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ELKO EP - Advantages of Online Ordering System

Explore the advantages of the ELKO EP B2B portal's online ordering system for accessing stock, technical specifications, placing orders with ease, tracking order status, and more. Convenient features like saving orders in progress and quick order options are available.

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ELKO EP - Advantages of Online Ordering System

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  1. B2B portal ELKO EP Advantages of on-line ordering

  2. There are advantageswhichthissystemwillbringyou: Stock ON-LINE Technicalspecifications and relateddocumentationoftheproduct Access fromanywhereifconnected to Internet Orderingofseveralitemsatoncewith import from XLS file Easy and interactiveorderplacing ON-LINE availabilityofproductsaccording to productionorders • Youcansaveyourorder in progress • Possibility to seethe status ofyourorder on-line: • thedateofdispatchingofyourorder • iftheorder has alreadybeendispatched • means and termsofpayment • overviewofallyourorders, balances to orders, open orders…

  3. The most importantinformation Searchingthedesiredproducts Clear and importantinformation:- code, EAN code, yourprice, enter to thecart Infocentrum (contact, price list download…) Main info: characteristicofproducts Documents: datasheet and manual Send feedback: yourquestions

  4. Yourindividualprice list download Downloadyourprice list in xlsformat and getinformation aboutyourprices in one place in a tabularform! Downloadingofyourprice list takesfrom fewsecondsto a minute

  5. Availability Ifyouorder more piecesthanwehavecurrently on thestock, youcanfinditout in detail of a shopping cart . Youseecurrentavailability and thenearestavailabledate.

  6. 3 waysofsearching By codeofproduct By code EAN By name Enter thenameof a product, forexample CRM-91H/UNI Enter anorderingcode: 1244 Enter an EAN code 8595188112420

  7. Quickorder Wesaveyourtime! Youcanchoosefrom a quickorderofoneproduct to a quickorderofonehundred and more productsatonce! Loadingorderfrom XLS file By EAN code Itallowsloadingof MS EXCEL filegeneratedfromyoursystemyoucreatedmanually To the text part on theleftsideof e-shopwritean EAN codeconsistingof 13 characters (accordingyourprice list) and on therightsidenext to the EAN codewrite a numberofpieces, then „Add to cart“. Exampleofinsertingofproducts to XLS: A = EAN code B = thenumberofpieces Save as .xls

  8. Twodifferentwaysofdisplayingproducts Due to thisadvantageyoucanchoosewhetheryouwant to use CatalogorRoll sort. Do youneed to find a priceforyourrelay and don´tyouhave a price list withyou? Catalog Roll and sort by …

  9. Technical support Do youneed to beadvised quickly… … about a product? Do youneed to find a technicalparameter? Or do youhave a problem withtheinvolvementof a product? Thereisnothingeasierthan to writeus! HOT LINEtechnical support +420 775 371 531 email:support@elkoep.com

  10. Monitoring oforders Can´tyourememberhow many pieces and what type ofrelaydidyouorder? Whatisthevalueoftheorder? Allnecessarryinformationscanbefound in a section „My account and documents“. Overviewdocuments Filteringdocuments by: externalnumber, firm, person, deliveryadress, date

  11. Howto return to unfinishedorder? Haveyoueverbeeninterruptedwhileorderingfrom e-shop? Haveyoueverlostanaccess to the internet and thenyour shopping cart has beendeleted? Itwillneverhappen in our e-shop! Afteryour re-loginyour shopping cartwon´tbeempty but you´llfindeverythingyouputtherebefore! 1)Unfinishedorder, contentof shopping cart 2)System Error, lossof data and access 3)After re-logintheproductsstay in the shopping cart and youcanchooseamongotherproductsuntilcompletingyourorder.

  12. NEWS, INFORMATION, PROMOTION Are youinterested in ourproducts and do youwant to know more aboutus? Do youpreferpaperorelectronicalform? Are youinterested in news? Wewillfulfillyourwishes! Sendusyourcontact e-mail and youwillknoweverythingfirst!

  13. Quickpurchasedirectlyfrom Czech producer! Webelieveyou are interested in ourpresentation and our B2B portalwill make yourworkeasier. ELKO EP branches not only in Czech … ELKO EP, s.r.o. Palackého 493 769 01 Holešov, Všetuly Czech Republic E-mail: b2b@elkoep.com, export@elkoep.com Tel.: +420 573 514 218 GSM: +420 775 371 536 Fax: +420 573 514 227 Skype: elkoep.eshop

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