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Local Animal Pollinators and Their Role in Flowering Plants

Explore the diverse range of local animal pollinators, including beetles, flies, wasps, and bugs, and their interactions with flowering plants in the WDC area. Discover the fascinating species of pollinators, such as shining mold beetles, tumbling flower beetles, weevils, soldier beetles, and more, as they contribute to the pollination of various plant species like Canadian Goldenrod, Medium Indian Hemp, and Flat-top White Aster. Witness the intricate connections between these creatures and plants in the ecosystem.

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Local Animal Pollinators and Their Role in Flowering Plants

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  1. Local Animal Pollinators Flower-visiting Beetles (about 50 species in the WDC Area) (12 taxonomic families)

  2. Local Animal Pollinators Shining Mold Beetles (Phalacridae) (about 1 species in the WDC Area)

  3. Local Animal Pollinators Phalacris sp. (phalacrid beetles, 1 mm long, Phalacridae) on Solidago canadensis (Canadian Goldenrod) (Maryland, August 2004)

  4. Local Animal Pollinators Tumbling Flower Beetles (Mordellidae) (about 10 species in the WDC Area)

  5. Local Animal Pollinators Tumbling flower beetle (4 mm long, Mordellidae) on on Apocynum medium (Medium Indian Hemp) (Maryland, August 2004)

  6. Local Animal Pollinators Longhorn Beetles (Cerambycidae) (about 10 flowering-visitingspecies in the WDC Area)

  7. Local Animal Pollinators Long-horned beetle (10 mm long, Cerambycidae) on Rosa sp. (rose) (Ohio, June 2004, similar species in the WDC Area)

  8. Local Animal Pollinators Megacyllene robiniae (Locust Borer, 18 mm long, Cerambycidae) on Solidago canadensis (Canadian Goldenrod) (Maryland, September 2002)

  9. Local Animal Pollinators Weevils (Curculionidae) (about 10 flowering-visiting species in the WDC Area)

  10. Local Animal Pollinators Weevil (1 mm long, Curculionidae?) on Aster umbellatus (Flat-top White Aster) (Maryland, September 2004)

  11. Local Animal Pollinators Soldier Beetles (Cantharidae) (about 2 species in the WDC Area)

  12. Local Animal Pollinators Chauliognathus pennsylvanicus (Pennsylvania Soldier Beetle, 10 mm long, Cantharidae) on Verbesina alternifolia (Wingstem) (Maryland, August 2004)

  13. Local Animal Pollinators Carrion Beetles (Silphidae) (about 2 species in the WDC Area)

  14. Local Animal Pollinators Silpha sp. (carrion beetle, 9 mm long, Silphidae) on ??? (Maryland, May 2001)

  15. Local Animal Pollinators ?

  16. Local Animal Pollinators ?

  17. Local Animal Pollinators Silpha sp. (carrion beetle, 9 mm long, Silphidae) on Amorphophallus rivieri (Sacred Lily of India) (Maryland, May 2001)

  18. Local Animal Pollinators Silpha sp. (carrion beetle, 9 mm long, Silphidae) on Amorphophallus rivieri (Sacred Lily of India) (Maryland, May 2001)

  19. Local Animal Pollinators Amorphophallus rivieri (Sacred Lily of India) (Maryland, May 2001)

  20. Local Animal Pollinators Amorphophallus rivieri (Sacred Lily of India) (Maryland, May 2001)

  21. Local Animal Pollinators Amorphophallus rivieri (Sacred Lily of India) (Maryland, May 2001)

  22. Local Animal Pollinators Amorphophallus rivieri (Sacred Lily of India) (Maryland, May 2001)

  23. Local Animal Pollinators Tachinid? fly(7 mm long, Tachinidae) on Amorphophallus rivieri (Sacred Lily of India) (Maryland, May 2001)

  24. Local Animal Pollinators Beetles from an inflorescence of Amorphophallus rivieri (Sacred Lily of India) (silphid, staphylinid, etc.) (Maryland, May 2001)

  25. Local Animal Pollinators Amorphophallus rivieri (Sacred Lily of India), fading inflorescence (Maryland, May 2001)

  26. Main Local Animal Pollinators: Flies Smilax herbacea (Carrion Flower) (Maryland, May 2002)

  27. Animal Pollinators Bugs (Hemiptera) (possibly) (? species in the WDC Area)

  28. Local Animal Pollinators and Possible Pollinators Oncopeltis fasciatus (Milkweed Bug, Hemiptera) on Asclepias curassavica (Bloodflower, alien) (Maryland, October 2004)

  29. Local Animal Pollinators Flower-visiting Wasps (about 90 species in the WDC Area) (8 taxonomic families)

  30. Local Animal Pollinators and Possible Pollinators Scoliid Wasps (Scoliidae) (about 2 species in the WDC Area)

  31. Local Animal Pollinators and Possible Pollinators Scolia dubia (Scoliidae, 10 mm long) on Solidago rugosa ‘Fireworks’ (Fireworks Goldenrod) (Washington, D.C., September, 2004)

  32. Local Animal Pollinators and Possible Pollinators Scolia dubia (Scoliidae, 10 mm long) on Solidago rugosa ‘Fireworks’ (Fireworks Goldenrod) (Washington, D.C., September, 2004)

  33. Local Animal Pollinators and Possible Pollinators Sphecid Wasps (Sphecidae) (about 20 species in the WDC Area)

  34. Local Animal Pollinators and Possible Pollinators Philanthus sp.(Vespidae, 5 mm long) on Mentha rotundifolia (Roundleaf Mint, alien) (Maryland, August 2004)

  35. Local Animal Pollinators and Possible Pollinators Strymon melinus (Gray Hairstreak Butterfly, Lycaenidae) and a Philanthus wasp (Vespidae) on Mentha rotundifolia (Roundleaf Mint, alien) (Maryland, August 2002)

  36. Local Animal Pollinators and Possible Pollinators Vespid Wasps (Vespidae) (about 25 species in the WDC Area)

  37. Local Animal Pollinators and Possible Pollinators Potter Wasps (Vespidae) on Apocynum medium (Medium Indian Hemp) (Maryland, August 2002)

  38. Local Animal Pollinators and Possible Pollinators Potter Wasp (Vespidae) on Aster umbellatus (Flat-top White Aster) (Maryland, September 2004)

  39. Local Animal Pollinators and Possible Pollinators Vespid wasp (Vespidae) on Aster umbellatus (Flat-top White Aster) (Maryland, September 2004)

  40. Local Animal Pollinators and Possible Pollinators Polistes fuscatus (Fuscate Paper Wasp, Vespidae, male) on Aster umbellatus (Flat-top White Aster) (Maryland, September 2004)

  41. Local Animal Pollinators and Possible Pollinators Thrips (Thysanoptera) (about 30 species in the WDC Area)

  42. Local Animal Pollinators: Thrips Thrips, 1 mm long, Thysanoptera) on Impatiens glandulosa (Bizzy Lizzy) (Maryland, August 2004). A thrips from a soil trap, (Virginia, August, 2000, photo by D. S. Kjar).

  43. Local Animal Pollinators: Thrips Impatiens glandulosa (Buzzy Lizzy, Balsaminaceae, alien) (Maryland, August 2004)

  44. Local Animal Pollinators and Possible Pollinators Butterflies (Rhopalocera) (about 106 species in the WDC Area)

  45. Local Animal Pollinators and Possible Pollinators Skipper Butterflies (Hesperiidae) (about 46 species in the WDC Area)

  46. Local Animal Pollinators and Possible Pollinators Erynnis horatius (Horace’s Dusky Wing Skipper, Hesperiidae) on Apocynum medium (Medium Indian Hemp) (Maryland, July 2004)

  47. Local Animal Pollinators and Possible Pollinators Epargyreus clarus (Silver-spotted Skipper, Hesperiidae) on Apocynum medium (Medium Indian Hemp) (Maryland, July 2004)

  48. Local Animal Pollinators and Possible Pollinators Atalopedes campestris (Sachem Skipper, Hesperiidae, female) on Eupatorium altissimum (Tall Thoroughwort) (Maryland, August 2001)

  49. Local Animal Pollinators and Possible Pollinators Hylephila phyleus(Fiery Skipper, Hesperiidae, male) on Verbena bonariensis (alien from Brazil) (Maryland, October 2004)

  50. Local Animal Pollinators and Possible Pollinators Verbena bonariensis (alien from Brazil) (Maryland, October 2004)

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