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Water Treatment Processes: Ensuring Safe Drinking Water and Protecting the Environment

Join the School of Water Sciences at Cranfield University to explore the processes involved in making water safe for drinking and treating wastewater before discharge. Discover the work at Cranfield sewage works, Pilot Hall, Labs, Jar Tester, and placements in the UK and abroad. Learn about water, pollution, contaminants, and the importance of water. Delve into how pollutants affect water quality through taste, smell, color, and health impacts. Witness water treatment methods like coagulation, flocculation, filtration, and disinfection in action. Uncover intriguing facts about water usage and pollution issues worldwide.

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Water Treatment Processes: Ensuring Safe Drinking Water and Protecting the Environment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. School of Water SciencesCranfield University

  2. Look at processes that make water suitable for drinking or treat waste water before it is discharged to rivers and seas

  3. Where do we work? Cranfield sewage works Pilot Hall

  4. Where do we work? Or…Cranfield Labs Jar Tester

  5. Where do we work? Or…Placements in the UK Albert Reservoir, Halifax

  6. Where do we work? Or…Placements abroad Rocky Mountains, Colorado

  7. Presentation • Talk about water and pollution. • Talk about some of the processes used to treat the water before you drink it. • Show you some of the processes in action.

  8. Water facts • 18 million litres provided to 58 million people in the UK every day • 2200 Water Treatment Works • 400,000 km of mains pipework

  9. Why is water important? It’s Everywhere!

  10. Not all of the water is drinkable

  11. What things pollute water? • Human waste

  12. What things pollute water? • Human waste • Animal waste

  13. What things pollute water? • Human waste • Animal waste • Fertilisers and pesticides

  14. What things pollute water? • Human waste • Animal waste • Fertilisers and pesticides • Chemicals from industry • Gases from industry

  15. How do pollutants affect water? • Taste • Smell • Colour • Health

  16. The Water Cycle Water Treatment Wastewater Treatment

  17. Contaminants • Colour (Organic matter) • Particles (Turbidity) • Algae • Parasites (Cryptosporidium) • And more…..

  18. Algae Blue Green Algae from Rutland Water Microcystis aeruginosa

  19. More algae Asterionella Stephanodiscus Microcyctis Nitzshia

  20. Cryptosporidium Oocysts • Protozoan parasite found in man, many other mammals and also in birds, fish and reptiles • Regulation is one oocyst in 10 litres • Trial of human volunteers(!) reported that half were infected by a dose of just 10 oocysts.

  21. Effects of Cryptosporidium

  22. Colour …Into Tap Water! Turn river water…

  23. Coagulation and flocculation Add chemicals and Fast mix Slow Mix

  24. Dissolved Air Flotation Add air Clean Water sludge

  25. Filtration Anthracite Sand NO!! Gravel But is this safe to drink now?

  26. Disinfection Chlorine

  27. Questions…. • What % of the worlds population is without safe drinking water? • What percentage of the water treated is used for drinking and cooking? • You could live for a month without food- how long could you live without water? • How many tonnes of pollutants pour into lakes and rivers each day in the US alone? 25% 1% Less than 1 week 500

  28. Thank you for listening….. ……Any Questions so far?

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