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Overview of Bulgaria's Education System

Explore Bulgaria's educational system, from pre-school education to higher education. Learn about compulsory basic education, secondary education options, and the grading system. Discover the aims and structure of each educational stage in Bulgaria.

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Overview of Bulgaria's Education System

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  1. Bulgarian School System

  2. Introduction • The Bulgarian educational system covers: • Pre-school education – not compulsory • School education • Includes basic (compulsory), secondary & higher education

  3. Pre-school education • For children between the age of 3 and the start of basic education 6(7) years • The state doesn’t have, the necessary number of kinder garden for all the children yet. • Pre-schools, both private and state are for children aged 5(6) years In elementary school exists an option called “zanimalnya”. The pupils do their lessons under the control of a teacher

  4. Pre-school education Aims: • Stimulate the children’s skills, and encourage their development. • Promote integration in different social groups • Develop expressive and communication skills • Encourage hygienic and healthy habits

  5. Basic education • It's universal, compulsory and free of charge and directed to children aged 6(7) and 14 years. • It lasts 8 years and is spread over 2 cycles: • 1st cycle – for 4 years – one teacher • 2nd cycle – for 4 years – 8/9 teachers The School day begins at 8am and finishes at about 14pm (for Junior and Secondary school)

  6. Basic education The aim of the compulsory education in Portugal is not only to impart knowledge, but also to promote personal development. Great emphasis is placed on developing practical skills, on creativity and critical evaluation. The school is based on humanistic and democratic ideals and aims to promote values like tolerance and freedom of thought, equal status. It guarantees the student basic learning in Math, History, Geography, Music, Art, foreign languages …. Subject-based teaching, changing of teachers and subjects each class hour. Leads to the diploma of basic education

  7. Secondary education • For pupils who have completed basic education • Lasts for 4 years • Not compulsory (but the state intends to extends the compulsory education up to 12 years schooling The Secondary education can be devided into : -Secondary general (4 years) - Profile oriented (5 years ) Students can enter the profile-oriented schools upon completion of grade 7(8) after passing extra examinations (according to the profile of the school).

  8. School-time The beginning of the school year is September 15 It ends: -24May for grades 1 & 12 -30May for grades from 2 to 4 -15June for grades from 5 to 8 -30June for grades 9 to 11 Bulgaria uses the numerals grading system of which: The top mark is a six(6) The lowest mark is a two (2)

  9. Higher education Higher education comprises university education and polytechnic education Access –Is submitted to number restrictions (numerus clauses) and admission is done by competition. Students must have a diploma of Secondary education and do Exams in specific subjects

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