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Roots of Identity: Where I'm From Photography

Explore your unique identity with "Where I’m From" photography, delving into the influences of your roots on who you are. Capture the essence of your origins beyond the surface, incorporating personal experiences, traditions, and significant events that shape your identity.

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Roots of Identity: Where I'm From Photography

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  1. Where I am From Photography

  2. Where are you From? • "If you don't know where you're from, you'll have a hard time saying where you're going." Wendell Berry, among others, has voiced this idea that we need to understand our roots to know our place in the world.

  3. Who Am I • “Who am I?” is a question on the minds of many people. “Where I’m from” poems get beyond aspects of identity that are often more obvious and familiar (such as ethnicity, gender and age), by focusing on other factors that shape our identities such as experiences, relationships, hopes and interests.

  4. BRAINSTORM • What does it mean to be “from” some place? How can the place we are from influence our identities (who we are)? • Is it possible to be from more than one place?  How might our identity change depending on where we are? • Can people be from a “place” that is not an actual location, but represents a community or an idea – such as being from a family, a religious tradition or a strong interest?

  5. Names of important people related to this place (relatives, friends, etc.) • Special foods or meals eaten in this place • Traditions practiced in this place • Favorite songs and stories • Familiar phrases used in this place • Ordinary items found in this place • Important beliefs valued in this place • Heroes of this place • Significant events (happy and/or sad) that have happened in this place • Images that represent this place • Sounds that represent this place • Smells that represent this place

  6. I’m From the Woods….” by Nick •  I’m from the woods and the creek behind my fence From the gray wooden backyard deck. I’m from the honeysuckles,The pear trees by the neighbor’s garden From the creek when I swing over it. • I’m from the yellow walls of Grandma’s kitchenFrom the Yorkshire pup, the coolest thing in my family.I’m from macaroni pictures of the ArkFrom “I just can’t snap my fingers and make it happen” and from David the Gnome in summers long ago. • I’m from my mom’s side of the family,From roasting turkeys for each holiday,From when Papaw yelled at his boss and got firedFrom the family pictures in the big wooden cabinet andFrom the family gathering when we drag them out. • I am from those moments.A root that no one sees, but walks all overAn important part of the tree.”

  7. Where I’m From…. by Lauren • I ‘m from baths in the kitchen sink,From Downy and Mom’s perfumeI am from flowers by the fence (yellow and springy they tasted like crayons).I am from the ivy crawling up the house,The baby tree whose sturdy trunk shot from the groundA mirror image of my planted feet. • I’m from sprinkles and plastic table donut shopsFrom Bert and ErnieI’m from stupid heads and dot dot I got my cootie shotFrom don’t touch this and don’t touch that.I’m from Hymn No. 96 and why is this piece of bread so small?And bible crafts made from neon pipe cleaners. • I’m from Bill and Darlene’s branchFrom hot soup and freshly baked corn breadFrom the Well, when I was little’s and the snowy games Told to me by Green Bay Packer season ticket holdersIn the storage room are boxesOverflowing with shiny, color-coated memoriesBundles of dreams kept aliveTo ask my mother about. •  I am from those momentsA leaf changing color with the weatherTime only strengthens the branch that holds me.

  8. The format • The prompts have a way of drawing out memories of the smells of food and remembering keepsakes; the faces of long-departed family, the sound of their voices you still hold some deep place in memory. You'll be surprised that, when you're done, you will have said things about the sources of your unique you-ness that you'd never considered before. What's more, you will have created something that will be very unique, very personal.

  9. The WHERE I'M FROM Template • I am from _______ (specific ordinary item), from _______ (product name) and _______. • I am from the _______ (home description... adjective, adjective, sensory detail). • I am from the _______ (plant, flower, natural item), the _______ (plant, flower, natural detail) • I am from _______ (family tradition) and _______ (family trait), from _______ (name of family member) and _______ (another family name) and _______ (family name). • I am from the _______ (description of family tendency) and _______ (another one). • From _______ (something you were told as a child) and _______ (another). • I am from (representation of religion, or lack of it). Further description. • I'm from _______ (place of birth and family ancestry), _______ (two food items representing your family). • From the _______ (specific family story about a specific person and detail), the _______ (another detail, and the _______ (another detail about another family member). • I am from _______ (location of family pictures, mementos, archives and several more lines indicating their worth).

  10. Where I’m From ~ Fred First ~ • I am from the peaceful banks of a creek with no name; from JFG, toast and blackberry jam and home-made granola. I am from "a house with double porches," a room filled with good ghosts and creek laughter in the mornings before first light.I am from Liriodendron and Lindera, butterfly bush and mountain boomersI am from Dillons and Harrisons, Betty Jean and Granny Bea-- frugal and long-lived, stubborn and tender, quick to laugh. Or cry.I am from a world whose geography my children know better than I, from a quiet valley where I am the proprietor and world authority of its small wonders.From barn loft secret passwords and children who can fly if they only try.I am from oven-baked Saran Wrap and colds caught from jackets worn indoors. I am from pire in the blood Baptists, from the cathedral made without hands, the church in the wildwoods, the covenant of grace.From a "fast hideous" dresser and a home body from Woodlawn, from a grandfather I never knew that I can blame for my love of nature and my stubbornness, they tell me.I am from fragments, the faint smell of wood smoke, and familiar walks among trees I know by name, from HeresHome and good stock. A man can hardly ask to be from more.

  11. Amazing Student: Zarea • “I Am From” • I am from a basketball, from stereos and computers. • I am from the white walls, soft carpets and the aroma of food at dinner time. • I am from the water lilies and the fresh cut grass. • I am from sitting around the Christmas tree Christmas morning and thick hair, from Angela and Charles and Taylor-Benton’s. • I am from the loudness and supportiveness. The crazy Sunday dinners. • From a born dancer and being so tuff. • I am from a cross. Going to church Early Sunday morning. • I am from San Francisco and Oregon, chicken and potato salad. • From the time my mom gave birth and made our family complete, the time my great-great grandma died and brought our family closer. • I am from the special memories caught on film and kept in the closet at my grandma’s house. Memories collecting dust and keeping each other company.

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