Examples • What is the average price of the listings for office 225? SELECT AVG(Price) FROM Property WHERE OfficeNbr = 225
GROUP BY & HAVING SELECT attributes, aggregation(attributes) FROM table WHERE conditions GROUP BY attributes HAVING condition • HAVING only applies to each group (optional)
GROUP BY Example • What is the average price of a listing for each office? SELECT OfficeNbr, AVG(Price) FROM Property GROUP BY OfficeNbr
GROUP BY Example • For offices with more than 100 listings, what is the total value of each office’s listings?
GROUP BY Example • For offices with more than 100 listings, what is the total value of each office’s listings? SELECT OfficeNbr, SUM(Price) FROM Property GROUP BY OfficeNbr HAVING COUNT(PropertyID) > 100
Cartesian Product Example • List the names of all employees who work in offices in PA SELECT name FROM Employee, Office WHERE state = ‘PA’