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The Practice of Clinical Health Psychology Robin Perkins, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist and Program Director Archbold Int

The Practice of Clinical Health Psychology Robin Perkins, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist and Program Director Archbold Integrative Medicine Center.

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The Practice of Clinical Health Psychology Robin Perkins, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist and Program Director Archbold Int

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  1. The Practiceof Clinical HealthPsychologyRobin Perkins, Ph.D.Clinical Psychologistand Program DirectorArchbold Integrative Medicine Center

  2. Health Psychology:The aggregate of specific educational, scientific, and professional contributions of the discipline of psychology to the promotion and maintenance of health, the prevention of illness, and identification of etiologic and diagnostic correlates of health, illness, and related dysfunctions.

  3. Titles: Behavioral MedicineMedical PsychologyPsychosomatic MedicineHealth Psychology

  4. Requirements: Ph.D. in Clinical PsychologyPrefer Specific graduate training and graduate clinical internship in Health PsychologyState License in Psychology

  5. Areas of Work:Academic InstitutionsMedical Centers / HospitalsResearch InstitutionsPrivate PracticePrimary Care Practices

  6. Top Three Professional Activities:Clinical Practice 65%Research 55%Teaching / Supervision 50%

  7. Primary Employment Settings:Educational 55%Service Delivery 42%Industry / Government 9%(Houston, 1988 Health Psychology Survey)

  8. Primary Care PracticesBetween 50% and 70% of a physician’s normal caseload consists of patients whose medical ailments are significantly related to psychological factors.

  9. Primary Care PracticesAnxiety and depression were among the 6 most common conditions seen in family practice.

  10. Mental health patients typically over-utilize medical services.

  11. Clinical Focus:Individual PsychotherapyCoping SkillsTreatment Compliance IssuesBehavior ChangeAffective DisordersGrieving / Loss Issues

  12. Group PsychotherapySupport GroupsPain Management GroupsBehavior Change GroupsCoping Skills, etc.

  13. Psychological EvaluationTestingNeuropsychological EvaluationsConversion Disorder / PseudoseizuresAffective DisordersPersonality EvaluationsTransplantationPain Evaluations

  14. Psycho-educational TeachingStress Management GroupsLifestyle Changes: smoking, diet, safe sex, etc.

  15. Family TherapyEducation

  16. Specific Areas of Clinical FocusCardiology Lifestyle Change CABG Surgery Pain Management Anxiety associated with internal cardiac defibrillators

  17. Neurology Traumatic Brain Injury Dementia Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Chronic Terminal Disease

  18. Pain Management Candidates for Opiates Coping Skills Depression Lifestyle Changes Family System

  19. Smoking Cessation Lifestyle Changes Lifestyle MaintenanceStress Management Lifestyle Changes Covers Every Diagnostic Category

  20. Organ Transplantation Coping Skills Treatment Compliance Support SystemsAnxiety /DepressionCancer Pain Management Anticipatory Nausea Lifestyle Changes Body Disfigurement Social Support End of Life Issues

  21. Diabetes Treatment Compliance Developmental Issues Dementia Lifestyle Changes Loss IssuesPulmonary Diseases Treatment Compliance Lifestyle Changes Depression / Anxiety

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