The 7th consecutive Picacho Peak Hillclimb was once again held under blue skies amidst the stunning scenery of Picacho Peak State Park. The Saturday fun run went to Ken Petrick's collection and the excellent Franklin Museum. On Sunday the hills were alive with the sound of roaring engines as we all had fun on the 15% hill. Art Moore in his speedster was King of the Hill at 8.997 secs and Chuck Adlesman won the furthest travelled award having driven his Town Sedan from Minnesota. Bob Dawson brought his A400 from Montana and Ron Kelly came from Royce City, TX with his not-quite-pristine but potent Roadster Pick Up. We were also well supported as usual by the 4 ever 4 boys from California. Event Chair & Webmaster - Fred Secker :-fred at secker.uk.net