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Learning Objective. We will form 1 and use irregular plural nouns. What are we going to do? What does form mean? Form means __________. CFU. Activate Prior Knowledge. Regular plural nouns name more than one person, place, or thing. Circle the regular plural nouns in the sentence.
Learning Objective We will form1 and use irregular plural nouns. What are we going to do? What does form mean? Form means __________. CFU Activate Prior Knowledge Regular plural nouns name more than one person, place, or thing. Circle the regular plural nouns in the sentence. 1. There are many trees in the forest. 2. There are many books in the library. Students, when we describe more than one object or place, we add the letter -s to tell that there is more than one. This is an example of a regular plural. For some words, we can’t always add an –s to show there is more than one. These words are called irregular plural nouns. Now, we will form and use irregular plural nouns. Make Connection 1 put together Vocabulary
Concept Development Irregular plural nounsname more than one person, place, or thing but do not follow the rules for regular plural nouns. • Sometimes the irregular plural noun is spelled the same as the singular noun. • Sometimes the irregular plural noun is spelled differently than the singular noun. CFU 1 CFU 2 CFU 3 CFU 4 Which is the correct way to write the irregular plural form of deer? A deers B deer In your own words, what do irregular plural nouns name? Irregular plural nouns name ______. Which is the correct way to write the irregular plural form of woman? A women B womans Which is the correct way to write the irregular plural form of lady? A ladys B ladies Which is the correct way to write the irregular plural form of leaf? A leafs B leaves Form and use irregular plural nouns. Go to Skill Dev 1 Go to Skill Dev 2 Go to Skill Dev 3 Go to Skill Dev 4
Skill Development/Guided Practice 1 Irregular plural nounsname more than one person, place, or thing but do not follow the rules for regular plural nouns. Form and use irregular plural nouns. How did I/you identify which irregular plural rule to use? How did I/you know which irregular plural noun to write? CFU Read the sentence, looking at the underlined noun. Identify the irregular plural rule. Hint: Look at the table. Form the irregular plural noun and write it in the space. Read the sentence(s) one more time. 1 2 2 Back to Concept Dev 3 4 3 men 1. A man works with many other ____________. 2. One woman waited for several other _____________. 3. The woman went shopping with many other ____________. 4. The man was going bowling with the group of __________. women women men Write a sentence using the irregular plural nouns of the word given.T (women): _____________________________________________________S (men): ______________________________________________________ There were a lot of women at the park.
Skill Development/Guided Practice 2 Irregular plural nounsname more than one person, place, or thing but do not follow the rules for regular plural nouns. Form and use irregular plural nouns. How did I/you identify which irregular plural rule to use? How did I/you know which irregular plural noun to write? CFU Read the sentence, looking at the underlined noun. Identify the irregular plural rule. Hint: Look at the table. Form the irregular plural noun and write it in the space. Read the sentence(s) one more time. 1 2 2 Back to Concept Dev 3 4 3 1. The man carried one baby. I carried two ___________. 2. Jerry read one story to his sister, but she wanted to hear two ________________. 3. One lady was having lunch with a group of _____________. 4. We took the baby to play with a group of _____________. babies stories ladies babies Write a sentence using the irregular plural nouns of the word given.T (ladies): _____________________________________________________S (stories): ______________________________________________________ Those ladies had to leave.
Skill Development/Guided Practice 3 Irregular plural nounsname more than one person, place, or thing but do not follow the rules for regular plural nouns. Form and use irregular plural nouns. How did I/you identify which irregular plural rule to use? How did I/you know which irregular plural noun to write? CFU Read the sentence, looking at the underlined noun. Identify the irregular plural rule. Hint: Look at the table. Form the irregular plural noun and write it in the space. Read the sentence(s) one more time. 1 2 2 Back to Concept Dev 3 4 3 1. Dana had a half of an apple and Larry had two _________________. 2. A leaf fell off the tree and landed on the pile of ________________. 3. My life is different from the ____________ of President Obama’s daughters. 4. I have one more leaf to add to all the _____________ in my collection. halves leaves lives leaves Write a sentence using the irregular plural noun of the word given.T (halves): _____________________________________________________S (leaves): ______________________________________________________ We cut the pears into halves.
Skill Development/Guided Practice 4 Irregular plural nounsname more than one person, place, or thing but do not follow the rules for regular plural nouns. Form and use irregular plural nouns. How did I/you identify which irregular plural rule to use? How did I/you know which irregular plural noun to write? CFU Read the sentence, looking at the underlined noun. Identify the irregular plural rule. Hint: Look at the table. Form the irregular plural noun and write it in the space. Read the sentence(s) one more time. 1 2 2 3 4 3 1. The fish swims with the other _________________. 2. The baby deer ran around the lake with the family of ________________. 3. Farmer John has one sheep. We have many _______________. 4. The little fish swam behind the group of_____________. fish deer sheep fish Write a sentence using the irregular plural noun of the word given.T (deer): _____________________________________________________S (fish): ______________________________________________________ We saw deer along the road.
Relevance Irregular plural nounsname more than one person, place, or thing but do not follow the rules for regular plural nouns. Forming and using irregular plural nouns will help you spell certain words that do not follow the regular plural rules. 1 mouse mice Forming and using irregular plural nouns will help you do well on tests. 2 Sample Test Question: 52. What is the correct way to write the word that means “more than one fish”? A fishies B fishs C fishes D fish Does anyone else have another reason why it is relevant to form and use irregular plural nouns? (Pair-Share) Why is it relevant to form and use irregular plural nouns? You may give me one of my reasons or one of your own. Which reason is more relevant to you? Why? CFU
Irregular plural nounsname more than one person, place, or thing but do not follow the rules for regular plural nouns. Skill Closure Form and use irregular plural nouns. Read the sentence, looking at the underlined noun. Identify the irregular plural rule. Hint: Look at the table. Form the irregular plural noun and write it in the space. Read the sentence(s) one more time. 1 2 3 4 Word Bank noun plural irregular rules • The man was swimming away from the group of ____________. • One baby crawled away from the other ____________. men babies Constructed Response Closure Sue wrote her own sentence. “My mom read two storys to me.” Explain why her sentence was incorrect. Stories is not formed correctly as a plural. Summary Closure What did you learn today about forming and using irregular plural nouns? (Pair-Share) Use words from the word bank.
Independent Practice Irregular plural nounsname more than one person, place, or thing but do not follow the rules for regular plural nouns. Form and use irregular plural nouns. Read the sentence, looking at the underlined noun. Identify the irregular plural rule. Hint: Look at the table. Form the irregular plural noun and write it in the space. Read the sentence(s) one more time. 1 2 3 4 women 1. This woman is taller than all the other _______________. 2. He heard the man yell at all the other _______________. 3. This one story is shorter than those two _______________. 4. The one bunny joined all of the other _________________. men stories bunnies Write a sentence using the irregular plural noun of the word given.T (men): _____________________________________________________S (babies): ______________________________________________________ The men were playing basketball.
Independent Practice (continued) Irregular plural nounsname more than one person, place, or thing but do not follow the rules for regular plural nouns. Form and use irregular plural nouns. Read the sentence, looking at the underlined noun. Identify the irregular plural rule. Hint: Look at the table. Form the irregular plural noun and write it in the space. Read the sentence(s) one more time. 1 2 3 4 leaves 5. I will add this leaf to my collection of _______________. 6. My half is bigger than his two _______________. 7. My one new fish is in the tank with the rest of my _______________. 8. One sheep was chosen from the flock1 of _______________. halves fish sheep Write a sentence using the irregular plural noun of the word given.T (deer): _____________________________________________________S (halves): ______________________________________________________ The deer ran through the forest. 1 group of sheep Vocabulary
Periodic Review 1 1. The woman will go outside with the other _______________. 2. They saw the baby crawl away from the other _______________. 3. James caught one fish but I caught two _______________. 4. Elise had one half of a peach left, but Juan still had both _________________. women babies fish halves Access Common Core Which of the following sentences correctly uses plural nouns? Alexis has one halves of her homework done. Those women did not look before crossing the street! There were many fish swimming upstream. Those babys were crying loudly. x x x x Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Periodic Review 2 1. That man wants to get there before the other _______________. 2. I had read one story but I wanted to hear many more _______________. 3. In the game, each green mushroom is worth one life and now I have three _______________. 4. The deer left our yard to join the other _________________. men stories lives deer Access Common Core Enoch wrote the following sentences. Correct any mistakes he made when writing irregular plural nouns. Last weekend, we went to my aunt’s house. We saw several mans men and women playing volleyball at the park. My baby sister got to play with all the other babys in our family. My parents let me read two babies bedtime storys to them before their naptime. After that, we went for stories a walk in the woods. We saw three different deers walking around and deer and many kinds of fishes in the river. fish
Periodic Review 3 1. This fish is much heavier than those other _______________. 2. This baby is much louder than those two _______________. fish babies Access Common Core Write six sentences below using irregular plural nouns. Five men play on the basketball team. Word Bank men women babies stories halves lives fish deer
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