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Explore Washington's leadership, precedents set, and challenges faced during his presidency, shaping U.S. history.
SOL Quiz 11 George Washington
1. Why did the Constitution require that the United States conduct a national census? a. to determine the number of people in the country b. to determine the geographical dispersion of people in the nation c. to determine how many representatives each state would have in the House of Representatives d. to determine the ethnic composition of the United States Recognizing that the size and population of the United States would change over time, the framers stipulated that a new federal census would take place every 10 years. That way, the proportional representation of the House would represent the changing population of the country.
2. Several of Washington's actions or policies were later copied by other presidents. Such actions are called a. ex post facto rules b. precedents c. litigation d. filibusters Action or policies that become models for others to follow are called precedents. Washington established several. One was the formation of a group of advisers called the cabinet. Another was the establishment of executive privilege.
3. Washington's official advisers were called the a. National Security Council b. Federalists c. Cabinet d. Senate The cabinet was made up of the secretaries of the executive departments. Initially, these consisted of the Departments of State, Treasury, and War, and the Attorney General and Postmaster General.
4. Conflict over Hamilton's financial program was a step toward a. the rise of political parties b. the collapse in the American economy c. testing cases involving the constitutionality of judicial review d. the resignation of Hamilton as Secretary of Treasury Many people, including Thomas Jefferson, believed that Hamilton's financial program helped wealthier Americans at the expense of the rights of the common people and the states. To oppose Hamilton's programs, Jefferson and others organized into groups, both in Congress and throughout the nation. They called themselves Republicans, in contrast to Hamilton and his supporters, who called themselves Federalists.
5. Washington's actions toward which development most clearly showed the new government's capacity to enforce its laws? a. British impressment of American seamen b. French seizure of American ships c. the suppression of the Whiskey Rebellion d. illegal foreign occupation of parts of America's Northwest Territory Throughout the West, and especially in western Pennsylvania, farmers refused to pay a tax that Congress established on whiskey. In an effort to prove that the government could and would enforce its laws, Washington sent a large army into Pennsylvania to crush the Whiskey Rebellion.