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Nuclear Physics in Medicine Chapter: Medical Imaging NuPECC liaisons

Delve into the state-of-the-art techniques in medical imaging such as PET/SPECT/MRI and explore new prospects and challenges facing multimodality approaches. Learn about software reconstruction, photon counting advancements, and the interface between medical imaging and hadrontherapy. This chapter discusses the future of detector design and the integration of medical imaging with mass spectrometry.

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Nuclear Physics in Medicine Chapter: Medical Imaging NuPECC liaisons

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  1. Nuclear Physics in Medicine Chapter: Medical Imaging NuPECC liaisons Alexander Murphy and Faiçal Azaiez Conveners Jose Manuel Udias and David Brasse

  2. Table of Content First part: State of the art 1 - PET/SPECT/MRI 2 - Preclinical instrumentation Second part: prospects/challenges 3 - New challenges in multimodality imaging 4 - New challenges in detector design 5 - Software: reconstruction and simulation 6 - Photon counting: towards spectral CT 7 - Interface between medical imaging and hadrontherapy 8 - Interface between medical imaging and mass spectrometry

  3. « State-of-the-art » Part PET/SPECT (Peter Dendooven ) Mainly to introduce the chapter at the clinical level Positron Emission Tomography Stand-alone, Multimodality PET/CT, PET/MR Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography Preclinical Instrumentation (Alberto Del Guerra) Presentation of the different technologies PET/SPECT/CT MRI and PET/MR (to be written yet) Multimodality approaches

  4. « Prospects/Challenges » Part New Challenges in Multimodality Imaging (Ian Lazarus) PET and SPECT combined to MRI Take advantage of TOF PET in MRI New Challenges in Detector Design (Piergiorgio Cerello, Peter Thirolf) Detector module component scintillators, photodetector, front-end electronics One example of new concept challenging the detector design 3 gammas imaging (link to radionuclide chapter)

  5. Software: Reconstruction and Simulation (M. Rafecas, I. Torres-Espallardo, P. Solevi and J. F. Oliver ) Image Reconstruction (system matrix, TOF…) Acceleration procedure (algorithm, hardware) Quantification Simulation Photon Counting: Towards Spectral CT (Christian Morel ) Detector design Introduction to spectral X-ray Prospects: detector and application (K-edge imaging…)

  6. Interface with Hadrontherapy (M. Priegnitz, W. Enghardt, F. Fiedler ) Imaging systems for quality control Positron Emission Tomography Prompt gamma ray Charged particle Imaging Proton CT Interface with Mass Spectrometry (Christoph Scheidenberger ) Introduction to Mass spectrometry Technics for biomedical applications Some applications

  7. More editing work has to be done to improve the homogeneity of the chapter • About 20,000 words of content at present, too short / long? • Some remaining questions: • Font type and size ? • Format of the references in the text ? • Should we put the list of references after each section or at the end of the chapter ? • Is there a limited number of references ? • Should we include the mass spectrometry in our chapter or is an interface chapter by itself ? • Should we introduce 3 gammas imaging as a separate section like “interface to radionuclide chapter ? • …

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