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Globalization. Logorama. The film is about logos – many of which you will know. While watching the film – make a list of all the logos that you know (ones that you can say what they sell/make). Classification of Logos.

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  1. Globalization

  2. Logorama • The film is about logos – many of which you will know. • While watching the film – make a list of all the logos that you know (ones that you can say what they sell/make).

  3. Classification of Logos 2) Using the list of logos that you have produced – sort them into the following categories:

  4. 3) Pick 7 logos/companies & write a paragraph for each explaining: - what they make - why you know them - Who their main competition is. 4) Homework: research & write down the country in which each company has its headquarters.

  5. What is it? • Globalization is the spread of ideas & cultures around the world. • There are several aspect to globalization: • Economic: trade, imports/exports, finance. • Media: TV channels, film, music. • Communication: email, phones, internet.

  6. The Shrinking World • Developments in transport mean we can travel much faster now & we often think of distance in terms of time. Task • Write a paragraph explaining how telecommunication advances have helped globalisation (email, text, skype, itunes etc). • These have led to the concept of a ‘shrinking world’

  7. Globalization of Industry • TNC: (Trans-National Corporation) These are companies that have operations in two countries. • MNC: (Multi-National Corporation) Companies that have operations in multiple countries: • MacDonald's, Toyota, IBM, Coca Cola

  8. Reasons for firms becoming multi-national? • Questions 1-4 on page 67.

  9. Benefits for Host Countries • Create more jobs in the country. • Make the country more recognized worldwide – this could attract more MNCs to locate there. • Increased output for the country & so more tax for the government - could allow more investment in health & education etc. • Possible investment infra-structure. • Train/educate workers and make them more skilled. • Bring new technologies to the country. • Bring in new cultures and ideas.

  10. Problems for host countries • Poor working conditions for their workers (hours work, safety). • Often low paid workers & the local staff don’t get the management positions • Have an influence on local cultures - maybe bring foreign cultural aspects into the local culture. • May force local businesses out of business. • Often cause environmental damage & pollute the atmosphere/waters. • If MNC decides to leave for a cheaper country it leaves a lot of people unemployed.

  11. Tasks • Read through page 72 & complete tasks 1 & 3 on p.73. • Read page 74. • Discuss whether you think globalisation is a good thing or not? (8 marks).

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