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"Quality as the common basis for mutual trust". Definition of Quality. “ Quality is a construction and not a clearly and well defined concept. In general terms a service or a product is considered of high quality, if it fulfils or even surpasses our expectations.
"Quality as the common basis for mutual trust" Vassilios Karavitis, O.E.E.K.26/11/2010
Definition of Quality “Quality is a construction and not a clearly and well defined concept. In general terms a service or a product is considered of high quality, if it fulfils or even surpasses our expectations. Different stakeholders with different interests and expectations perceive quality in a different way since they have different requirements.”
The Copenhagen Declaration In November 2002 the European Ministers of Vocational Education and Training meeting in Copenhagen agreed to increase voluntary cooperation in vocational education and training focusing on quality in VET: “Promoting cooperation in quality assurance with particular focus on exchange of models and methods, as well as common criteria and principles for quality in vocational education and training” was one of the priorities”
Why quality assurance in Adult Learning and V.E.T.? (1) • The rapidly changing Europe requires training which contribute to social cohesion and social inclusion especially for the most vulnerable citizens • Restricted financial resources for training strengthen the need to be used in the most effective and efficient way. • The tendency for decentralisation of European Training Systems and the growing autonomy of the provider’s increase the need to establish a common framework , providing quality assurance guidelines • Institutions are adopting more professional approaches to management, including the quality assurance and measurement of the impact of their provision
Why quality assurance in Adult Learning and V.E.T.? (2) • The considerable and growing emphasis on strengthening the mobility of learnersbetween institutions, systems, regions and countries has led to a demand at all levels –(policy-makers, funder, employers, providers, individual learners) – for mutual trust betweeneducation and training systems and stakeholders. Thus, quality invocational education and training is a key priority to promote mutual trust,transparency and recognition of competences and qualifications, and thereby establishing abasis for increasing mobility and facilitating access to lifelong learning’ and the labourmarket.
Why quality assurance in V.E.T. (3) • “The diversity of European VET system is an asset for mutual learning. But transparency and a common approach to quality assurance are necessary to build up mutual trust facilitating mobility and recognition of skills and competence s between those systems. In the decade ahead we must give high priority to quality assurance in our European cooperation in VET” • “Recognising qualifications in a more consistent manner may lead to greater transparency and more quality, and ultimately to greater mobility.”
THE E.Q.A.-VET NETWORK “is a community of practice bringing together Member States, Social Partners and the European Commission to promote European collaboration in developing and improving quality assurance in VET by using the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework.”
THE E.Q.A.-VET NETWORK • Assists the Member States in developing effective approaches to support the implementation of E.Q.A.R.F. • develops a Culture of Quality to be embedded at Europeanlevel, national,regional and sectoral levels • supports the quality dimension of EQF and ECVET
Quality Assurance and the shift to NQF/E.Q.F. i t u a l y q M U T U A L T R U S T a s s Guaranteeing overall quality and value of single qualifications u r a n c e Reference of the NQF’ s to EQF Link of individual qualifications to a particular EQF level
The European Quality Assurance Reference Framework (E.Q.A.R.F) European Quality Assurance Reference Framework • Recommendation of the European Parliament and Council on the establishment of the E.Q.A.R.F (18/06.2009) • Its use is on voluntary basis • A Quality Circle including: Planning, Implementation, Evaluation and Review. • Quality Indicators related such us: employability, participation, completion and placement rate, training needs, funding
Why E.Q.A.R.F.? • Does not impose a particular quality system but “provides common principles, quality criteria indicative descriptors and indicators which are to be regarded as a “toolbox”, from which the various users may choose those they consider most relevant to the requirements of their particular quality assurance system” • Emphasise on outputs and outcomes • A basis for for further developments to be made through cooperation at European, national, regional and local levels. • It is a translation instrument facilitating transparency and contributes to mobility and mutual trust
Or the other way round! Transnational Meetings: Exchange of Practices, Cooperation, Good Will Partnership.. Mutual Trust! Basis for… Quality Assurance! EQF PREDICT partners NQF/SQF partners INCREASED TRANSPARENCY AND CONSISTENCY
References: • www.eqavet.eu • www.project-predict.eu • European Commision: Backround Report,“Workshop on Quality” (30/07/2010) • “Quality within the EU VET package”: Tina Bertzeletou (2008) • “The European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for VET: Tina Bertzeletou 2009 • “How can and should Quality Assurance support the implementation of EQF”: Anita Kremo (2010) • “EQARF, ECVET, moving from principles to practice”: Sophie Weisswange (2009) • “European Social Partners on Quality development in further education in V.ET with consideration to the economic crisis”: ENQA-VET Peer Learning Activity (2009) • “EQARF-ECVET”: Joao Delgado, DGVT meeting (2009)
Contact Details: Vassilios Karavitis (Representative of the Greek Quality Assurance National Reference Point) Organisation for Vocational Education and Training Department of European and International Relations European Programs Unit Tel: + E-mail: tm.ep@oeek.gr