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The Physical Setting

The Physical Setting. Chemistry. The electron configuration for the ground state of an atom is given on the Periodic Table of the Elements. Electron Configuration. Regents Question: 06/02 #1. What is the electron configuration of a sulfur atom in the ground state? 2-4 2-6 2-8-4 2-8-6. þ.

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The Physical Setting

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  1. The Physical Setting Chemistry

  2. The electron configuration for the ground state of an atom is given on the Periodic Table of the Elements. Electron Configuration

  3. Regents Question: 06/02 #1 • What is the electron configuration of a sulfur atom in the ground state? • 2-4 • 2-6 • 2-8-4 • 2-8-6 þ Look at the Periodic Table of the Elements

  4. When an electron in an atom gains a specific amount of energy, the electron is at a higher energy state call the excited state. Possible excited states for Na are: 2-7-2 1-8-2

  5. Regents Question: 06/03 #51-52 • Base your answers to the next two questions on the electron configuration table shown below. • What is the total number of valence electrons in an atom of electron configuration X? • Which electron configuration represents the excited state of a calcium atom? • Element Electron Configuration • X 2 –8 –8 –2 Y 2 –8 –7 –3 Z 2 –8 –8 2 2-8-7-3

  6. When an electron returns from a higher energy state to a lower energy state, a specific amount of energy is emitted call a quantum. (plural-quanta)This quantum is part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

  7. The Visible Spectrum:  Typically, superheated solids and liquids will emit light of all colors.  We see it as white light but if we use a spectroscope or prism to separate the light by different frequencies, we see it as a spectrum like the one above.

  8. The Emission Spectrum:  When an excited atom, falls back it gives off a unique absorption spectrum. This emitted energy can be used to identify an element by using a chart of know values Emission Spectrum

  9. Regents Question: 01/03 # 2 • During a flame test, ions of a specific metal are heated in the flam of a gas burner. A characteristic color of light was emitted by these ions in the flame when the electrons • Gain energy as they return to lower energy levels • Gain energy as they move to higher energy levels • Emit energy as they return to lower energy levels • Emit energy as they move to higher energy levels þ

  10. Regents Question: 06/03 # 3 • When the electrons of an excited atom return to a lower energy state, the energy emitted can result in the production of • alpha particles • (2) Isotopes • (3) protons • (4) spectra þ

  11. The outermost electrons in an atom are called the valence electrons. In general, the number of valence electrons affects the chemical properties of an element. • The ground state for Na is 2-8-1 • The valence shell is the third shell. • The valence shell contains 1 electron.

  12. Regents Question: 08/02 #2 • What is the total number of electrons in the • valence shell of an atom of aluminum in the • ground state? • 8 • 2 • 3 • (4) 10 þ

  13. Regents Question: 06/02 #31 • In which shell are the valence electrons of the elements in Period 2 found? • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 þ

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