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LICEO C. GOLGI Breno. 4A Linguistic and P.E. teacher Maria Rosa Magri. “OUR FOREFATHERS' Regional cultural and historical HERITAGE”. Project. OLD GAMES. HEADMASTER Mario Martini. COLLABORATION Caterina Polonioli and Viviana Tignonsini.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LICEO C. GOLGI Breno 4A Linguistic and P.E. teacher Maria Rosa Magri

  2. “OUR FOREFATHERS' Regional cultural and historical HERITAGE” Project

  3. OLD GAMES HEADMASTER Mario Martini COLLABORATION Caterina Polonioli and Viviana Tignonsini

  4. The 4 A linguistic will be showing you “OLD GAMES” a journey through the artistic and historical heritage of Breno.

  5. BRENO

  6. PALACE OF CULTURE • Renessance period (1500) - portale-loggia Games: jump ropping tug of war dodgeball 1

  7. 2 SAINT ANTONIO CHURCH Renessance period (1500) - portale rubber band horse jump (caalì) Games: 2 1

  8. 3 TOWER HOUSE AND PARISH Church Baroque style (1600) Games: hoop 3 2 1

  9. 4 SCALETTA STREET backyards (1800) 3 2 4 1

  10. 5 VIEW CASTLE OF BRENO medieval castle (1100) world-hop scotch wall ball Games: 5 3 2 4 1

  11. black and white running (caalì) flag (bala creela) (penacol) 6 MARKET SQUARE (1800) Games: 5 6 3 2 4 1

  12. 7 TOWER OF VIA MAZZINI medieval period 5 6 3 7 2 4 1

  13. 8 COMUNALE PALACE (1890) Four corners jump ropping Games: 8 5 6 3 7 2 4 1

  14. 9 VILLA GHEZA-ARABIAN STYLE (1920) 9 8 5 6 3 7 2 4 1

  15. Students feelings:

  16. …......It has been an amazing, interesting, pleasant experience even if a bit embarassing but creative, alternative,different. …......People have looked at us in an astonishing way. Simona Gloria Serena Greta Maria Giulia Maria C. Federica Laura Viviana

  17. …......It has been funny playing these games, sharing this experience with my classmates. I hope to repeat it again... Veronica Linda Fabiana

  18. ….......We've discovered our tradition... our grandparents had fun in an easy way, with very few things... Michela Marta Eleonora Silvia Chiara F. Chiara B.

  19. …......I've realised how different the old games were..... Before I didn't know some of them....... Elisa Sharon

  20. …........I've enjoyed playing these games during Physical Education lessons.. I'm very sorry of not having shared the experience of going to Breno… Marco

  21. …......Games are played everywhere....It doesn't matter either language or culture while enjoying yourself… Sofia from Mexico

  22. Ideazione e conduzione progetto prof.ssa di Educazione Fisica Maria Rosa Magri Fotografia alunna 4°A linguistico Maria Bresciani Riprese video assistente tecnico Caterina Polonioli Montaggio video realizzazione grafica ed informatica prof.ssa di Storia dell’arte Viviana Tignonsini

  23. Classe coinvolta 4°A linguistico Bellesi Chiara Bertoletti Sharon Bondioni Federica Bresciani Maria Bulferetti Marta Calzoni Maria Carnevali Eleonora Facchinetti Silvia Ferrari Laura Ferrini Michela Filippi Serena Franzini Chiara Giacomi Gloria Giulia Federica Laffranchini Marco Massoletti Mattia Merli Veronica Montanelli Linda Mulattieri Viviana Romele Fabiana Romele Stefano Strazzeri Elisa Vielmi Simona Zanella Greta

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