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Scalar Mesons Physics with the KLOE detector. C.Bini Universita’ “La Sapienza” and INFN Roma For the KLOE collaboration. Outline 1. Status of the KLOE experiment 2. “Hadron Physics” at a f - factory 3. Scalar Mesons at a f - factory : 4. Results 4.1 p + p - g 4.2 p 0 p 0 g
Scalar Mesons Physics with the KLOE detector C.Bini Universita’ “La Sapienza” and INFN Roma For the KLOE collaboration Outline 1. Status of the KLOE experiment 2. “Hadron Physics” at af- factory 3. Scalar Mesons at a f- factory : 4. Results 4.1p+p-g 4.2p0p0g 4.3hp0g 5. Summary and perspectives
1) Status of the KLOE experiment These days: end of f –peak run 2 fb-1 collected in the last two years. ANALYZED Program now: energy scan around the f + off-peak run s = 1 GeV: KLOE end by spring 2006
2) “Hadron Physics” at a f - factory Preview: analysis done and in progress (non Kaon physics)
Mass (MeV/c2) f(1020) 1000 a0(980) f0(980) K*0(800) “k” 500 f0(600) “s” 0 I=0 I=1/2 I=1 3) Scalar Mesons at a f - factory How a f-factory can contribute to the understanding of the scalar mesons Scalar Mesons Spectroscopy: f0(980),f0(600) and a0(980) are accessible (knot accessible) through f Sg; Questions: 1. Is f0(600) needed to describe the mass spectra ? 2. “couplings”of f0(980) and a0(980) to f |ss>and to KK, pp and hp. 4-quarkvs.2-quarkstates
How to detect these radiative decays • f0(980)g p+p-g p0p0g K+K-g [ 2m(K)~m(f0)~m(f) ] expectedBR ~ 10-6 K0K0g ““ ~ 10-8 • a0(980)g hp0g K+K-g expected BR ~ 10-6 K0K0g “ ~ 10-8 • f0(600)g p+p-g p0p0g General Comments: fits of mass spectra are needed to extract the signals: this requires a parametrization for the signal shape; the unreducible background is not fully known: a parametrization is required and some parameters have to be determined from the data themselves; sizeable interferences between signaland background;
How to extract the signal: • 1. Electric Dipole Transitions: • G(E1) Eg3× |Mif(Eg)|2 • 2.Distortions due to KK • thresholds (Flatte’-like). Kaon-loop(by N.N.Achasov): for each scalar meson S: gSpp, gSKK, MS No-Structure (by G.Isidori and L.Maiani): a modified BW + a polynomial continuum: gfSg, gSpp, gSKK, MS + pol. cont. parameters Scattering Amplitudes (by M.E.Boglione and M.R.Pennington) A (a1+b1m2+c1m4) T(pppp) + (a1+b1m2+c1m4) T(ppKK) pole residual gf
p+ g Kaon-loop No-structure f0,a0 p+ p- f0,a0 K+ f f K- g p- Definition of the relevant couplings (S=f0 or a0): S to fgfSg (GeV-1) S to kaons gSKK=gSK+K-=gSK0K0 (GeV) f0 to pp (I=0) gf0pp=√3/2 gf0p+p-=√3 gf0p0p0(GeV) a0 to hp (I=1) ga0hp(GeV) Coupling ratio Rf0=(gf0KK/ gf0p+p-)2 Ra0=(ga0KK/ ga0hp)2
The unreducible backgrounds Unreducible backgrounds: (p+p-): huge backgrounds: Initial state radiation (ISR) Final state radiation (FSR) fr±p±with r ± p±g (p0p0): large backgrounds: e+e- wp0withw p0g fr0p0withr 0 p0g (hp0): small backgrounds: e+e- wp0withw hg fr0p0withr 0 hg (p+p-) vs. (p0p0): search for the “same amplitude” with a completely different background ! (hp0) is the “cleanest” sample
(“trackmass”) pions muons 4.1) Thep+p-ganalysis I - Event selection: (a) 2 tracks withqt>45o; missing momentumqpp>45o (Large Angle); (b) Each track is pion-like (tracking, ToF and Shower shape): (c) 1 photon matching the missing momentum Particle identification: p vs. e and m (Likelihood: Tof and Shower shape) pions, muons electrons
m(pp) spectra: (blue) “Small angle”qpp<15o; (red) “Large angle”qpp>45o; “Large angle”: clear f0(980) signal f0(980) region photon efficiency m(pp) (MeV) m(pp) (MeV) II – The data sample 6.7 ×105 events / 350 pb-1 @ √s = Mf 2.2 ×104 events / 11 pb-1 “off-peak”
KL and NS fits: • Good description in both cases of signal and background (KS); “negative” interference; • f0(600) doesn’t help. KL fit NS fit III - Fit to the m(pp) spectrum (491 bins, 1.2 MeV wide, 420 to 1009 MeV) F= ISR + FSR + rp + scalar ± interference
Parameter uncertainties are dominated by the systematic errors: • Comments: • Mass value OK [ PDG 980 ± 10 MeV ] • R > 1 in both fits (in agreement with published values p0p0g) • KL couplings >> NS couplings: effect of polynomial continuum • NS suggests “large” coupling to the f (see following)
Scattering Amplitude Fit gf= 6.6 ×10-4 BR(ff0(980)g) × BR(f0(980)p+p-) ~ 3 ×10-5 [ similar conclusion from BP analysis of p0p0g data (KLOE + SND)] Summarizing: The peak at ~980 MeV is well interpreted in both KL and NS approaches as due to the decay f f0(980)g with a negative interference with FSR. The couplings suggest the f0(980) to be strongly coupled to kaons and to the f. No space for f0(600). Scattering Amplitude gives a marginal agreement.
Pion polar angle distributions (Red) =p+ (Blue) =p- Effect of the scalar amplitude on the charge asymmetry: Plot of A in slices ofm(pp); Comparison with simulation with and without the scalar amplitude. IV - The Forward-Backward asymmetry: A = (N(q+>90o) –N(q+<90o)) / sum p+p-system: A(ISR)C-odd A(FSR) & A(scalar) C-even Cross-section: |A(tot)|2 = |A(ISR)|2 + |A(FSR)|2 + |A(scalar)|2 + 2Re[A(ISR) A(FSR)] + 2Re[A(ISR) A(scalar)] + 2Re[A(FSR) A(scalar)]
FB asymmetry vs. m(pp): Clear signal ~ 980 MeV Interesting comparison with simulation: Data Simulation FSR+ISR Simulation FSR+ISR+ scalar(KL) The simulation provides a “qualitative” description of: • f0(980) region behaviour (the signal is reproduced); • Low mass behaviour (low mass tail of the signal. Remarkable result: not a fit but an absolute prediction
V –Cross section dependence on √s: Absolute prediction based on KL fit parameters Data: on-peak Data: off-peak KL absolute prediction Based on fit parameters Concluding remark: p+p-g is a powerful tool to test scalar production: mass spectrum, FB asym. and s dependence KLOE has now collected 2 fb-1 at f factor 6 more. Is now starting a finer energy scan around the f
2002 analysis scheme: 1. Rejectwp0events interference is neglected; 2. 1-dim analysis: fit with KL The spectrum is dominated by w p0g KLOE PLB537 (2002) 21 4.2) Thep0p0ganalysis I - event selection: 5 photons withqg>21o; no tracks; Kinematic fit energy-momentum conservation; Kinematic fit p0masses: choice of the pairing. 4 ×105 events / 450 pb-1
New analysis scheme: • Removed the m(w) cut :wp0are nowin the sample • 2. Bi-dimensional analysis [ Dalitz-plotm(p0p0) –m(p0g) ] • New treatment of systematics [ pairing problem...] • Improved VDM parametrization ofwp0
II –Fit of the Dalitz plot (still preliminary results) KL and NS fits in progress Residuals vs. DP position Data- fit comparison (on projections) Comments: 1. VDM part still not perfect (see residuals); 2. Scalar part ok BUT f0(600) is still needed in KL fit[p(c2) ~ 10-4 30% !]; 3. f0(980) parameters agree withp+p-ganalysis again R > 1 (gfKK > gfp+p-).
4.3) Thehp0ganalysis I –The data samples: out of 400 pb-1 : Statistics of PLB536 (2002) 209× 20 • (h gg) Improved reducible • background subtraction: • 2.2 ×104 events [ ½ are signal] (h p+p-p0) almost “background free” 4100 events [ bck < 3%] Red = signal Other colors= bck Full pts. = “20 pb-1” data Empty pts. = “400 pb-1” data M(hp) (MeV)
II – The combined fit Simultaneous fit ofhggand hp+p-p0channels: ratio of BR is fixed Pts. = data, hist = fit (including smearing) NS fit KL fit The spectra are dominated by the a0 production: both models are able to reproduce them
Preliminary results of the fits (KL and NS): • Comments: • gfa0g ~ in agreement with f0 value • Ra0= 0.78 (KL) and 0.74 (NS) < 1
5) Summary and Perspectives The KLOE scalar analysis is not yet completed. However: • f0(600): required in the p0p0channel not in • the p+p- one: no clear answer by now. • 2.Couplings: • both NS and KL fits indicate • Rf0 =(gf0K+K-/ gf0p+p-)2 = 2 ÷ 4 • Ra0 = (ga0K+K-/ ga0hp-)2 = 0.7 ÷ 0.8 • from NS analysis: large couplings to the f • gff0g = 1.2 ÷ 2.0 • gfa0g ~ 1.9 (unc. evaluation in progress) • in any case >> gfpg gfhg gfh’g = (0.1 0.7).
KLOE perspectives on scalar mesons 1. Conclude analysis on 2001-2002 data sample for f0(980) (neutral final states) and a0(980). 2.With 2000 pb-1 @ f peak: improvement expected for f0→p+p- combined fitp+p- ANDp0p0 search for f0, a0 KK 3.With new forthcoming energy scan data improved study of the √s-dependence of the cross-section; Off-peak: “test run” of gg p0p0