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Time Period Review #2 1815 - 1939. Cotton Lords, steam engine, and the growth of this social class are part of this movement. Time Period? These “belts” crisscrossed this continent and led to the _____ war and the _______ crisis. Time Period?
Cotton Lords, steam engine, and the growth of this social class are part of this movement. Time Period? • These “belts” crisscrossed this continent and led to the _____ war and the _______ crisis. Time Period? • “_________ on credit”, and the closing of _____, were two of the leading causes of the ________ collapse. Time Period? • The sinking of the _______ and the _______ telegram helped draw this country into ______. • Kaiser William II dismissed _________ after his failed battles with the _________ and the Catholics. Time Period? • When the _______ of the proletariat became permanent it was no longer Marxism but ___________. Time Period? • The Archduke of _____-_______ was assassinated in _____ leading to an ultimatum by ______-______ to _______ and a “______ _______” from Germany to _____-______. Time Period?
Italy, Germany, and Austria-Hungary were part of the _______ alliance, while the Triple ______ was made up of Russia, ______, and England. Time Period? • Engels and ______ wrote “__ _______ _______” for the 1st _________. The purpose of the 2nd _______ was to create _________ parties in every country. Division of the Socialist Parties: _______( “bloody” revolution) and ________ (work through the ________) Time Period? • The _____ valley incident started when Germany refused to pay _______ to France. The _____ plan gave loans to _____ so they could pay _______ to France. Time Period? • ________ ‘s fourteen pts. Were designed to create a ______ ______ with the formation of a _____ __ _____, dis________, freedom of the _____, and national _____ _________. • In the late 19th century and the early 20th century Pavlov gave us _______ Conditioning, the “pea pod” man ______ gave us the science of ________.
Hobson and Lenin gave us the ______ theory of ________ while Chamberlain gave the British the idea of a self ______ and self ________ empire. “The sun ____ ____ __ __ ____ ______” defined England under the reign of Queen _______. “White _____ ______”. Time Period? • Persia throws off the _____ __ ______ by the British in the south and the ______ _____ in the north and takes the new title of _______. Time Period? • In 1917 the ________ revolution began with the overthrow of Czar ________ and set up of a _______ government which made the critical mistake of ___________________ which will allow _____, _____, and ______ to come in and unite with the Petrograd ______ and promise the people: _____, ______, and _______. Bolsheviks become _______.
Imperialism in Asia usually took the form of ____ __ _____. The T_______ rebellion, the B_______ rebellion and the O____ war were all incidents in _______ . • The second phase of industrialization saw the development of vertical and horizontal _________ and limited _______ corporations. • On the home front: ______ working, P_______ economy, ________ nationalism, p______, c________, and “war” _______. • The rise of _______ in Germany: ____ ____ putch, “____ _____” (Nazi Bible), _________ Laws (anti _______). • The Corn Laws led to the _______ massacre which led to the _____ acts. The repeal of the Corn Laws signaled a shift in power from the ________ to the ________. In England – the C_________ wanted democratic principles and socialist reforms.
A _______ state could also be called a ______ democracy because the government is taking care of the problems that are a direct result of __________ and the industrial revolution. Time period? • Dr. _________ went to _____ for humanitarian reasons. ________, a journalist went to find him and he joins with Leopold II of ________ in starting the __________ of Africa. Time Period? • Sun Yat-sen, after seeking help from ________ leads the ________ and overthrows the military dictatorship in ______. Sun dies and is replaced by Chiang Kai-shek who then battles with the communists led by _____ ______. • M_______, C_______ and Garibaldi were all involved in the unification of ________. Time Period? • B________ leads Prussia through these two wars to unify _____. This new empire is declared in the palace of ______.
In 1005 “______” Sunday led to the _______ Manifesto which created a _____ that was supposed to write a __________. Time Period? • Marne, Verdum, & Somme were _______ of ______. • ___________ Treaty: Loss of _________, _____, and Saar ____ ____, demilitarization of the _________, and the creation of the _______ __ ______ that will be ineffective because the ______ ______ and _______ are not allowed to join and the ____ _____ chooses not to join when they refuse to sign the treaty. • Two ways to fight the Great Depression: England chose _________ and the U.S. chose ______ _______ which will lead to _____. Time Period? • New “philosophies” (isms): N______, S_______, M_______, L_________, R_________. Time Period?