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SOL Quiz 27

SOL Quiz 27. Medieval Period II. 1. The Wars of the Roses were fought between a. England and France b. the king and Parliament c. the nobles and the middle class d. rivals for the English throne.

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SOL Quiz 27

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  1. SOL Quiz 27 Medieval Period II

  2. 1. The Wars of the Roses were fought between a. England and France b. the king and Parliament c. the nobles and the middle class d. rivals for the English throne The Wars of the Roses were fought between rivals for the English throne. After the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453), rival groups led by descendants of the younger sons of Edward III engaged in a bloody and devastating civil war.

  3. 2. Joan of Arc is important in French history because she a. became the first female monarch of France b. led the fight against Protestantism in France c. called the first Estates General in France d. inspired French nationalism during the Hundred Years' War Joan of Arc inspired the French nationalism during the Hundred Years' War. Joan was a teenage peasant girl who appeared before Charles the Dauphin, heir to the French throne, in 1429. She claimed to have heard voices telling her to lead the French in an effort to drive the English out of her country.

  4. 3. The Estates General was a. the commander of French military forces during the Middle Ages b. an assembly that represented the three estates of France c. the highest court of medieval France d. a council that controlled the French Catholic Church The Estates General was an assembly that represented the three estates of France. The first estate was the clergy; the second was the nobility; and the third was the townspeople and peasants. It was first called by King Philip IV in 1302 to lend him support in his conflict with the papacy over the right to appoint bishops and tax the Church.

  5. 4. The Holy Roman Empire included most of modern a. Russia b. England c. Spain d. Germany The Holy Roman Empire included most of modern Germany. In the eastern portion of Charlemagne's empire, his heirs lost power to local nobles called dukes.

  6. 5. The Spanish monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella a. succeeded in unifying Spain under Christian rule b. supported the Protestant Reformation c. were defeated by the Muslims of North Africa d. promoted religious toleration Ferdinand and Isabella succeeded in unifying Spain under Christian rule. Queen Isabella of Castile married Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Aragon, in 1469. This marriage united most of Spain. They were able to increase the power of their state.

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