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Marie Curie Actions

Marie Curie Actions. Liz French Marie Curie Administrator Research Innovation Service elizabeth.french@nottingham.ac.uk. Marie Curie Actions. EU funding under People programme of Framework 7 for any area of research (science, arts, engineering, medicine)

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Marie Curie Actions

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  1. Marie Curie Actions Liz French Marie Curie Administrator Research Innovation Service elizabeth.french@nottingham.ac.uk

  2. Marie Curie Actions • EU funding under People programme of Framework 7 for any area of research (science, arts, engineering, medicine) • Three main aims of Marie Curie Actions • Benefit European Union • Maintain competitive European research • Support the mobility of researchers into and around Europe • Aims for researchers • Career advancement • Strengthen multi- or interdisciplinary skills • Training-through-research

  3. Marie Curie Actions • Europe • EU member states and Associated Countries • Third Country • not Europe • Experienced Researcher • PhD or • 4 years research experience at call deadline

  4. Marie Curie Actions Individual Fellowships • International Outgoing Fellowship (IOF) • Intra-European Fellowship (IEF) • International Incoming Fellowship (IIF) Network Fellowships • Industry Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) • Initial Training Network (ITN)

  5. Mobility For all fellowships, the mobility rule applies: • At the time of the relevant proposal deadline, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work , studies, etc) in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the relevant deadline. • Compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.

  6. Individual Fellowships • International Outgoing Fellowship • Carry out research in a Third Country (eg Australia, South Africa, India, Brazil, Russia) • Spend 12-24 months in Third Country • Must return to Europe for 12-24 months to continue research (can be UK, can come back to Nottingham University) • Funding for 2-3 years in total • Must be of European nationality, or have lived and worked in Europe for at least 5 years • Advanced training grants • Significantly strengthen and widen your skills and knowledge

  7. Individual Fellowships • Intra-European Fellowship • Move to a different European country to carry out research • National of any country, as long as you currently live in a European country • Funding for 12-24 months • Grants for advanced training and career development • Learn new (complimentary) technique • Training-through-research • Inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary knowledge transfer

  8. Individual Fellowships • International Incoming Fellowship • Move from a third country to a European country • Can have an optional 1 year return phase to your country of origin • Funding for 12-24 months • Can be of any nationality as long as you move from a third country and comply with the mobility rule • Career advancement • Transfer of knowledge into host organisation • Establish new collaborations

  9. Individual Fellowships • International Outgoing Fellowship • €40 million in 2011 (inc of €12million on 2010) • In 2009 ~ 600 proposals 20% success rate • In 2010 ~ 740 proposal 16% success rate • Intra-European Fellowship • €110 million in 2011 (inc of €15million) • In 2009 ~ 2400 proposals 24% success rate • In 2010 ~2800 proposals 18% success rate • International Incoming Fellowship • €40 million in 2011 (increase of €12 million on 2010) • In 2009 ~1045 proposals 15% success rate • In 2010 ~1170 proposals 12% success rate

  10. Researcher Salary Living allowance* €58,500 per year (4-10years experience) €87,500 per year (>10 years experience) Mobility allowance* €700 per month (no family) €1000 per month (with family) *Country correction coefficient applied UK = 1.203 Germany = 0.984 France = 1.158 USA = 1.013 Australia = 1.085

  11. Researcher Salary At call deadline – just received PhD, no family (not married, no children), move from UK to Ireland (coefficient = 1.147) for 12 month fellowship • €67,099 (£56,000) per year living allowance • €9634 (£8100) per year mobility allowance • Total salary cost €76733 (£64100) • Employers NI & Pension ~ 20%

  12. Researcher Salary At deadline – 10 or more years since you received BSc or BA, married, move from UK to Germany (coefficient 0.984), for a fellowship of 3 years • €86100 (£73,000) annual living allowance • €11808 (£10,000) annual mobility allowance • Total salary cost €97908 (£83,000) • Employers NI & Pension ~ 20%

  13. Research Budget Research Costs • €800 (£670) per month • For all costs to carry out research • Consumables, travel to conferences, meetings, training costs, field work costs Other costs • €700 per researcher month for overheads

  14. International Outgoing Fellowship 12 – 24 months in a third country 12 months back in Europe

  15. Intra-European Fellowship 12 -24 months in a different European country

  16. International Incoming Fellowship 12 – 24 months in Europe

  17. Individual Fellowships • Call opens on 16th March 2011 • Call closes on 11th August 2011 at 4pm (BST) • Similar dates each year • Results announced – December 2011 • Start grant – from March 2012 (earliest) to March 2013 (12 months after grant agreement signed)

  18. Individual Fellowships • Career development, increasing knowledge, increasing skills, increasing collaboration • Any research topic covered • Open calls found on Marie Curie Actions website • Proposals submitted using EPSS (find through Google) • Choose host institution carefully (go and visit)

  19. Application • Apply together with a host institution • Employed by host institution • Application usually written by the fellow • Can only submit one application at a time • All applications and reports must be in English • Don’t leave application to the last minute [deadline time is 4pm (5pm in Brussels)] • Check your eligibility

  20. Application Read the Guide for Applicants Read the Work Programme

  21. Application Section A • Administrative information • Researcher name, address, nationality etc etc • Host institution name, address, legal contacts

  22. Application – Section B • Maximum 25 pages • Use correct font (Arial or Times New Roman), font size (11), margins (1.5cm) • 6 sections to Part B 1. Scientific and technological Quality (8 Pages) 2. Training (2 Pages) 3. Researcher (7 Pages) 4. Implementation (6 pages) 5. Impact (2 Pages) 6. Ethical Issues

  23. Section B

  24. Assessment • Split into panels • Chemistry • Social Sciences and Humanities • Economic Sciences • Information Science and Engineering • Environment and Geosciences • Life Sciences • Maths • Physics • Budget spilt pro-rata between categories • Proposals are ranked according to score

  25. Network Grants • Initial Training Network (ITN) • Industry Academia Partnership Pathways (IAPP) • Apply for advertised posts • Mobility rules apply – must move to a different country • EURAXESS website

  26. Further Information http://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions

  27. Further Information http://ec.europa.eu/euraxess/index_en.cfm

  28. Questions?

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