Greek prototype in Horizontal sundials with Political time of Greece. Desigh and construction by George kaffezas
Design and construction from George Kaffezas • prototype operation: on top of the horizontal relief plaque is the shadow of thegnomon and shows the time of Greece and not the solar hour. At the classic sundial when the sun is at the top of the sky the time is 12 but here in Athens the political time is 12:25 at winter and 13:25 at summer plus some minutes witch is the correction of time and this correction is different for every month .
The correction of each month is responsible for the shape of the curved hours at the horizontal relief plaque. • There is another curved line at the beginning and at the end of the day witch tell us the time of sunrise and sunset .This curved line is the border between night and day. That’s why there is the moon . • At the center there is a sun who smile and the rays are the hours at the relief plaque. • Outside of the circle there are the symbols of the zodiac months and also the dates witch are the borders between the zodiac months. The shadow tell us the zodiac month at morning or evening The anchors is the symbol of stability witch the earth rotates around the sun and around itself.
If you want to read correctly the hour from this sundial you should choose the correct zodiac month and if you don’t know the zodiac month you should read outside the circle and find the correct zodiac month from the dates witch are the borders of the zodiac months. So when you know the zodiac month you can read the correct hour when you look at the correct zodiac ring. The 7 zodiac months outside have the summer time witch is outside and the 5 zodiac months inside and closer to the center have the winter time witch is inside. • The gnomon is made of a slim wire rope because the shadows is more accurate. • I made this construction from concrete with color of ocher so it seems like clay witch is closer to ancient prototypes. I have add some chemical for better durability. The weight is about 150 kgrs and the dimensions are 105*135*6 centimeters. This was the second prototype to check the correction of the shape.