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ABC’S OF 9TH GRADE Presented by Mr. Berrios & Ms. Scinto
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION • One hundred and twenty (120) credits are required for graduation from Columbia High School. Successful completion of the New Jersey High School Proficiency Assessment (HSPA) is also required. • *Beginning with the class of 2013, graduates will be required to pass the N.J. Biology end-of-course exam. • SUBJECT REQUIREMENTS: • English 20 credits • Mathematics 15 credits • Science 15 credits • Social Studies 15 credits (includes World History 2, • US History I and II) • Physical Education 20 credits (includes 3 quarters Health/Family Life / 1 quarter Driver Education) • World Language 5 credits • Fine/Performing Arts 5 credits • Practical Arts 5 credits • Students are encouraged to study World Languages, beyond the one-year requirement. • A course meeting daily for a full year earns 5 credits and one that meets daily one‑half year earns 2‑1/2 credits. • Transfer Students: Transfer students must meet all state and local requirements in order to receive a high school diploma. No diploma is issued until the requirements are met. • Full Time Status: All students in grades 9, 10, 11 are required to schedule for a minimum of 35 credits each year.
SIMPLE AVERAGE SUBJECT GRADE VALUE Algebra B 3 English A 4 Biology B 3 World History A 4 Spanish A 4 Art 1 B 3 21 Average =21/6=3.50
SIMPLE AVERAGE SUBJECT GRADE VALUE Algebra B 3 English A 4 Biology B 3 World History A 4 Spanish F 0 Art 1 B 3 17 Average =17/6=2.83
GPA(GRADE POINT AVERAGE) • The number of credits and the levels contribute to the weight a grade has • Plus or minus grades have different numeric values • Course failures indicated by grades E or NC are treated as a loss of credit and are calculated in the GPA as 0.00 • If a student retakes and passes a previously failed course during the school year; both classes are reported on the transcript and both grades are computed in the GPA. Summer school grades are NOT calculated into the weighted GPA/ • Two grade point averages are calculated for each student: an academic GPA and a total GPA • Many colleges have their own system of calculating GPA • See your CHS Student/Parent Handbook for GPA System details
COUNSELOR RECOMMENDATION QUESTIONNAIRE COLUMBIA HIGH SCHOOL COUNSELING CENTER COUNSELOR’S RECOMMENDATION QUESTIONNAIRE NAME LAST MI FIRST ADDRESS STREET TOWN Zip Code PHONE # Email Address: S.S. # HOMEROOM The information you provide in this questionnaire will help your counselor in writing letters of recommendation for you to post-secondary schools/colleges/future employers. Please answer all questions to the best of your ability. The more information you provide, the better job your counselor will be able to do in writing your recommendation. DATE OF BIRTH PLACE OF BIRTH CITIZEN: Are you a US citizen? LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY: If you are PARENTS Occupation/Employer/ College Attended/ Degrees Earned/ Mother’s Name /Father’s name/Proficient in a language other than English, specify: Siblings: Do you have anysiblings (ages)? Are any now attending or have graduated from college (and from which college)? __________________________________________________ Athletics: Do you plan on playing Division I or II sports in college? If yes, specify sport. ________________________________________________________________ ACTIVITIES: In what school and/or community activities have you participated during your high school years? What role or position did you play in each activity? Be specific GRADE 9/GRADE 10/ GRADE 11/GRADE 12 Position (Captain, president…) INTEREST/HOBBIES: Please discuss some of your interests/hobbies, the extent of your involvement and any special accomplishments in these interests/hobbies that have brought you a sense of satisfaction and why.
COUNSELOR RECOMMENDATION QUESTIONNAIRE(p.2) SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Have you participated in any summer and/or enrichment programs? Please specify dates and the nature of the program. WORK EXPERIENCE: Have you held any part-time or summer jobs? (Specify your dates of employment) Have those jobs influenced your choice of major or career in any way? Have they enabled you to save money for college? Discuss your jobs and their impact on you and/or your future. Also describe any volunteer work. EMPLOYER Starting Date, Ending Date, Position GROWTH: What events or experiences have shaped your growth and way of thinking or have been important to your personal development? (enrichment experience i.e. Exchange program; special family situation) ACADEMIC INTERESTS: What are your academic interests? Which courses have you enjoyed the most?…the least?…and why? CAREER GOALS: What will be your major in college?________________________ Have you thought of a future profession or career? If so, what interests you and why? SOCIAL CONCERNS: Briefly discuss your major social concern. SPECIFIC EVENT: describe a recent experience that has given you a sense of satisfaction or pride. Explain why you were satisfied or proud. SELF EVALUATION: Please give adjectives that would describe you from: - friends - family - yourself SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: Are there any outside circumstances, which have interfered with your academic performance. READINGS: name the most interesting book or article that you have read in the last six months. Why did you find it interesting and/or meaningful? COLUMBIA HIGH SCHOOLCOUNSELING CENTER PARENT BRAG SHEET Please share your insights What are some of the outstanding accomplishments of your son/daughter during their high school years? In which areas have you observed the most development and growth in your child? What are your daughter/son’s outstanding personality traits? If you had to describe your son/daughter choosing 5-6 adjectives which ones would you use? Please explain.
STUDY TIPS • What is your learning style? • Auditory • Visual • Tactile • Get Organized • Use Your Agenda • Take Good Notes • Form Study Groups • Take Breaks • Do Not Cram
NAVIANCE • Web-based college search engine • Career interest inventory • Should be receiving password in an upcoming homeroom • Counselor Recommendation Questionnaire available on Naviance (download your copy).
ACHIEVE TUTOR PROGRAM • Tutors are either high school students (peer tutors) or adults from the community • One hour a weekly for at least 8 weeks • Tutoring takes place at CHS • Tutors assigned according to volunteer availability and subject area • Forms are available at the Counseling Center
FINAL NOTES • You must successfully complete 30 credits to be promoted to the 10th grade • Excessive absences and/or tardiness may lead to an E or NC grade and hence loss of credit • Two cuts in the same marking period in a class will result in failure (59%), indicated by a grade of “E” • Three (3) tardies to class will count as one cumulative absence • Appropriate email • Never use you D.O.B. or your SS number as you email • Avoid words that could be perceived as silly, inappropriate, offensive or vulgar • Facebook and My Space • Avoid posting anything that could damage your character See your Guidance Counselor early on to discuss a plan for success in your High School years