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Strategies to Combat Manipulation and Con Games for Detention Officers

Learn how detention officers can recognize and counter manipulation schemes and con games by inmates. Explore the selection process, tools used for manipulation, and steps of the turnout process. Analyze real cases and equip yourself with knowledge to prevent such situations from occurring.

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Strategies to Combat Manipulation and Con Games for Detention Officers

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  2. Training Objectives • Explain the selection process used by inmates when trying to develop a manipulation scheme involving officers. • Discuss the tools used by inmates to manipulate an officer during a con game. • Identify the steps of the turnout process and what an officer should do if he finds himself in the turnout process. • Analyze and discuss various cases of officers that have become involved in con games.

  3. Think About It! "Every time you walk into a jail or prison, you cross a border. It is like walking into another country." - Unknown Correctional Officer

  4. INTENTIONAL SELECTION Naiveté Over-familiarization • Green • Gullible • Ignorant • Personally involved • Discussing personal problems • First names • Inconsistencies in the rules of enforcement • Promise favors to inmates that are not within the officer's scope of responsibilities http://images.inmagine.com/img/thinkstock/tstock_single1/c0024295.jpg

  5. ACCIDENTAL SELECTION Change in job assignment or family status Hidden Weakness Any trait possessed by an employee that inmates can construe as a weakness can result in that individual’s selection as a victim of a set-up. Inmates know that changes or anticipated changes can tend to make an officer more vulnerable to inmates' attention. http://pinalcountyaz.gov/Departments/Sheriff/RecruitingInfo/PublishingImages/Detention-Officer.jpg

  6. MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS Power Power orientation is best described as the criminal's preoccupation with attaining a sense of dominion over others and absolute control over his or her environment. Revenge An inmate's effort to retaliate against a staff member because of perceived mistreatment or neglect. Status Acting out, refusing to cooperate, or disobeying rules and being willing to do so regardless of the punishment, gives status among peers.

  7. TOOLS OF A SET-UP http://familyrights.us/specials/bin/prison_orange/prisonj.jpg The we/they syndrome The support system Offer of protection Empathy and/ or sympathy Allusion to sex Plea for help The touch system Confidentiality The rumor clinic

  8. The Turnout Process The "turnout" is an officer, who by the means of deception and manipulation, has successfully been coerced into supplying inmates with contraband or corrupting favors. http://www.amarillo.com/images/headlines/042702/prisonguards.jpg

  9. The TURNOUT PROCESS SHOPPING LIST Drugs Alcohol Money Weapons Sex It is important to note that an inmate will initially solicit contraband on a one-time-only basis. The reality, however, is that once this demand is met, requests will continue until the game is discovered by the administration.

  10. The Lever A lever, in a detention facility, is a seemingly harmless minor infraction of the rules of the facility. 3) Looking the other way in regards to infractions to the rules 1) Giving an inmate an extra food tray. 2) Mailing a letter for an inmate

  11. ROSES Yet come in contact with it, and its sting from the thorns feels most painful. The look of a rose bush seems quite innocent; as a matter of fact, the bush appears very attractive.

  12. THE STING The officer must now decide to "Do as you are told or you will be harmed.” If the officer succumbs to the threatened use of the lever or the threatened use of force and brings in contraband or performs illicit favors, the inmates have won the battle of the minds. http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Society/Pix/pictures/2008/05/06/prisoner.guard460.276.jpg

  13. OFFICER’S OPTIONS Self-reporting Resignation Awareness http://www.michalak.org/fh/fvj/fvj_official17.jpg

  14. Case Studies

  15. Training Objectives • Explain the selection process used by inmates when trying to develop a manipulation scheme involving officers. • Discuss the tools used by inmates to manipulate an officer during a con game. • Identify the steps of the turnout process and what an officer should do if he finds himself in the turnout process. • Analyze and discuss various cases of officers that have become involved in con games.

  16. Questions? Questions? Questions?

  17. QUOTE FINAL The intelligent detention officer imposes the will of the facility on the inmate. But does not allow the inmate's will to be imposed on him.

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