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NONWOVEN SURGICAL DRESSINGS. Presentation By: Dr. I P Singh HOD - Surgery Jagpravesh Hospital, Delhi. Overview. Medical textiles Surgical dressings Considerations of Surgical dressings Advantages of Nonwoven dressings Summary. Medical Textiles.

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  1. NONWOVEN SURGICAL DRESSINGS Presentation By: Dr. I P Singh HOD - Surgery Jagpravesh Hospital, Delhi

  2. Overview • Medical textiles • Surgical dressings • Considerations of Surgical dressings • Advantages of Nonwoven dressings • Summary

  3. Medical Textiles • Medical textiles is an emerging sector of technical textiles industry and its growth is fuelled due to constant improvements in healthcare as well as innovations in the textile field. • The use of textile materials for medical and healthcare products can be classified into following main areas – - Barrier material (for infection control) - Bandaging & pressure garment - Wound care material - Hygiene material - Implantable material (sutures, art. Joints etc) - Extra Corporal devices (like art. Kidney etc)

  4. Medical Textiles • Requirements of textile material for medical applications • Biocompatible • Good resistance to alkalis, acids and micro-organisms • Good dimensional stability • Elasticity • Free from contamination or impurities • Absorption / Repellency • Air permeability.

  5. Surgical dressings • A dressing is intended to provide protection to the wound from external factors and supports healing process. • dressings are classified into two types, namely, • primary dressing, which is in contact with damaged tissue , and • secondary dressing that is superimposed over the primary dressing to place the later in position over the wound safely

  6. Primary considerations – a dressing should absorb excess exudates (thick body excreation) and at the same time should not make wound completely dry thus it maintains humidity at wound-dressing interface. maintain the body temperature permit to allow gaseous exchange to take place such as moisture vapour, oxygen and carbon dioxide. inhibits admission of micro-organisms to prevent and control infection. leave no residue or toxic contaminants. allow easy application and removal Surgical dressings

  7. Secondary considerations – a dressing should Allow minimum frequency of dressing change and simplifying the treatment procedure. Compatible to the wound Cost effective Made from non-allergenic materials and be sterile Friengdly to the skin and remain on the wound Possess cosmetic appearance Surgical dressings

  8. Surgical dressings • Limitations of gauze (woven) dressing • Quick saturation to wound exudate • Dries and sticks to the wound • Causes severe trauma on dressing removal • Causes exudate to dry quickly by evaporation resulting in drying of wounds • Fabric structure is permeable to bacteria • Requires several layers of fabric and makes the treatment appear bulky • If left on wound for longer periods the gauze sticks to the wound bed. While removing the dressing, it takes up the new tissue causing severe pain and deteriorates wound healing

  9. Surgical dressings • Limitations of gauze (woven) dressing (contd.) • Poor in retaining (fluid holding) wound fluids • It sheds loose fibres on the wound bed • Requires frequent dressing change • If dressing not cut according to shape, the gauze along with exudate causes the surrounding skin maceration • Clinical limitations • Wound dehydration • Hindering new cell growth • Destruction of new tissue, which results in formation of crust

  10. Surgical dressings Advantages of Nonwoven Dressing Over Gauze (Woven) dressing Nonwoven dressings overcome the limitations of Gauze (Woven) dressings due to following properties– • Higher absorbency rate and water holding capacity • Better wicking rate • Distributed fibre mass retains wound fluid, and also avoids drying of wound by reducing evaporation • No sizing (starch), de-sizing (starch removal) and bleaching chemicals are used in manufacturing of Nonwoven (spunlace) fabric • Soft feel

  11. Surgical dressings Advantages of Nonwoven Dressing Over Gauze (Woven) dressing Contd. • Clean room production environment avoids chances of contamination • Reduced frequency of dressing change • Mass of fibres does not gets trapped in the wound, thus avoiding removal of newly built tissues during change of dressing • Lower loose end shedding • Better protection from micro-organisms and infection due to even Spacing of air gaps in nonwoven gauze against loose structure of woven gauze

  12. Surgical dressings SUMMARY • Spunlace nonwoven possess better absorption characteristics and wicking properties than woven materials • Nonwoven fabrics do not have problem of loose threads coming out during usage • Spunlace nonwoven are non-adherent to wounds • Spunlace nonwoven gauze (5”X5” swabs) was used for dental surgeries, and encouraging results observed against woven dressings • Spunlace nonwoven is providing better alternative to woven gauze material for infection control and to support wound healing.


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