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Workshops „ Empower: Lone parents building confidence and accessing learning ” Poland, Lodz 18.01-15.02.2010.
Workshops „Empower: Lone parents building confidence and accessing learning” Poland, Lodz 18.01-15.02.2010
The workshops were planed out on 5 meetings 2 hours-long each(5pm – 7pm),during the week. Participants were able to take advantage of individual counselling after every group meeting. In the beginning everything went well, the group aroused women’s interest, but at the moment of starting the group some of them backed out without giving any reason. Despite this difficulties, the planned workshops took place.
The workshops took place in WSInf. - Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki in Łódź (Lodz). The grop counted 6 persons, 4 of them were attending definitively. During the meetings children of participants could make use of teacher’s services. Children’s room was placed next to workshops room.
Thefollowingissueswerecoveredduringtheworkshops: • Self-cognition • Defining personal strong points • Planning of personal changes • Making plans into the future • Building self-confidence • Effective communication • Coping with upbringing and parenthood’s problems • Self-presentation
Thefollowingissueswerecoveredduringtheworkshops: • Furthermore participants were working on their individual problems: • Coping with recent situation of splitting up with husband • Coping with loss and anger • Reorganization of family life • Need of resting • Accepting support and help
Participants had an opportunity to exchange their experiences, they could share their success and present & develop ways of coping with difficulties.