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HEASARC Overview

HEASARC is NASA's archive for X-ray and Gamma-ray data, providing online access to data from 25 missions in FITS format. Offering software, catalogues, and expertise for data interpretation and analysis. It supports missions like Swift, Suzaku, and more.

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HEASARC Overview

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  1. HEASARC Overview Nicholas White HEASARC Director NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Nicholas White

  2. HEASARC Overview NASA’s archive for X-ray and Gamma ray data • Established in Nov 1990 • First wavelength specific “active” archive • Partnership between GSFC and SAO (since 1999) • Contains data from 25 missions • All data in FITS format, along with associated software and calibrations • Provides the necessary scientific and technical expertise for the use and interpretation of the data • Develop/maintain multi-mission analysis/support tools • Immediate online access to all data, catalogs of observations and sources, data products, and raw data • Defines and coordinates data, software, and media standards Nicholas White

  3. HEASARC Charter • Maintain and disseminate data from previous and current high energy astrophysics missions • Provide software and data analysis support for these datasets • Maintain and provide the necessary scientific and technical expertise for the processing and interpretation of the data holding • Develop and maintain multi-mission analysis and support tools • Provide catalogs of observations and ancillary information for the data holdings • Coordinate data, software and media standards with other astrophysics sites • Support outreach in high-energy astrophysics Nicholas White

  4. Swift Suzaku Rossi XTE INTEGRAL Chandra XMM-Newton GLAST HEASARC Mission Support HEASARC provides the multi-mission infrastructure that is used by dedicated mission data centers (RXTE, Chandra, XMM-Newton, INTEGRAL, Swift, Astro-E2, and GLAST) Archive infrastructure, database support, web services, proposal software, FITS standards,multi-mission software, & science expertise Prevents duplication of effort and promotes reuse of software which result in cost savings to missions At the end of mission life the HEASARC maintains the archive, science expertise and software (e.g. CGRO, ASCA, ROSAT) Each mission assigned an “Archive Scientist” to manage the archive-mission interface Nicholas White

  5. HEASARC Co-located Data Centers • Provide dedicated support to specific missions utilizing HEASARC infrastructure • Develop mission specific software • Interface between community, instrument teams and/or foreign data center • Data processing and archive creation • Proposal support and grants administration • Science expertise in the specific mission • Currently there are 6 active GOFs/SSCs: • XMM-Newton, RXTE, INTEGRAL, Swift, Suzaku, GLAST • 1 to 5 scientists per mission (typically 3), plus comparable number of programmers and support staff • Colocated staff at foreign data centers (INTEGRAL, Suzaku) Nicholas White

  6. HEASARC Budget & Staffing • Budget of $3M that mostly pays for people • LHEA Science Staff (4 USRA, 1 UMD, 3 GSFC): • Angelini (Restoration, BeppoSAX, Swift, Suzaku, XIMAGE, XRONOS) • Arnaud (XSPEC, XSELECT) • Corcoran (ROSAT, Caldb, HETE-2, GLAST) • Drake (User support, EUVE, XMM, RXTE, INTEGRAL, catalogs) • Lochner (E/PO) • McGlynn (Archive Scientist, Skyview, ClassX, NVO) • Pence (FTOOLS, FITSIO, FITS standards, HERA, FV) • White (Director) • 1.25 FTE at SAO/CXC (see Brissenden presentation) • Science staff have 30% time for research • Successfully compete for observing time e.g. XMM-Newton and Chandra • Programming Staff (3.65 FTE) • Database, archive access, data ingest, data restoration, web services, XANADU analysis software, education & outreach, system support, and user support • Additional funding from missions to support archive ingest, etc. • Additional funding competed via NASA Data analysis, observing time opportunities and software programs Nicholas White

  7. The HEASARC Physical Archive Past Missions Ariel 5 EXOSAT ASCA Ginga BBXRT HEAO 1 BeppoSAX HEAO 3 CGRO OSO 8 Copernicus ROSAT COS B SAS 2 DXS SAS 3 Einstein Vela 5B EUVE Current Missions RXTE (1995- Chandra (1999- [data at CXC] XMM-Newton (1999- HETE-II (2000- INTEGRAL (2002- Swift (2004 - Suzaku (2005 - Upcoming Missions GLAST (2007 Launch) • HEASARC online archive storage now 19TB • Remote backup to B28 via performed nightly for all active archives • Second generation of load balanced nodes being tested Nicholas White

  8. The HEASARC Web Assist astrophysicists in all stages of their archival research: • Information and latest news about HEASARC Catalogs • Mission information • Search catalogs & retrieve data • Download analysis software • Access documentation • Astronomical Web site links • Public outreach & education Nicholas White

  9. Usage & Data Statistics Nicholas White

  10. HEASARC Interactions Nicholas White

  11. Evaluation • GSFC scientists are users themselves, so provide constant feedback • HEASARC Users Group meets every year to provide community advice and feedback • Used external company (Cornerstone) to evaluate Web interface and E/PO program • Senior Review in 2000 and 2004 evaluated HEASARC relative to other astrophysics data centers Nicholas White

  12. Senior Review 2004 Nicholas White

  13. Senior Review 2000 Nicholas White

  14. Objectives for HUG • Provide feedback on current services and HEASARC-mission archive support • Prioritize future work for HEASARC services Nicholas White

  15. Agenda 9:30am Coffee/snacks 10:00am Session start: Introductions, Logistics, etc 10:10am HEASARC Overview (Nick White) 10:40am NASA HQ Perspective (Jeff Hayes) 11:10am Break 11:20am EPO Activities (Jim Lochner) 11:40am HEASARC-Supported Activities at SAO, including Chandra Archive (Roger Brissenden) 12:10pm Lunch 1:00pm Tour of the HEASARC Website (Karen Smale) 1:30pm HEASARC On-line Services Session & Demos (Tom McGlynn) 3:00pm Break 3:15pm Distributed HEASARC Software 1. HEAsoft package (Bill Pence) 2. XSPEC (Keith Arnaud) 4:00pm Interoperability, including XMM and Swift optical datasets availability through MAST, SkyView, and NVO (Tom McGlynn) 4:40pm Close for the day Nicholas White

  16. Agenda 8:30am Coffee/snacks 9:00am Session Start: Logistics, etc. 9:05am Active Missions Archiving in HEASARC - GLAST (Mike Corcoran) 20 mins - Suzaku (Lorella Angelini) 15 mins - Swift (Lorella Angelini) 20 mins 10:00am HEASARC On-line Services Session & Demos (continued) 4. Hera demo, including XMM SAS (Bill Pence) 10:30am Break 10:45am Active Missions Archiving in HEASARC (continued) - HETE-II (Mike Corcoran) 10 mins - INTEGRAL (Steve Drake) 10 mins - XMM-Newton (Steve Drake) 10 mins - RXTE (Steve Drake) 10 mins 11:25am Any Other Business noon Lunch 1:00pm HEASARC Future Initiatives and Directions (All) 2:00pm HUG Executive Session 2:30pm HUG Initial Response/Recommendations (Frits Paerels) 3:00pm Finish Nicholas White

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