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ASEAN Regional Forum Meeting 28 – 30 April 2010 Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei

ASEAN Regional Forum Meeting 28 – 30 April 2010 Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei CERT- In’s Initiative on International Information Security Dr A S Kamble Director Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) Department of Information Technology

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ASEAN Regional Forum Meeting 28 – 30 April 2010 Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ASEAN Regional Forum Meeting 28 – 30 April 2010 Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei CERT-In’s Initiative on International Information Security Dr A S Kamble Director Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) Department of Information Technology Min. of Communications & IT, Govt. of India New Delhi Email : ask@mit.gov.in, askamble@cert-in.org.in

  2. Mission: ‘Alert, Advice and Assurance’ CERT-In: Mission and Mandate ‘Ensure security of cyber space in the country’ by ‘Enhancing the security of communications andInformation infrastructure’ through ‘Proactive action andeffective collaboration aimed atsecurity incident prevention, prediction, response & recovery and security assurance’ 2

  3. CERT-In: Legal Status CERT-In derives its authority from Section70B of Indian IT Act Amendments (2008). Section 70B: Designates CERT-In as the National nodal agency to carry out all activities related to cyber security and emergency response. In discharge of its functions, CERT-In is empowered to call for information and give direction to service providers, intermediaries, data centres, body corporate & any other person. Any failure to comply with its request or directions is liable for punishment as provided in the amended Act. 3

  4. CERT-In Partners & Stakeholders ISPs Key Networks Sectoral CERTs CSIRTs Vendors Law Enforcement Agencies CERT-In Media Small and Home Users International CERTs APCERT FIRST -- Government Sector - Critical information Infrastructure - Corporate Sector CERT-In is the nodal agency to coordinate all cyber security related matters in India 4

  5. Analysis Detection Dissemination & Support Department of Information Technology ISP Hot Liners Major ISPs Private Sectors Foreign partners Home Users Analysis Press & TV / Radio Detect Dissemination Recovery CERT-In Work Process 5

  6. International Security Cooperation and Collaboration • International Cooperation • Member of FIRST • Member of APCERT • Research Partner of APWG • Bilateral MoUs with JPCERT; NCSC,Korea;KrCERT(proposed) • National Computer Board (NCB), Mauritius • Members of CERT-In visited Mauritius for setting up of CERT-MU in Mauritius • Provided training on CERT operations to technical staff of CERT-Mauritius • CERT-MU has been operationalised and launched in May 2008 6

  7. International Security Cooperation and Collaboration contd.. • Collaboration with international security organizations and CERTs to facilitate exchange of information related to latest threats and international best practices • Organized and hosted ARF Workshop on “Cyber Security” in New Delhi during 6th – 8th September 2006 • 20 ARF countries and representatives of ASEAN Secretariat and private sectors participated in the workshop – 58 delegates • Organized Workshop on “Information Systems Security for System Administrators” of ASEAN countries, 28-30 August 2006, Manesar, India • 21 System administrators attended the workshop • Provided Hand-on practical training during the workshop • Participated along with other International CERTs in resolving Estonia Govt. Website attack.

  8. Focus of CERT-In activities • CERT-In as a National ‘watch and warning’ system primarily focuses on the following: • Monitoring the cyber space for timely forecasts, alerts & advice on cyber security incidents • Coordination of cyber security crisis management & emergency response actions across all sectors in the country • Focal point for collection, analysis, dissemination and sharing of information on cyber security issues and incidents • Security policy compliance and enforcement within Govt. and Critical sectors • Capacity building in terms of manpower, skills, facilities, tools and techniques • Cyber security surveys, guidelines, standards and white papers 8

  9. International Cyber Security Drill Joint International Incident Handling Coordination Drill • Participated in APCERT InternationalIncident Handling Drill 2006 • Participants: 13 APCERT Members and New Zealand, Vietnam including 5 major Korean ISPs • Scenario: Countermeasure against Malicious Code and relevant infringement as DDoS attack • Participated in APCERT International Incident Handling Drill 2007 • Participants: 13 APCERT Members + Korean ISPs • Scenario: DDoS and Malicious Code Injection • Participated in APCERT International Incident Handling Drill 2008 & 2009 • Participants: 13 APCERT Members • Scenario: Dealing with Underground Economy & Malware propagation 9

  10. Thank you 10

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