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Sunday, 20 June 2010 Agenda Point (08:00-09:00). Purity Committee. Purity Committee Report 2009‐2010 Progress Elizabeth Jane Taylor. Sunday, 20 June 2010 Agenda Point (08:00-09:00). Overview 1. Committee Members and Working groups for the triennium 2007‐2010 2. 2009‐2010 Progress
Sunday, 20 June 2010 Agenda Point (08:00-09:00) Purity Committee Purity Committee Report 2009‐2010 Progress Elizabeth Jane Taylor
Sunday, 20 June 2010 Agenda Point (08:00-09:00) Overview 1. Committee Members and Working groups for the triennium 2007‐2010 2. 2009‐2010 Progress 3. Proposals for 2010‐2013
Sunday, 20 June 2010 Agenda Point (08:00-09:00) Committee members 2009 Chair: 1. Maria Rosaria-Mannino FR-France Vice-chair: 2. Elizabeth Jane Taylor UK-United Kingdom Members: 3. S.C. Aswatha Narayana IN-India 4. Gerarda de Boer NL-Netherlands 5. Fabio Ferrari IT-Italy 6. Augusto Martinelli AR-Argentina 7. Monica Moreno AR-Argentina 8. Deborah Meyer US-United States 9. Andreas Ratzenboeck AT-Austria 10. Zita Ripka HU-Hungary ECOM contact person Rita Zecchinelli IT-Italy 6 working groups: Blowing, PSD, Rules Development, Purity Workshop Development, Seed Identification, Tropical and Sub-Tropical Species
Acknowledgements and good byes to: Maria-Rosaria Mannino FR-France Purity working group member since 1995-2001 Purity committee Vice-chair 2001-2004 Purity committee Chair 2004-2010 Monica Moreno AR-Argentina Purity committee member since 1992 Purity committee Chair 2001-2004 Sunday, 20 June 2010 Agenda Point (08:00-09:00)
ISTA Purity Seminar 2009 12 presentations by 7 presenters Maria Rosaria Mannino, Norbert Leist, Monica Moreno, Joost van der Burg, Zdenka Prochazkova, Jane Taylor, Adriel Garay Botany, Classification, Development of Pure Seed Definitions, Seed Purity, Testing Forest Tree & Shrubs, The Universal List, Seed Identification, Tropical grass species and New Testing Methodology for Blowing of Poaceae. Report in Seed Testing International No. 138 Oct 2009 https://www.seedtest.org/en/workshopdetail---0--0--0--69.html Sunday, 20 June 2010 Agenda Point (08:00-09:00)
No new rules proposals for 2010 Outstanding items from 2009: Blowing: no progress in 2009 Compare AOSA and ISTA procedures and evaluate the AOSA method Some work carried out but more data needed Comparative testing (peer validation) Sunday, 20 June 2010 Agenda Point (08:00-09:00)
Outstanding items from 2009: Reporting the Other seed determination weight examined: no progress Proposals in 2008 and 2009 withdrawn, no further progress within the purity committee this year. Sunday, 20 June 2010 Agenda Point (08:00-09:00)
Rules development: Other topics under discussion in 2009 Coated seeds analysis: revision of Chapter 11 (purity and OSD parts) Orobanche spp. detection Improvement of PSD 36 Purity part in Chapter 13 Purity Handbook The Universal List – images & descriptions Tropical species needing pure seed definitions Sunday, 20 June 2010 Agenda Point (08:00-09:00)
Coated seeds analysis: revision of Chapter 11 (purity and OSD parts) Beta vulgaris Encrusted seeds Coated seeds Treated seeds Untreated seeds Sunday, 20 June 2010 Agenda Point (08:00-09:00)
ISF request to ISTA to investigate the reliability of detection of seed of Orobanche in seed samples Current methods investigated by Purity committee in 2008 Small survey in 2009 ISTA sent out survey May 2009 21 responses received Sunday, 20 June 2010 Agenda Point (08:00-09:00) Detection of Orobanche seeds
Summary of 2009 ISTA Orobanche testing survey 16 labs do not carry out Orobanche testing 5 labs routinely carry out Orobanche testing Most use dry method and sieve the sample Most labs use ISTA weights - Chapter 2 Column 5 for the Other seed determination (OSD) Most use same sample for Orobanche & OSD examination Crop species examined: any species as requested, clovers, brassicas, grasses, legumes, oregano (in purity only) Frequency of occurrence: Very low, found in 1 or 2 samples but not every year, 20 in samples of oregano 7 labs willing to participate in comparative testing Sunday, 20 June 2010 Agenda Point (08:00-09:00)
Display copy available on ISTA stand Final version close to completion For publication 2010 Thanks to Steve Jones, Jonathan Taylor, Maria-Rosaria Mannino, Zita Ripka, Fabio Ferrari, Helen Appleyard, Corinne Sahuguede, Zedenka Prochazkova, others contributors Sunday, 20 June 2010 Agenda Point (08:00-09:00) Purity Handbook
Questions to PC 2009-2010 Requests for drawings of seeds of xFestulolium Guidance requested on other seed determination weight for species covered by Part 3 of Table 2.A., e.g. Calendula Seed with attached ‘film’ layers (e.g. epidermis) on Cucurbita and Linum, to be removed or not? Clarification of the Working sample size for size grading – Beta species & pelleted seed Identification of seed (from digital images) Purity test evaluation of xFestulolium and seeds of Lolium spp. in samples of xFestulolium Testing for and reporting of awned ryegrass seeds in Perennial ryegrass samples Sources of seed for reference collections Question concerning the interpretation of tolerance tables 4.8 Sunday, 20 June 2010 Agenda Point (08:00-09:00)
Blowing comparative test: Coated seeds analysis Orobanche detection PSD 36 Universal List of Species – list published by ISTA photos, descriptions, glossary, list of laboratories providing samples, species comparisons, complementary lists Pure seed defintions for tropicalspecies Sunday, 20 June 2010 Agenda Point (08:00-09:00) 2010‐2013 Future work
Committee members 2010-2013 TBC Chair: 1. Adriel Garay US-United States Vice-chair: 2. Elizabeth Jane Taylor UK-United Kingdom Members: 3. Pernilla AndersonSW- Sweden 4.S.C. Aswatha Narayana IN-India 5. Gerarda de Boer NL-Netherlands 6. Fabio Ferrari IT-Italy 7. Andrea JonitzDE-Germany 8. Augusto Martinelli AR-Argentina 9. Deborah Meyer US-United States 10. Andreas Ratzenboeck AT-Austria 11. Zita Ripka HU-Hungary 12. Ruojing WangCA- Canada 13. Vacancy 14. Vacancy 15. Vacancy ECOM contact person: Rita Zecchinelli IT-Italy Sunday, 20 June 2010 Agenda Point (08:00-09:00)
Thank you for your attention Sunday, 20 June 2010 Agenda Point (08:00-09:00)