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Saint Michael, Saint Catherine, and Saint Margaret just told me to find the true king of France and help him reclaim his thrown.. Should I go for it? I’m kind of resistant. 2 seconds ago. Charels VII: I think you should give it a shot, who knows. Maybe it’s me and I’m destined for greatness .
Saint Michael, Saint Catherine, and Saint Margaret just told me to find the true king of France and help him reclaim his thrown.. Should I go for it? I’m kind of resistant. 2 seconds ago Charels VII: I think you should give it a shot, who knows. Maybe it’s me and I’m destined for greatness Isabelle Romee: Hunny, you should follow your heart. Listen to the influential people you hear from. Don’t be late for dinner sweetie <3 In a relationship with God Pope Callixtus III: Dearest Joan of Arc, you have been selected specially by the holy ones. It would be a sin to disobey them, for you have been given a task that you are to fulfill. Only you can make the decision. I have faith in you, as you have faith in God. January 6, 1412
Wall II Saint Michael, Saint Catherine, and Saint Margaret just told me to find the true king of France and help him reclaim his thrown.. Should I go for it? I’m kind of resistant. About an hour ago Recent Activity Joan of Arc just started the group Join If You Want To Follow Me Jacques d'Arc likes this Henry VI: You know your serous when factbook makes it official with a group. Good thinking Joan, and good luck
Wall III Yo, done with this stuff. All I’m saying is sooome countries need to stop smiting their own people and get lives :P 5 minutes ago Pope Callixtus III: Hey now, your just asking for it. You don’t talk smack about the Pope and get away with it. Something is GOING to be done. This, I wont allow. Saint Catherine: Joan, lets not be hateful. One thing can lead to another and you shouldn’t put yourself in danger. I do admire that you are so loyal to the God though, it was great to see youngin’s taking interests in their future beyond life and helping for a better today. Isabelle Romee: In life, you are going to have to face difficult decisions. I think now you are old enough to figure out which path you need to take and make it work for you. Keep your head high, you’ll come out strong.
Wall IV Out sewing, gotta take my mind off of things and take everything into consideration. 2 hours ago Jacques d'Arc: Take your time sweetie, you have a lot to think about. I know your probably really freaked out right now considering I’m dead, but don’t be. Listen to your mother. I know how much she is fighting for you and she wont steer you wrong. Peasant Lola Cafingly: Hey, you don’t know me that well, but I love sewing. Maybe we can get together and spin side by side. It might be helpful to get advice from another Catholic who wont judge you. Hit me up :D. Saint Michael: If I was alive right now I would so have you make me some new cloths. I’m sure my short shorts and high shoes are played out already lol.
Wall V “The blood that Jesus shed for me, Way back on Calvary; The blood that gives me strength. From day to day,It will never lose its power.” 2 seconds ago Pope Callixtus III: I love that Gospel song. And don’t think just because I commented on this means we’re cool >:( Saint Margaret: That was beautiful. Since you go to church oh so often, you should lead the choir in meaningful song. As for your life decisions, here is some advice. Let the word of the Lord in sing light the way. Pope Callixtus III: Saint Margaret, Joan of Arc has been excommunicated. She dishonored the Church, my name, and the name of our King. She does not deserve your wise words. Delete that post D: !
Profile Sewingand spinning, praying, and reading the Bible. Female January 6, 1412 Praying the word of the lord, sewing and spinning Domremy, France Soul and Gospel, Amen Reruns of Mass In a relationship with God Passion of The Christ Theocracy Bible and St. Margaret: Queen of Scotland. Paperback only of course Die Hard Catholic I’m the youngest of a five person family and I live in a pretty poor family. Some people say I’m a loner, because I don’t have many friends. Imma big believer in all paths to God, I hope you do too. Died: May 30, 1431
Friends Charels VII Jacques d'Arc Isabelle Romee Henry VI Saint Michael Saint Catherine Saint Margaret Pope Callixtus III Suggest friends for Joan of Arc Peasant Lola Cafingly Trey-Vawn ‘Beggar’ Sonington
Photos If you’re tagged, let me know what you think. I think it makes me look important and powerful. This is me fighting in battle. Don’t hate . Comment ♥ My Sewing station. Any requests? This will be my last upload. For I have reached the final stage. Let the spirits take me…. Profile pic?
Resources http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/__8CwtZeg5VE/SstOs6thZdI/AAAAAAAAAvo/6Mfr_vJpi4E/s400/JoanOfArc.jpg&imgrefurl=http://graffigny.blogspot.com/&usg=__3dyRn6bB9VUi458PziZAyaJdHyE=&h=300&w=268&sz=22&hl=en&start=5&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=0dWtU-rVQP3XrM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=104&prev=/images%3Fq%3Djoan%2Bof%2Barc%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1R2ADBF_en%26tbs%3Disch:1 http://www.dl.ket.org/webmuseum/wm/paint/auth/fouquet/charles-vii.jpg http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://saints.sqpn.com/saintj05.jpg&imgrefurl=http://saints.sqpn.com/saint-joan-of-arc/&usg=__5hJd0gBN9mBUrTgU9vCKzWhCJ4Y=&h=288&w=184&sz=8&hl=en&start=6&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=zjnB4w3tNlY1YM:&tbnh=115&tbnw=73&prev=/images%3Fq%3DJacques%2Bd%2527Arc%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DG%26rlz%3D1R2ADBF_en%26tbs%3Disch:1 http://www.joanofarc.us/joan-of-arc-images/joan-of-arcs-life.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_of_Arc http://tudorhistory.org/people/henry6/henry6.jpg http://kbpipes.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/hrh_saint_margaret_of_scotland.gif http://netk.net.au/Keogh/Beggar.jpg http://chestofbooks.com/travel/spain/John-Stoddard-Lectures/images/Spanish-Beggars.jpg http://www.amazon.com/St-Margaret-Scotland-Alan-Wilson/dp/0859765474 http://www.allgospellyrics.com/?sec=listing&lyricid=13565 http://www.maidofheaven.com/maid_assets/extras/joanstilkebattle.jpg http://museum.gov.ns.ca/imagesns/binaries/DHP048291-DEV01514.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/archive/9/96/20090131133149!Joan_of_arc_burning_at_stake.jpg http://blogs.dallasobserver.com/cityofate/joan_arc_rossetti.jpg