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80x Bandwidth (8 GHz, full stokes), with 4000 channels Full frequency coverage (1 to 50 GHz)

What is EVLA? Build on existing infrastructure, replace all electronics (correlator, Rx, IF, M/C) => multiply ten-fold the VLA’s observational capabilities. 80x Bandwidth (8 GHz, full stokes), with 4000 channels Full frequency coverage (1 to 50 GHz) 10x continuum sensitivity (<1uJy)

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80x Bandwidth (8 GHz, full stokes), with 4000 channels Full frequency coverage (1 to 50 GHz)

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  1. What is EVLA? Build on existing infrastructure, replace all electronics (correlator, Rx, IF, M/C) => multiply ten-fold the VLA’s observational capabilities • 80x Bandwidth (8 GHz, full stokes), with 4000 channels • Full frequency coverage (1 to 50 GHz) • 10x continuum sensitivity (<1uJy) • 30% FBW at 20GHz => Large volume high z line surveys (eg. z =3.2 to 5.0 in CO 1-0 in K) EVLA + ALMA represent > 10x improvement in observational capabilities from 1GHz to 1 THz

  2. EVLA Status • Digital retrofits 100% complete • Receivers 100% complete at ν ≥ 18GHz w. 2GHz BW • Full receiver complement completed 2013 + 8GHz BW • Early science started March 2010 using new correlator Today w. 2GHz BW

  3. EVLA (and GBT!) and galaxy formation 100 Mo yr-1 at z=5 cm telescopes: low order molecular transitions = total gas mass, dense gas tracers (sub)mm: high order molecular lines. fine structure lines, dust continuum Synchrotron + Free-free continuum = SFR

  4. 1.4 GHz Source Counts: uJy sky will ‘light up’ with SF galaxies AGN steep flat starbursts spirals Star forming galaxies 1st/NVSS 3C EVLA uJy ~ 104 galaxies per pointing in 12hr

  5. Radio stacking of 30,000 sBzK galaxies in COSMOS: Large disk galaxy formation at z ~ 2 Stacking in bins of 3000 M*= 1010 Mo 3x1011 Mo 0.9 +/- 0.2uJy => SFR ~ 20 Mo/yr 20uJy SFR independent BAB Extinction increases with SFR SFR increases w. stellar mass Pannella ea.

  6. Dawn of Downsizing: SFR/M* vs. M* 1.4GHz SSFR • SSFR constant with M*, unlike z<1 • z>1.5 sBzK well above the ‘red and dead’ line (th-1) • => even large galaxies actively star forming • UV dust correction = f(SFR, M*) • EVLA will sBzK individually over wide fields z=2.1 z=1.5 5x tH-1 (z=1.8) z=0.3 UV SSFR

  7. EVLA early science: molecular gas across cosmic time I. Quasar host galaxies at z ~ 6 SDSS 0927+2001 z = 5.8 CO 2-1 500 km/s 11kpc Very highly excited Wang, Wagg ea • MBH ~ 109 Mo • H2 mass ~ few x 1010 (α/0.8) Mo • SFR ~ 103 Mo/yr • => very early formation of SMBH + massive galaxies at tuniv < 1Gyr

  8. II. GN20 molecule-rich proto-cluster at z=4 (Daddi ea) CO 2-1 in 3 submm galaxies, all in 256 MHz band 0.3mJy z=4.055 4.051 4.056 0.4mJy 0.7mJy CO2-1 46GHz • SFR ~ 103 Mo/year • Mgas ~ 1011 (α/0.8) Mo • Early, clustered massive galaxy formation 1000 km/s

  9. Spectroscopic imaging GN20 z=4.0 EVLA: well sampled velocity field +250 km/s -250 km/s • CO 1-0 region ~ 15 kpc • Rotating disk + possible tidal tail • Dynamical mass = 3e11 Mo • Gas mass = 1.3e11 Mo • Stellar mass = 2.3e11 Mo • => Baryon dominated

  10. EVLA: well sampled velocity field GN20 CO 2-1 0.4” 0.18” • High and low excitation components • Clumpy, rotating CO disk ~ 10kpc • clumps resolved, sizes >~ 1 kpc • clumps H2 masses ~ 109 to 1010 Mo • => ‘Dekel Disk’: Cold Mode Accretion scales up to SMGs at tuniv < 2Gyr?

  11. III. CO observations of sBzK with EVLA/Bure: Massive gas reservoirs without extreme starbursts (Daddi, Aravena, Dannerbauer) CO 1-0 EVLA z ~ 1.5 • 6 of 6 sBzK detected in CO with Bure and/or EVLA, sizes > 10kpc • Gas masses ~ 1011 Mo ~ gas mass in SMG, but SFR < 10% SMG • Gas masses ≥ stellar masses => pushed back to epoch when galaxies are gas dominated!

  12. SMG/QSO 1.5 1 • Lower CO excitation ~ MW [low J observations are key!] • FIR/L’CO: Gas consumption timescales ~ few x108 yrs ~ MW • secular formation of large disk galaxies during epoch of galaxy assembly (Genzel, Tacconi, Daddi…) • high z Universe is rich in molecular gas!

  13. Higher Density Tracers: Realm of cm telescopes • ncr> 105 cm-3 (vs. ncr(CO) ~ 103 cm-3) => high order transitions hard to excite • Linear correlation with SFR => [SFR/dense gas] ~ constant (‘counting SF clouds’) z=2.6 HCN 1-0 200uJy Index = 1 HCO+ 1-0 Gao +, Wu +

  14. Dense gas history of the Universe  Tracing the fuel for galaxy formation over cosmic time sBzK BX/BM SF Law SFR Millennium Simulations Obreschkow & Rawlings See also Bauermeister et al. Mgas DGHU is primary goal for studies of galaxy formation this decade!

  15. z ~ 3 Lensed LBG Riechers ea Next proposal deadline is February 1, 2011

  16. END

  17. EVLA/ALMA Deep fields: the ‘missing half’ of galaxy formation • 1000 hrs, 50 arcmin2 • Volume (EVLA Ka, CO 1-0 at z=2 to 2.8) = 1.4e5 cMpc3 • 1000 galaxies z=0.2 to 6.7 in CO with M(H2) > 1010 Mo • 100 in [CII] z ~ 6.5 • 5000 in dust continuum Millennium Simulations Obreschkow & Rawlings

  18. EVLA: well sampled velocity field GN20 CO 2-1 0.4” 0.18” • Regions of active star formation are totally obscured in HST ACS image • Clumpy, rotating CO disk ~ 10kpc • clumps resolved, sizes >~ 1 kpc • clumps H2 masses ~ 109 to 1010 Mo • => ‘Dekel Disk’: Cold Mode Accretion scales up to SMGs at tuniv < 2Gyr?

  19. Spectroscopic imaging GN20 z=4.0 EVLA: well sampled velocity field • CO 1-0 region ~ 15 kpc • Rotating disk + possible tidal tail • Dynamical mass = 3e11 Mo • Gas mass = 1.3e11 Mo • Stellar mass = 2.3e11 Mo • => Baryon dominated

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