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In Bielefed. FROM BLACK HOLES TO THERMAL RADIATION. In Catania. Paolo Castorina. SATZFEST April 17 2011 Wien. Etna is thermal. Catania is thermal. equal a priori probabilities for all states in accord with a given overall average energy - temperature T. 1.

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  1. In Bielefed FROM BLACK HOLES TOTHERMAL RADIATION In Catania Paolo Castorina SATZFEST April 17 2011 Wien

  2. Etna is thermal Catania is thermal equal a priori probabilities for all states in accord with a given overall average energy - temperature T 1

  3. Why is Bielefeld a black-hole ? 2

  4. Bielefeld is not a black-hole (essentially there is attraction but no event horizon) According to Karin, thousands of Physicists have been invited ( for dinner) in Bielefeld and then went back home A large numbers of ideas in Phenomenology of heavy ion collisions, Phase transition in QCD, lattice gauge theories, Thermal field theories, percolation,…. Originated in Bielefeld and are now common background of a large community – Thanks Helmut. 3

  5. 1) Hadron abundances in all high energy collisions - e+e− annihilation, hadron-hadron interactions and heavy ion collisions- are those of an ideal resonance gas at a universal temperature T = 170 ± 20 MeV WHY? 4

  6. 2) In heavy ion collision the thermalization time seems very short WHY? Is there a “non-kinetic” thermalization mechanism? in all high energy collisions? 5

  7. In Classical Black-hole particles are confined ( event horizon ) no communication with outside, but...Hawking radiation [Hawking 1975] – particles can TUNNEL THROUGH THE EVENT HORIZON vacuum fluctuation e+e−outside event horizon . If e+ falls into black hole, then e− can escape; equivalent: e− tunnels through event horizon 6

  8. There is no information about state of system beyond event horizon Hawking radiation must be thermal Conjecture: Colour confinement » event horizon and black hole physics [D.Kharzeev,Tuchin ; P. Castorina, D. Kharzeev, H. Satz 2007 ] Color dynamics – gravity analogies, indications, correspondences 7

  9. Two physical analogies between Gravity and QCD Constant acceleration Linear potential Event horizon arises for systems in uniform acceleration Unruh 1976 Event Horizon Color Confinement 8

  10. COLOR HORIZON IN QCD indications Electrodynamics in a non linear medium ! Effective curved geometry = Flat metric Novello and Perez Bergliaffa 2003 QCD is non linear in vacuum 9

  11. Gluodynamics in curved background has an event horizon (D.Kharzeev,E.Levin and K.Tuchin 2004) Numerical coincidence/strong gravity (E.Recami and P.Castorina, 1976, A.Salam 1976) Conjecture: Colour confinement event horizon and black hole physics seems OK Why is there a temperature associated with confinement / color event horizon? UNRUH 10

  12. 11

  13. 12

  14. STRING BREAKING AS TUNNELING The separating primary q¯q pair excites a further pair q1 ¯q1 from the vacuum, and this pair is in turn pulled apart by the primary constituents. In the process, the ¯q1 shields the q from its original partner ¯q, with a new q¯q1 string formed. When it is stretched to reach the pair production threshold, a further pair is formed, and so on. This mechanism is a special case of Hawking-Unruh radiation emitted as hadron ¯q1q2 when the q1 tunnels through its event horizon to become ¯q2. The corresponding hadron radiation temperature is given by the Unruh form 13

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  16. 15 NO

  17. m_s 0.075 0.100 0.125 T(00) 0.178 0.178 0.178 T(0s) 0.172 0.167 0.162 T(ss) 0.166 0.157 0.148 T(000) 0.178 0.178 0.178 T(00s) 0.174 0.171 0.167 T(0ss) 0.170 0.164 0.157 T(sss) 0.166 0.157 0.148 16

  18. F. Becattini, , P. Castorina, J. Manninen, H. Satz(2008). 17

  19. 18

  20. HEAVY IONS COLLISIONS Work in progress… Percolation (Pajeres) Large number of overlapping strings Suggestion from Black-hole physics Modification of the event horizon due to external environment Modification of the event horizon (related with uniform acceleration) due to environment T(s) NO AdC/CFT

  21. 19

  22. 20

  23. near the horizonof a gravitationalblackhole 21

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  26. 24 P. Castorina,, D. Grumiller, A. Iorio, .Phys.Rev.D77:124034,2008

  27. 25

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  31. Helmut Cassata

  32. Baryon density dependence The thickness of the flux tube connecting the q¯q pair is given by where K is the string length in units of an intrinsic vibration measure. Lattice studies show that for strings in the range of 1 - 2 fm, the first string excitation dominates, so that we have If at finite (small-medium) density

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