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Physics of Nuclear Energy at IN2P3 S. David CNRS/IN2P3 NuPECC IPHC Strasbourg March 14th 2014. Physics of Nuclear Energy. Interdisciplinarity. Scenarios studies. System studies. Nuclear physics. Nuclear data. Society. Nuclear models. Neutronic simulations. Targets.
Physics of NuclearEnergyat IN2P3 S. David CNRS/IN2P3 NuPECC IPHC Strasbourg March 14th 2014
Physics of NuclearEnergy Interdisciplinarity Scenarios studies System studies Nuclear physics Nuclear data Society Nuclearmodels Neutronic simulations Targets Experiment Experiment Evaluation Data libraries Radiochemistry
Nuclear data for reactors Main collaborations Facilities Neutron beams Chargedparticles Nuclearreators IN2P3 teams European programs NUDAME EUFRAT EFNUDAT E RINDA NUDATRA ANDES CHANDA
Nuclear data for reactors 10 MeV 1 GeV 1eV Thermal reactors Fast neutron reactors Accelerator-drivensubcriticalreactors N-TOF@CERN – continuous neutron source – time of flight GELINA (Geel) continuous – time of flight NFS@Ganil Neutron source Licorne@IPNO GSI Electromagnetic fission Indirect methods … Differentialcross-sections (fission, capture, (n,xn), (n,n’) Branching ration (fission products, beta decays, …) Integralmeasurements, Indirect methods, nuclearparameters (leveldensity, …)
238U(n,n’) libraries Nuclear data for reactors : focus on 238U(n,n’) • 238U(n,n‘) neutron inelasticscatering • Governs the slowing-down of the neutrons athighenergyjustafter the fission • Responsible of the slowing-down below the fission threshold of non-fissile nuclei • Impacts on delayed neutrons, void coefficient, neutron balance for breeding GRAPhEME@GELINA A strong collaboration theory/experimentisneeded to understand the discrepancybetweenmeasurement and experiment and to improve neutron libraries
CACAO : provides radioactive targets and targetcharacterization Needs for radioactive targets Needs for well characterized targets Inauguration: 2013, July 12th • Fabrication : electroplating • R&D: ionic liquid for O-free target • 252Cf and 231Pa target • Characterization : • R&D: C²ASCERA: multi-analysis chamber • coupling SEM and NRA analysis chemical and isotopicalanalysis Thinbacking (750 nm Al): 235,238U, 232Th target 235, 238U; = 70 mm backing: 20µm Al
Experimentalreactorphysics VENUS reator (SCK Mol) Fastspectrum, Lead, U metalenriched 30% ~0 power reactor Critical and subcriticalmode GENEPI-3C neutron source (IN2P3) Develop an experimentalmethod for the on-line measurement of the subcriticalitylevel 7
Experimentalreactorphysics Subcriticality system : a new way to makeexperimentalreactorphysics Time response to a pulsed neutron source atdifferent locations in the core GENEPI-3C neutron source : multiple modes for differentexperimentalmethods Standard methodused for criticalsystems Innovativemethod (IN2P3) beam
Simulation, Systems and Scenarios Detailedneutronic simulations Innovativemethods System studies Fuel evolution Safetyparameters Scenario studies Fissile inventories Impacts on fuel cycle Waste production • Exploringmid / long terminnovativestrategies • innovativecycles in « standard reactors » (water, sodium) • innovativesystemsreactors+cycle : ADS, Molten Salt reactor
Simulation SystemsScenarios Fromdetailedneutronic simulation …. to macroscopic scenario studies Impacts of breeding and transmutation on inducedradiotoxicity (waste and fuel) Sensitivity to nuclear data Impacts on fuel evolution, safetyparameters, … Fast sodium reactor / Uranium cycle fuel transmutation waste
Simulation SystemsScenarios Accelerator drivensystems Dedicated to waste transmutation Accelerator R&D (see J.S. Bousson) Molten Salt Reactor (MSFR) Liquid fuel, fluoride, thorium cycle On-line reprocessing Design studies, safetystudies Couplingneutronic / thermalhydraulic Proton beam Increasing the power of transmuter reducing the numer of reactorsdedicated to waste transmutation
NuclearPhysics Reactorphysics Exp. / Sim. What place for nuclear power in the future? Collaboration with Techno-economy , climatologists, … • Collaborations • Other CNRS instituts, NEEDS • CEA and French nuclearindustry • European programs • International collaborations Proliferationproblematics Use the neutrinos to measurewhathappens in the corefromoutside Opening to Interdisciplinarity Academixteaching : nuclearenergy, reactorphysics, nuclearwaste Expertise for society : parlementary office, french law on nuclearwaste, public debates, … Opening to Society