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Israel Spring 2007

Israel Spring 2007. A lovely Mural in my digs. Beautiful but wastes too much water – A prized commodity in Israel. Yigal Alon Center & Ancient Boat. Museum Entrance. A place to teach new soldiers their history And why they are important!. History of founding of Israel in Galilee.

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Israel Spring 2007

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Israel Spring 2007

  2. A lovely Mural in my digs

  3. Beautiful but wastes too much water – A prized commodity in Israel

  4. Yigal Alon Center & Ancient Boat

  5. Museum Entrance

  6. A place to teach new soldiers their history And why they are important!

  7. History of founding of Israel in Galilee

  8. Jesus Boat Staff

  9. A GREAT shop!

  10. View of the Galilee from the Museum

  11. Beauty of Spring in Galilee

  12. Mat 11:21Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon which were done in you, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. Chorazin Archeological Dig

  13. Ancient Structure

  14. Row of Columns on street

  15. Ancient Storage buildings

  16. Mat 23:2-3 saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit on MOSES SEAT: (3) all things therefore whatsoever they bid you, these do and observe: but do not ye after their works; for they say, and do not.

  17. Synagogue Capital

  18. Synagogue Columns

  19. Beautiful Countryside

  20. Traveling further North to - Metula, Northern Border with Lebanon

  21. Base of Hermon in Lebanon

  22. Blockades left from war

  23. Military Intelligence

  24. Deployment Base at Border

  25. View of Mount Hermon, Northern Approach

  26. Northern Extent of Hula Valley

  27. Trees Burned from War

  28. More Beautiful Scenery

  29. Next day – Starting down the Jordan Valley Road

  30. The Beautiful Land

  31. Morning Haze over the mountains

  32. Hills of Jordan in Distance

  33. Lush Green from Winter Rains

  34. My Jerusalem Abode – The Gershon Agron Guest House

  35. Great Synagogue SuperSol Grocery

  36. Independence Park

  37. Har HaBayit – The Kotel By Night The Footstool of the Holy One

  38. The Approach to the Southern Steps Of the Temple Mount by Night

  39. Ben Gurion Arrivals Hall Meeting our Sar El Crew

  40. Coffee while you wait for all the NEW arrivals

  41. Madrichot with Waiting Volunteers

  42. On our base, getting our epilates Our “Tough” Commanders With Gigi

  43. Our “tough” commanders with Gigi and Irwin Waiting for our First Weekend off

  44. Tel Aviv - City Back Yards

  45. This is Ben Yehuda Friday before Noon – Should Be BUSTLING

  46. Empty Coffee Shop

  47. One of Many Empty Shops

  48. Poor Upkeep & Conditions

  49. Not much Improved from Two years ago

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