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Results of Survey on Assaults Croke Park Saturday 8 th December 2012 Deirbhile Nic Craith

Results of Survey on Assaults Croke Park Saturday 8 th December 2012 Deirbhile Nic Craith Senior Official. Consultation Process. Questionnaires to Principals (1,077) Total responses 552 (50%) All Principals of Special Schools & High Support Schools (11% of responses)

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Results of Survey on Assaults Croke Park Saturday 8 th December 2012 Deirbhile Nic Craith

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  1. Results of Survey on Assaults Croke Park Saturday 8th December 2012 Deirbhile Nic Craith Senior Official

  2. Consultation Process Questionnaires to Principals (1,077) • Total responses 552 (50%) • All Principals of Special Schools & High Support Schools (11% of responses) • All Principals of Mainstream Schools with Special Classes (28% of responses) • Random Selection of remaining schools (61% of responses)

  3. Consultation Process Questionnaires to Teachers • Random selection of 1,000 teachers (3%) • 272 responses Profile of respondents 27% (78% female & 22% male) 82.5% mainstream 12.5% mainstream with special class(es) 5.5% special school

  4. Guidelines • One third of schools have guidelines re preventing assaults (33%) • Almost one third have guidelines re dealing with assaults (31% PO & 31% T) • Mostly developed at school level (92%) • Almost one in three teachers say guidelines are not adequate (27%) • National Guidelines 96% re preventing assaults 97% re dealing with assaults

  5. Prevalence of assaults by pupils in last 5 years

  6. Trends

  7. Prevalence of Assaults on Principals • 20% of principals experienced physical assault • 54% of principals experienced verbal assault

  8. Prevalence of Assaults on Teachers • 18% of teachers experienced physical assault • 39% of teacher experienced verbal assault

  9. Impact of assaults

  10. Impact • I have also had many sleepless night following verbal assaults from parents. • While we haven’t been absent, we have been very upset for a time after each assault which would have affected the quality of teaching. • Staff regularly put up with more than should be expected of anyone. (Special School)

  11. Course of Action

  12. Reasons for Assaults • Cultural / Societal • Environmental • Special Needs

  13. Cultural / Societal • Very young children have little concept of the word ‘no’ … very spoilt and feel they are in charge … (PO) • Anti-public service propaganda in the media has brought about a huge increase in verbal assaults • Because children have to be listened to teachers have lost their right to a good name • Assumption that child is always right on behalf of parents is most upsetting

  14. Environmental • A few dysfunctional families can cause a huge amount of upset and fear in a community and create dangerous situations for school staff and for the other students • it part of a routine of working in older classes in DEIS

  15. Special Needs • The term ‘assault’ is a very broad one and suggests intent which I am not comfortable with in the context of a special school like ours. • Some children with ASD have difficulties with aggressive behaviour. • We tend to see it as their inability to express themselves in a more appropriate manner rather than having intent to cause harm.

  16. Professional Development & Training • 12% of principals have received CPD Teachers Physical restraint techniques 5% Preventing assaults 5% Handling Challenging Behaviour 50%

  17. Recommendations • Training in conflict resolution would be a major step towards the prevention of assaults • Building a really inclusive, accepting school climate focussed on abilities rather than deficits can do more to build harmony and decrease confrontation than any national directives will achieve • Zero tolerance

  18. Recommendations • Mandatory entitlement to period of leave for any teacher assaulted at work • A helpline would be as beneficial as training • A culture of (mutual) respect helps.

  19. Conclusion • Thanks to all Principals and Teachers who completed questionnaires • Additional analysis of findings. • Comprehensive Report of findings • Support the preparation of guidelines

  20. Physical Restraint • Used by 17% of schools (42% of special schools)

  21. Prevalence of assaults by others

  22. Cultural / Societal • Nationally, manners and respect not what it used to be! • Infant children having a tantrum can sometimes lash out

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