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Ethylene Glycol and Ethylene Oxide -Market Competition by Manufacturers,Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis,Manufacturing Cost Analysis ,Industrial Chain,Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers, Market Effect Factors Analysis <br>
Ethylene Glycol and Ethylene Oxide Industry Analysis Share, Sales, Trends, overview2017-2022 Ethylene Glycol and Ethylene Oxide Industry Contains Market Competition by Manufacturers, Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis, and Manufacturing Cost Analysis, Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers, Market Effect FactorsAnalysis. Global ethylene glycol and ethylene oxide demand is expected to witness a high growth on account of its vast industrial application especially in the manufacturing of pet bottles. These compounds are vital raw materials that are used in the manufacturing of various products which include detergents, solvents, thickeners, and plastics. Ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol are not used directly and most of its application come as a raw material. Ethylene oxide is an organic compound belonging to the cyclic ether family having a molecular formula C2H4O. At room temperature, it is a colorless gas with a sweet odor. It exhibits flammable characteristics and is categorized as a hazardous substance. It is not well known to consumers although highly used as a raw material to produce consumer products. Ethylene oxide is one of the most produced organic chemicals in the world. Most of the commercial C2H4O is obtained through the chlorohydrinprocess. Browse Full Research Report of ethylene glycol and ethylene oxide market@ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/ethylene-glycol-oxide-market
Ethylene glycol (C2H6O2) is obtained when ethylene oxide is treated with water in the presence of acidic catalysts. It is a colorless liquid having a sweet taste and moderate toxicity. It is mostly used in the manufacturing of polyester fibers and polyethylene terephthalate resins (PET). Polyester is a popular compound which used these compounds as raw material. Increasing consumption of polyester is the major driving factor propelling the market demand. The textile industry is a major consumer polyester which further drives the overall market demand. Polyester has shown increasing popularityowingtotheirrobustness,tear,andwrinkleresistant.Thesefibersareusedasaninsulator in the manufacturing of pillows and upholstery padding. Liquid crystal displays. Further, these polyesterfibersarealsousedtomakeliquidcrystaldisplays,holograms,tarpaulin,wireinsulatorsand insulationtapes. Manufacturing of PET bottles is another factor driving the manufacturing of these compounds. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a thermoplastic polymer resin used to make containers for food and beverages. The beverage industry has been extensively using these compounds for packaging. Food and beverage packaging using PET bottles and containers have overshadowed tin packaging owing to its low cost and convenient usage. Detergent manufacturing has been significantly contributing in fueling the demand in recent years. These ethylene compounds are used for manufacturing surfactants. The healthcare sector has witnessed the use of C2H4O for sterilizing medical equipment. These applications in the form of a sterilizing agent and disinfectant agent provide new avenues for the market growth. Another driver comprises of growing demand for antifreeze agents in automobile industries. Anti-freezers are used in vehicles to reduce the freezing point of water basedliquid. Request Sample Copy of ethylene glycol and ethylene oxide market @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/ethylene-glycol-oxide-market/request-sample Ethylene oxide is categorized as a hazardous material and requires handling with care. Risks associated with its usage is expected to offer a major challenge to the industry growth as companies tend to use safe raw materials for production. Occupational safety and health Organization (OSHA) is anagencyundertheUnitedStatesdepartmentoflabor.OSHAaimsatguidingthemanufacturersand users for best industrial practices. Stringent government regulations are expected to act as a barrier to industrial growth in the near future. OSHA has set the maximum exposure limit for 15 minutes of 5partspermillion(ppm).Theincreaseinrawmaterialpricesisexpectedtoaffecttheglobalmarket
demand. These compounds are derived from crude oil and their price fluctuations are expected to impact theprofitability. • The market is segmented based on its application for further chemical production. It includes mono ethylene glycol, ethoxylates, ethanolamine, Diethylene & triethylene, polyols, and polyethylene. Segmentation on the basis of end-use industries includes textiles, detergents & personal care, packaging, agrochemicals and healthcare. North America dominates the market both in terms of demand and production and is expected to continue its dominance owing to its application in polyester and PET manufacturing. Regional demand is followed by Asia Pacific on account of increasing polyester fabric demand. The textile industry in countries including India, China and Malaysia has significantly contributed in propelling the regionalgrowth. • Europe is anticipated to witness a steady growth mainly on account of detergent and personal care industry.AfricaandSouthAmericaisexpectedtowitnessaslowgrowthowingtothescarcepresence of end use industries. Key players operating in the market include Dow Chemical Company, Royal Dutch Shell, Saudi Basic Industries, China Petrochemical Corporation, Formosa Plastics, Ineos, and BASF. Companies are focusing on achieving economies of scale through large scale production in order to negate the fluctuating crude oil prices. The U.S manufacturers have been establishing a strong relationship with customers in Asia-Pacific for establishing strongrelations. • See More Reports of this Category by Million Insights @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry/chemicals • Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of Ethylene Glycol and Ethylene Oxide in these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast),covering • NorthAmerica • Europe • China • Japan • SoutheastAsia • India • Global Ethylene Glycol and Ethylene Oxide market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the topplayers
including • BASF • DOW • Huntsman • Shell • SABIC • AkzoNobel • Farsa Chemical • Formosa Plastics • Ineos Oxide • LyondellBasell Industries • RelianceIndustries • Sinopec • On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily splitinto • EthyleneGlycol • Ethoxylate • Ethanolamine • Polyols • Pharmaceutical • On the basis on the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate of Ethylene Glycol and Ethylene Oxide for each application,including • Polyester Fiber • Polyester Resin • Antifreeze • Polyester Film • Other • Browse Full Research Report of ethylene glycol and ethylene oxide market@ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/ethylene-glycol-oxide-market
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