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WIGOS Metadata Standardization Framework

Learn about the WIGOS initiative to standardize observing systems, metadata, and quality management for better data access and products. Explore the importance of metadata standards in ensuring data quality and usability.

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WIGOS Metadata Standardization Framework

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  1. TASK TEAM ON WIGOS METADATA (TT-WMD) FIRST SESSION Manuel Bañón (mbanong@aemet.es) State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), Alicante, Spain GENEVA, SWITZERLAND 11 – 15 MARCH 2013

  2. The purpose of the WIGOS (1) initiative is to establish an upgraded environment for observing systems that will: • Standardize observing requirements (standards, guidelines and best practices) defined for the user’s community • Avoid multiple, overlapping sources of information in WMO and WMO cosponsored Programmes • Metadata and Quality Management System (QMS) • Ensure that the quality of observation is documented • Ensure the availability of associated comprehensive metadata for better products and services • Ensure implementation of basic principles of the observing system/network targeted Quality Management System • Provide data specifications describing required data or products • Integrate observing systems following the aims and rules defined within WIGOS framework • Standardize access to data and products • Provide the tools for easy, single access for the user’s community to the set of standards, guidelines and best practices for the management of observing systems (1)FRAMEWORK FOR WIGOS STANDARDIZATION OF THE SURFACE-BASED COMPONENTS.EC-WG/SG-WIGOS-2/Doc. 5.1

  3. WIGOS metadata must be considered from user point of view, taking into account user requirements Meaningful use of observations requires knowledge about the conditions under which the observation was made; WIGOS metadata is what provides that supporting information. User requirements be collected

  4. (TT-WMD)Terms of Reference In accordance with guidance and recommendations of Cg-XVI, EC and ICG-WIGOS-1: To identify the information that is needed to allow the majority of users to use WIGOS observations in appropriate contexts and in a defensible way To create the WIGOS Core Metadata Standard that allows the essential information to be exchanged unambiguously, regardless of the format used for the transfer To define a mechanism for maintaining the WIGOS Core Metadata Standard, including how metadata might be provided that is additional to the Core and coordinate with the ICG-WIGOS Task Team on Regulatory Material (TT-WRM) on any appropriate documentation as needed for WIGOS related Manual(s) and Guide(s) To implement within the WIGOS Core Metadata Standard, and the WMO Core Metadata Profile, a standard method of providing users with an indication of the quality of the data, and to do so in a way that distinguishes with the quality management of the data (“quality of the observation”) and ensuring that the user is able to identify which applications the data are suitable for (“classification of the observation”) To coordinate regularly with the ICG-WIGOS as needed and report at least annually to the ICG-WIGOS on the progress To complete its tasks and hand over additional requirements to its successor (if required) in time for approval by Cg-17

  5. What is a Metadata Standard? A Community agreed upon declaration that provides a structure to describe data with: • Common terms to allow consistency between records • Common definitions for easier interpretation • Common language for ease of communication • Common structure to quickly locate information In search and retrieval, standards provide: • A reliable and predictable format for computer interpretation • A uniform summary description of the data set

  6. Many metadata standards exist • ISO 19115 Geographic information: Metadata • Emphasis on geospatial data and services • World Meteorological Organization Core Metadata Profile (WMO) – a profile of ISO 19115 • Emphasis on meteorological data • Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM) • Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) • Emphasis on geospatial data • Directory Interchange Format (DIF) • Emphasis on Earth science data • Dublin Core Element Set • Emphasis on web resources, publications

  7. Definition of Metadata • Information to let you and others find, understand, and use your data both now and in the future • “Data about data” • describes data • what are the data? • where are they for? • who is responsible? • what are the units? • Need to agree • what needs to be described • how they will be organised • what they will be called • So that • non-specialists can find data • applications can handle data

  8. You get the idea … so, what’s needed? • Negotiated between you and your team (data producers), data developers and the data archive • Created / collected as part of workflows associated with lifecycle of the data Based on key questions, e.g., : • How will I and others find my data? • What will future scientists need to know, to understand and re-use the data? • What will data (product) developers need to create data services and products that use my data? • What does the data archive team need from the data producer team (as the ones who know the data best) in order to preserve it for the long term? the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW, WHY about your data

  9. Specific’s from different perspectives? When receiving data: • What are the data gaps? • What processes were used for creating the current data? • Are there any fees associated with the data? • In what scale were the data created? • What do the values in the tables mean? • What software do I need in order to read the data? • What projection is the data in? • Can I give this data to someone else? When submitting data: • Why was the data was created? • What limitations, if any, do the data have? • What does the data mean? • Who should be cited if someone publishes something that utilized your data?

  10. METADATA (1) Good metadata are needed to ensure that the final data user has no doubt about the conditions in which data have been recorded, gathered and transmitted, in order to extract accurate conclusions from their analysis. Metadata have a key role in the process of creating such datasets, as the knowledge of the station history provides increased confidence in the statistical techniques employed to ensure that the only variations that remain in a climate time series are due to actual climate variability and change. Meteorological data are influenced by a wide variety of observational practices. Data depend on the instrument, its exposure, recording procedures and many other factors. There is a need to keep a record of all these metadata to make the best possible use of the data. Additional information will be of great advantage for the data users, as well as for the providers.

  11. METADATA (2) A good metadata archive helps the NMHSs in asset management and other administrative procedures, as data existences and observing conditions are kept in good order. It also can be said that good metadata helps society to gain a better understanding of weather and climate related processes, as well as climate change. GCOS Climate monitoring principles: “The details and history of local conditions, instruments, operating procedures, data processing algorithms and other factors pertinent to interpreting data (i.e. metadata) should be documented and treated with the same care as the data themselves.” (WMO 2002).

  12. Metadata Types and Functions • Provenance and Context • Physical and conceptual environment needed to understand data • Important for use and re-use • Discovery including • Citation to enable proper credit, authority and identification • Access and use restrictions • Preservation / Archiving • Facilitating utility of data over time • Project Documentation • Accumulation of important facts, guidelines, explanations about the project

  13. Metadata requirements for climate (1) • STATION IDENTIFIERS: name, aliases, station number or code in other networks, opening/closing dates, type of station and station information contact • GEOGRAPHICAL DATA: latitude and longitude, elevation above mean sea level and relocations • LOCAL ENVIRONMENT: at different scales, it is recommended to keep track of several attributes as proximity and size of large water surfaces, urbanized areas and mountain ranges. At toposcale terrain slope, both steepness and direction, forests, crops and other roughness, nearby obstacles such as trees or houses (at airports: airplanes) and proximity to irrigation. • INSTRUMENT EXPOSURE: obstacles and shelter, ground cover(roughness, albedo, pavement, sand, etc.)

  14. Metadata requirements for climate (2) • INSTRUMENTATION: instrument manufacturer, model of instrument, with size and identification, output type and sensitivity, transducer type, response time • DATA RECORDING AND TRANSMISSION: units and resolution, range of recorded variations, response time and/or sampling time, averaging period if applicable • OBSERVING PRACTICES: observer, meteorological operational procedures, checking instruments, replacing disposable items, housekeeping, observed elements, observing times. • CORRECTIONS MADE BY OBSERVER: conversion tables or computer programs should be kept

  15. Metadata requirements for climate (3) • DATA PROCESSING: the corrections made to the data, the procedures of quality control applied, the adjustments made to ensure its homogeneity, and the data estimated and filled in, after applying the interpolation procedureselected. • UNITS: º Celsius o ºFahrenheit • SPECIAL CODES: like missing data, wrong value, trace precipitation, non-precipitation, or accumulated precipitation • CALCULATIONS: time averaging (daily, monthly and so on) of elements • QUALITY CONTROL: Gross error checking, Tolerance tests, Internal consistency check • HOMOGENEITYADJUSTEMENTS: elements, periods,applied test, etc.

  16. Information sourcesGuide to climatological practices (WMO N° 100)Guidelines on climate metadata and homogenisation (WMO/TD-No.1185 )Climate Database Management Systems Specification Document”Creating Documentation and Metadata”. Nancy J. Hoebelheinrich, Stanford University Libraries WMO

  17. My experience tells me that the basic metadata are very difficult to obtain. The technicians are reluctant to write and we need to specify very in a simple and clearthat metadata are needed before and during the installation of a station and to be closely monitored during the operation thereof.

  18. Thanks

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