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Ozone Nonattainment Requirements JAC Meeting July 1, 2010

Ozone Nonattainment Requirements JAC Meeting July 1, 2010. TCEQ- El Paso (Region 6). Christine Ponce-Diaz July 1, 2010. Major Source Status. A site that emits or has the potential to emit the following:

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Ozone Nonattainment Requirements JAC Meeting July 1, 2010

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  1. Ozone Nonattainment RequirementsJAC Meeting July 1, 2010 TCEQ- El Paso (Region 6) Christine Ponce-Diaz July 1, 2010

  2. Major Source Status • A site that emits or has the potential to emit the following: • 10 Tons Per Year (TPY) or more of any single HAP as listed under the Federal Clean Air Act (FCAA). • 25 TPY or more of any combination of hazardous air pollutant listed under FCAA. • 100 TPY or more of any air pollutant. (Title 30 Texas Administrative Code §122.10) 1

  3. 2008 Emissions Inventory Data

  4. 2008 Emissions Inventory (Cont.) 2

  5. New Source Review Permitting Requirements • Nonattainment NSR- for new and modified major facilities in areas that do not meet one or more NAAQS. • Obtaining the Nonattainment NSR Permit- (1) Identify the most stringent emissions control for large facilities and “best” controls for small facilities. (2) Provide applicable emissions offsets to mitigate the impact of the new or modified facility. (3) Justify that the benefits of the proposed location and project significantly outweigh the environmental and social costs of that location.

  6. Federal Operating Permits (FOP) • Required of major sources (as defined by 30 TAC section 122.10) • Consists of: • Recording all air pollution control requirements that apply to the source • Requiring the source to make regular reports on how it is meeting its emission control requirements • Adding monitoring, testing, and/or recordkeeping requirements where needed ‘ • Requiring the source to certify each year whether or not it has met the air pollution requirements outlined in the FOP • Making the terms of the FOP federally enforceable by the EPA and/or the TCEQ.

  7. Transportation Conformity • A way to ensure that transportation projects are consistent with the state’s SIP. • Transportation conformity determinations required every four years- (1) TIP’s being updated by the El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) (2) New or revised motor vehicle emissions budgets being established in the state’s air quality plan

  8. General Conformity • Ensures that actions taken by Federal agencies in nonattainment and maintenance areas meet national standards for air quality. • De minimis emissions levels in tons per year based on severity of nonattainment: 3

  9. Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program • El Paso Program Area: - Subject Vehicles: Gasoline vehicles model-year 2-24 years old are subject to annual emissions inspection beginning with the vehicle’s second anniversary - Inspection Method: Model-year 1996 and newer vehicles are subject to On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) inspections. Model-year 1995 and older vehicles are subject to Two-Speed Idle (TSI) inspections.

  10. Stage I and Stage II Vapor Recovery 4

  11. Stage I and Stage II Vapor Recovery (Cont.) 4

  12. RACT and RACM • Reasonably Available ControlTechnology- The lowest emissions limitation that a particular source is capable of meeting by the application of control technology that it is reasonably available considering technological and economic feasibility. • Reasonably Available Control Measures- Intended to advance a region’s attainment date with areas obligated only to adopt those measures that are reasonably available for implementation in light of local circumstances.

  13. References • Title 30 Texas Administrative Code Section 122.10 • 2008 Emissions Inventory from TCEQ Air Quality Division in Austin, Texas • http://www.tceq.state.tx.us/implementation/air/sip/gc.html • http://www.tceq.state.tx.us/comm_exec/forms_pubs/pubs/pd/020/05-01/fillerup.html

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