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MYB joint locks

MYB joint locks. By Professor Ron Rogers With assistance from Bill Reindl. Ippon yubi garami. Ippon yubi garami. Shishi garami. Shishi garami. Moro yubi dori. Moro yubi dori. Kote shigarami. Kote shigarami. Mae gyaku yubi. Mae gyaku yubi. Ushiro gyaku yubi. Ushiro gyaku yubi.

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MYB joint locks

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MYB joint locks By Professor Ron Rogers With assistance from Bill Reindl

  2. Ippon yubi garami Ippon yubi garami

  3. Shishi garami Shishi garami

  4. Moro yubi dori Moro yubi dori

  5. Kote shigarami Kote shigarami

  6. Mae gyaku yubi Mae gyaku yubi

  7. Ushiro gyaku yubi Ushiro gyaku yubi

  8. Haigo gyaku yubi Haigo gyaku yubi

  9. Kihon shigarami Kihon shigarami

  10. Gyaku shigarami Gyaku shigarami

  11. Tsuki otoshi Tsuki otoshi

  12. Yubi wari Yubi wari

  13. Kihon kote gaeshi Kihon kote gaeshi

  14. Ura kote gaeshi Ura kote gaeshi

  15. Sode maki gaeshi Sode maki gaeshi

  16. Kobushi gaeshi Kobushi gaeshi

  17. Katate tekubi dori ichi Katate tekubi dori ichi

  18. Katate tekubi dori ni Katate tekubi dori ni

  19. Ryote tekubi dori ichi Ryote tekubi dori ichi

  20. Ryote tekubi dori ni Ryote tekubi dori ni

  21. Hiji kujiki tsuki otoshi Hiji kujiki tsuki otoshi

  22. Kote jime ude basami Kote jime ude basami

  23. Kihon kote kudaki Kihon kote kudaki

  24. Mine/eri kote kudaki Mine/eri kote kudaki

  25. Ura kote kudaki Ura kote kudaki

  26. Kote mawashi robuse Kote mawashi robuse

  27. Ryo sho tsukami yose Ryo sho tsukami yose

  28. Kan gatame okuri gaeshi Kan gatame okuri gaeshi

  29. Mae konoha okuri gaeshi Mae konoha okuri gaeshi

  30. Kan gatame Kan gatame

  31. Kihon tate gassho gatame Kihon tate gassho gatame

  32. Johaku dori Johaku dori

  33. Katate ue ude garami Katate ue ude garami

  34. Ryote ue ude garami Ryote ue ude garami

  35. Kata ha otoshi Kata ha otoshi

  36. Okuri eri meshi toru Okuri eri meshi toru

  37. Shita ude garami Shita ude garami

  38. Hasami ude garami Hasami ude garami

  39. Kata ha gaeshi Kata ha gaeshi

  40. Hiji makikomi Hiji makikomi

  41. Ura kata ha gaeshi Ura kata ha gaeshi

  42. Tembin nage Tembin nage

  43. Ura tembin nage Ura tembin nage

  44. Gyakute seoi nage Gyakute seoi nage

  45. Hiji osae Hiji osae

  46. Eri ude kujiki Eri ude kujiki

  47. Katate ude jujiki Katate ude jujiki

  48. Saka tottari Saka tottari

  49. Kote saka tottari Kote saka tottari

  50. Kannuki gatame Kannuki gatame

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