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Software Quality Assurance

Software Quality Assurance. Testing Overview. Testing Overview. Concepts & Process Seven Principles of Testing Testing Levels Testing vs. Debugging Testing Related Questions Major Testing Techniques When to stop testing?. Testing.

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Software Quality Assurance

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  1. Software Quality Assurance Testing Overview

  2. Testing Overview • Concepts & Process • Seven Principles of Testing • Testing Levels • Testing vs. Debugging • Testing Related Questions • Major Testing Techniques • When to stop testing?

  3. Testing • Software Testing is the process of executing a system or component under specified conditions with the intent of finding defects and to verify that it satisfies specified requirements. • Testing is one of the most important parts of quality assurance (QA). • Testing is the most commonly performed QA activity. • Basic idea of testing involves the execution of software and the observation of its behavior or outcome. • If a failure is observed, the execution record is analyzed to locate and fix the fault(s) that caused the failure. Otherwise, we gain some confidence that the software under test is more likely to fulfill its designated functions.

  4. Seven Principles of Testing • Testing Principles: A number of testing principles have been suggested over the past 40 years and offer general guidelines common for all testing. • Principle 1 – Testing shows presence of defects • Testing can prove the presence of defects, but cannot prove the absence of defects. Even after testing the application or product thoroughly we cannot say that the product is 100% defect free. Testing reduces the probability of undiscovered defects remaining in the software but, even if no defects are found, it is not a proof of correctness.

  5. Seven Principles of Testing • Principle 2 – Exhaustive testing is impossible • Testing everything (all combinations of inputs and preconditions) is not feasible. Instead of exhaustive testing, risk analysis, time & cost and priorities should be used to focus testing efforts. • Principle 3 – Early testing • To find defects early, testing activities should be started as early as possible in the software development life cycle, and should be focused on defined objectives. • When defects are found earlier in the lifecycle, they are much easier and cheaper to fix

  6. Seven Principles of Testing • Principle 4 – Defect clustering • A small number of modules usually contains most of the defects discovered during pre-release testing, or is responsible for most of the operational failures. • There is NO equal distribution of defects within one test object. The place where defect occurs, it’s likely to find some more. The testing process must be flexible and respond to this behavior. • Principle 5 – Pesticide paradox • If the same tests are repeated over and over again, eventually the same set of test cases will no longer find any new defects. To overcome this “pesticide paradox”, test cases need to be regularly reviewed and revised, and new and different tests need to be written to exercise different parts of the software or system to find potentially more defects.

  7. Seven Principles of Testing • Principle 6 – Testing is context dependent • Testing is done differently in different contexts. • For example, safety-critical software is tested differently from an e-commerce site. • Principle 7 – Absence-of-errors fallacy • Finding and fixing defects does not help if the system built is unusable and does not fulfill the users’ needs and expectations. • Just because testing didn’t find any defects in the software, it does not mean that the software is ready to be shipped.

  8. Other Principles to note… • Testing must be done by an independent party. • Assign best personnel to the task. • Test for invalid and unexpected input conditions as well as valid conditions. • Keep software static during test. • Provide expected test results if possible.

  9. Testing Levels • Unit testing • Integration testing • System testing • Acceptance testing

  10. Testing vs. Debugging • Debugging and testing are different. Dynamic testing can show failures that are caused by defects. Debugging is the development activity that finds, analyses and removes the cause of the failure. • Test and re-test are test activities • Testing shows system failures • Re-testing proves, that the defect has been corrected • Debugging and correcting defects are developer activities • Through debugging, developers can reproduce failures, investigate the state of programs and find the corresponding defect in order to correct it.

  11. Testing vs. Debugging Test Debugging Correcting Defects Re-test • Test and re-test are testactivities • Debugging and correcting defects are developer activities

  12. Roles & Responsibilities: Developer and Tester

  13. Testing & QA alternatives • Defect & QA: • Defect: ==> error/fault/failure • Defect prevention/removal/containment • Map to major QA activities • Defect prevention: • Error blocking & error source removal • Defect removal: • Testing, Inspection, Review, Walkthrough etc. • Defect containment: • Fault tolerance & failure containment (safety assurance)

  14. QA and Testing • Testing as part of QA: • Activities focus on testing phase • QA/testing in Waterfall and V-models • One of the most important parts of QA • Defect removal

  15. Testing: KeyQuestions • WHY: Quality demonstration vs. defect detection & removal • HOW: Techniques/activities/process/etc. • VIEW: Functional/external/black-box vs. Structural/internal/white-box • EXIT: Coverage vs. Usage-based

  16. Testing: Why? • The purpose of software testing is to ensure that the software systems would work as expected when they are used by their target customers and users. • Most natural way to show fulfillment of expectations is to demonstrate their operation through some “dry-runs” or controlled experimentation in laboratory settings before the products are released/delivered. • Such controlled experimentation through program execution is generally called testing

  17. Testing: Why? • Original/primarypurpose: Demonstration of proper behavior or quality demonstration • “Testing” in traditional settings • Provide evidence of quality in the context of QA • Newpurpose: Defect detection & removal • Mostly defect-free software manufacturing vs. traditional manufacturing • Flexibility of software ( ease of change) • Failure observation ==> fault removal • defect detection ==> defect fixing • Eclipsing original purpose

  18. Testing: Why? • Summary: Testing fulfills two primary purposes: • To demonstrate quality or proper behavior • To detect and fix problems

  19. Testing: How • How?Run==> Observe==> Follow-up (particularly in case of failure observations) • Refinement ==> generic testing process • Generic testing process as instantiation of SQE process

  20. Generic Testing Process • Major test activities include the following in roughly chronological order: • Test planning and preparation • Test Execution • Analysis and follow-up

  21. Testing: Activities & Generic Process • Major testing activities : The Generic Testing Process • Test planning and preparation  Sets the goals for testing, select an overall testing strategy, and prepare specific test cases and the general test procedure • Test Execution  Include related observation & measurement of product behavior • Analysis and follow-up  Include result checking and analysis to determine if a failure has been observed, and if so, follow-up activities are initiated & monitored to ensure removal of the underlying causes/faults, that led to the observed failures in the first place.

  22. 1) Test Planning and Preparation • Test planning: • Goal setting based on customer’s quality perspectives & expectations • Overall strategy based on the above and product/environment characteristics. • Test preparation: • Preparing test cases & test suites • Prepare test procedure

  23. 2) Test Execution • General steps in test execution: • Allocating test time ( & resources) • Invoking test • Identifying system failures ( & gathering information for follow-up actions) • Key to execution: Handling both normal vs. abnormal cases • Activities closely related to execution: • Failure identification • Data capturing & other measurement

  24. 3) Test Analysis and Follow-up • Analysis of testing results: • Result checking ( as part of execution) • Further result analyses • Defect/reliability/ etc. analyses • Follow-up activities: • Feedback based on analysis results • Immediate: Defect removal ( & re-test) • Other follow-up( longerterm): • Decision making ( exit testing, etc.) • Test process improvement

  25. Testing: How? • How to test? • Refine into three sets of questions • Basic questions • Testing technique questions • Activity/management questions • Basic questions • What artifacts are tested? • What to test? • From which view? • Related: type of faults found • When to stop testing?

  26. Functional vs. Structural Testing • Key distinction: Perspective on what need to be checked/tested. • Functional testing: • Tests external functions • As described by external specs. • Black-box in nature • Functional mapping: Input ==> Output • Without involving internal knowledge • Structural testing: • Tests internal implementations • Components and structures • White-box in nature • “white” here ==> seeing through ==> internal elements visible • Really clear/glass/transparent box

  27. Black-Box vs. White-Box View • Object abstraction/representation: • High-level: Whole system ==> black-box • Low –level: Individual statements, data, and other elements ==>white-box • Middle-levels of abstraction ==> Gray-box • Functional/subroutine/procedure, module , subsystem etc. • Method, class, super-class • Gray-box( mixed black-box & white-box ) testing: • Many of the middle levels of testing • Example: procedures in modules • Procedures individually as black box, • Procedure interconnection  white box at module level

  28. White-Box Testing • Program component/structure knowledge( or implementation details) • Statement/component checklist • Path (control flow) testing • Data (flow) dependency testing • Applicability • Test in the small/early • Dual role of programmers/testers • Criterion for stopping • Mostly coverage goals • Occasionally quality/reliability goals

  29. Black-Box Testing • Input/output relations or external functional behavior • Specification checklist • Testing expected/specified behavior • Applicability • Lateintesting: system testing etc. • Suitable for IV&V • Criteria: when to stop • Traditional: functional coverage • Usage-based: reliability target

  30. Comparing BBT with WBT • Perspective: • BBT views the objects of testing as a black-box while focusing on testing the input-output relations or external functional behavior • WBT views the objects as a glass-box where internal implementation details are visible & tested

  31. Comparing BBT with WBT • Objects: • WBT is generally used to test small objects (e.g., small software products or small units of large software products) • BBT is generally more suitable for large software systems or substantial parts of them as a whole • Timeline: • WBT is used more in earlysub-phases(e.g., unit and component testing) • BBT is used more in the latesub-phases (e.g., system and acceptance testing)

  32. Comparing BBT with WBT • Defect Focus: • In BBT, failures related to specific external functions can be observed, leading to corresponding faults being detected & removed. Emphasis ==> Reduce chances of encountering functional problems by target customers. • In WBT, failures related to internal implementations can be observed, leading to corresponding faults being detected & removed directly. Emphasis ==> Reduce internal faults so that there is less chance for failures later on.

  33. Comparing BBT with WBT • Defect detection & Fixing: • Defects detected through WBT are easier to fix than those through BBT • WBT may miss certain types of defects (e.g., omission & design problems) which could be detected by BBT • In general: BBT is effective in detecting & fixing problems of interfaces & interactions, whileWBT is effective for problems localized within a small unit.

  34. Comparing BBT with WBT • Techniques: • A specific technique is BBT if external functions are modeled • A specific technique is WBT if internalimplementations are modeled

  35. Comparing BBT with WBT • Tester: • BBT is typically performed by dedicated professional testers, and could also be performed by third-party personnel in a setting of IV&V • WBT is often performed by developers themselves

  36. When to Stop Testing? • Exit Criteria • Not finding(any more) defects is NOT an appropriate criteria to stop testing activities (Why?!?)

  37. When to Stop Testing? • Resource-based criteria: A decision is made based on resource consumptions. • Stop when you run out of time • Stop when you run out of money • Such criteria are irresponsible , as far as product quality is concerned • Quality-based criteria: • Stop when quality goals reached • Direct quality measure: reliability • Resemble actual customer usages • Indirect quality measure: coverage • Other surrogate: Activity completion (“stop when you complete planned test activities”)

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