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Learn how the Suffrage Movement fought for women's right to vote and the Social Welfare Progressivism focused on social reforms like child labor laws and public health.
The Suffrage Movement • Main Idea: Many Progressives joined the Suffrage Movement to gain women the right to vote in national elections. • Suffrage: the right to vote • Strategies for suffrage: • National Women’s Suffrage Assoc. wanted to focus on a Constitutional amendment • American Women’s Suffrage Assoc. wanted to work to convince stage governments to pass suffrage laws
The Suffrage Movement • Reasons for the right to vote: • Middle-class women felt they needed the right to vote to promote the social reforms they favored. • Working-class women felt they needed the right to vote to ensure the passage of labor laws protecting workers.
The Suffrage Movement • The 19th amendment was ratified August 26, 1920. • Susan B. Anthony’s greatest contributions: • Co-founder of the National Woman Suffrage Association • Illegally voted in the Presidential election of 1872. • Founder of the International Council of Women
Social Welfare Progressivism • Main Idea: Many Progressives focused on social welfare problems, such as child labor, public health, and prohibition. • Social issues focused on by social welfare progressives included: crime, illiteracy, alcohol abuse, child labor & the health and safety of Americans.
Social Welfare Progressivism • In 1900 there were 1.7 million children under 16 working outside the home. • The goal of the National Child Labor Committee was to abolish child labor. • State laws passed the following laws to protect child workers: • Minimum age for employment • Maximum hours children could work • Compulsory (mandatory) education
Social Welfare Progressivism • Health and safety codes passed at this time include: • Strict building codes dealing with fire hazards, unsafe machinery and working conditions • Workers’ compensation laws • Zoning laws to protect public • Building codes with standards for light, air, room size, sanitation and fire escapes • Health codes required restaurants and other facilities to maintain clean environments
Social Welfare Progressivism • Progressives believed alcohol was responsible for many problems in American life. • Temperance: the moderation or elimination of the use of alcohol • Prohibition: laws banning the manufacturing, sale and consumption of alcohol.
Progressives Versus Big Business • Main Idea: Another form of Progressivism focused on federal regulation of big business. • Two regulation ideas of the Progressives included: • Gov’t should break up the companies in order to restore competition • Creation of gov’t agencies to regulate big companies • Socialism: government should own and operate industry for the community as a whole.
Muckrakers Activity Political Cartoon Upton Sinclair excerpts and assignment
Excerpts from The Jungle by Upton Sinclair • You will be reading critically and looking for textual evidence to support each answer • Textual evidence is words or phrases from the reading that back up your answer to the question • WHY did you answer the question the way you did? • WHAT clues did you get from the text? • You will complete the assignment on your own paper. • Follow the directions on the assignment • Set the assignment up in the same format as the assignment sheet • One excerpt is from the handout and one excerpt is from the text book.
Example 1a. Jurgis believes it is his duty to provide for his family 1b. “As poor as they were, would he dare to refuse any sort of work that was offered him?...He was a man and he would do his duty;”