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Exploring Faith and Philosophy: Understanding Religious Beliefs and Human Existence

This comprehensive guide delves into the complex realm of beliefs, with a focus on religious experiences, the nature of prayer, and the presence of evil and suffering in the world. From Catholic upbringing to Christian teachings and attitudes towards societal issues like marriage, wealth, and poverty, this exploration of faith and philosophy also addresses the ever-pertinent question of the existence of God. Contemplating the meaning of life and the appearance of the world, it examines religious beliefs, miracles, and the impact of prayer on personal spirituality. Exploring both sides of the belief spectrum, it delves into why some people may not believe in God despite societal and religious influences. With insights on the significance of prayer, the challenges posed by evil and suffering, and the complex interplay between science and faith, this guide offers a nuanced perspective on the enduring human search for meaning and purpose.

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Exploring Faith and Philosophy: Understanding Religious Beliefs and Human Existence

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  1. Believing in God Matters of Life and Death. Catholic Upbringing. Christian Teaching Religious Experience and Miracles. Sanctity of Life The Appearance of the world. Contraception. Search for Meaning Existence of religion Abortion: Social facts Why some do not believe Abortion: Christian attitudes. Evil and suffering Euthanasia: Social facts. Nature and importance of prayer Euthanasia: Christian attitudes. Marriage and Family Life Marriage.Divorce.Family Life: Social Facts Community Cohesion Marriage: Christian teaching Equal rights: men and women Divorce: Christian teaching Biblical teaching: men and women. Christian attitudes: men and women Family: Christian teaching. UK as multi-ethnic society Homosexuality: Social facts. Racial harmony: Catholic teaching Homosexuality: Christian attitudes. UK as multi-faith society Christian attitudes to other religions. Wealth and Poverty Religions working together Wealth and Poverty: Catholic teaching The need for world development Poverty in UK: Catholic organisations The work of CAFOD

  2. CATHOLIC UPBRINGING. Home. Baptism. Prayers. Church. Confirmation. Holy Communion. School. Prayers. Assembly. Mass. Services. RE Feeling of awe and wonder: numinous. Something inside wanted them to change: Conversion experience. RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE. Belief prayers have been answered. Belief miracles have happened. Omnipotent. Church teaching. BibleJesus. Resurrec Designed: DNA. Big Bang. Paley Caused: everything has an explanation. THE APPEARANCE OF THE WORLD Search for meaning and purpose: There must be a reason for us being here. There is a meaning OTHER REASONS Existence of Religion: From beginning. Similarities in religions. Moral rules. Miracles and visions. Prayer. Science. Probs with miracles. Unanswered prayers. Evil and suffering WHY SOME DO NOT BELIEVE. Benevolent. Omnipotent. Omniscient. EVIL AND SUFFERING Christian responses: Do something – Prayer, Service. Free Will. Testing ground. Cannot understand God. Encounter with God. Blessing and adoration. Petition. Intercession. Thanksgiving. Praise NATURE AND IMPORTANCE OF PRAYER. Vocal. Meditation. Contemplation. Importance: communication between God and humans.

  3. Religious Experience. Including Miracles. The Appearance of the World. Design and Causation. Catholic Upbringing. Home and School Other Reasons. Search for meaning and purpose. Existence of Religion Why some people BELIEVE IN GOD and some do NOT PRAYER: Blessing and Adoration. Petition. Intercession. Thanksgiving. Praise. Ways of Praying: Vocal. Contemplation. Meditation. Importance of Prayer: Reflection. Scientific Explanations. Problems with miracles. Problem of Evil. (Christian Response)

  4. CATHOLIC UPBRINGING. Home. (parents teach children and take them to church) Baptism. Prayers. Church/Mass. Confirmation. Holy Communion. Teach them morals (how they should live) by example Not as good now as once was! Catholic School. (teachers teach children) Prayers. Assembly. Mass. Services of Reconciliation. RE lessons. Teachers should also teach how to live by example. Ethos of school: Respect everyone

  5. RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE Feeling of awe and wonder: numinous. Feeling that there is something greater than them. (Sitting on a mountain) Something inside wanted them to change: Conversion experience. Belief prayers have been answered. Belief miracles have happened. An event which seems to break a natural law and for which the only explanation is God Believe because: Omnipotent. Church teaching. Bible. Jesus. Resurrection Eg: Knock. Liberal miracle: Fine weather at Dunkirk. (God works through nature) Still happen today: Healing Services. Lourdes.

  6. THE APPEARANCE OF THE WORLD DNA. Carefully structured as is all nature. All fits together. Very intricate. Look at the universe and feel that it has been DESIGNED: Design to Designer. (Teleological) Big Bang (where did it all come from?) Natural laws. Gravity. Other forces. Evolution.All purposeful Paley’s watch. Garden and gardener. Look at the universe and see that everything seems to have a CAUSE. (Cosmological) If everything has a cause: the universe has a cause and that cause can only be God. Cause to Causer (no infinite regress). Uncaused First Causer

  7. OTHER REASONS FOR BELIEVING IN GOD. Everything seems to have a purpose. Feeling that Life has a purpose. Not all meaningless. There is a reason for it all. Only God can give it purpose. Universe seems to have a MEANING AND PURPOSE. EXISTENCE OF RELIGION. People have always had similar religious beliefs. Similarities: Creator God. Can communicate with God. Prayer. Moral rules. Miracles and Visions. God was waiting to be discovered by people.

  8. Big Bang. Evolution. Astronomy. Forces of nature. Science has explained things. We do not need God for explanations. Problems with miracles. Scientific explanations. God choosy?! Why some people do NOT believe in God Science disproves bible. Evil and Suffering. Natural and Moral. Why does God allow these things? Unanswered prayers.

  9. THE PROBLEM OF EVIL AND SUFFERING. If God is all good (benevolent) he would want to get rid of evil. If God is all knowing (omniscient) he would know what suffering would result from creating the world. If God is all powerful (omnipotent) he must be able to stop evil and suffering However, evil and suffering exist (reality) So God cannot be benevolent, omniscient and omnipotent. OR he does not exist!

  10. CHRISTIAN RESPONSES TO THE PROBLEM OF EVIL AND SUFFERING. Free Will. Much evil and suffering are caused by the misuses of Free Will. Moral evil. Help to get rid of it. Service Prayer. Accept the reality of evil and the fact that humans cannot really understand God. Accept that he has reasons for creating the world as we know it and those reasons will be revealed at the end of time. In the meantime get on with trying to change the world and build the Kingdom of God. This world is not paradise. It is created with the possibility of evil as a kind of moral testing ground. We will get to paradise later. There is no answer

  11. THE NATURE OF PRAYER. To search for, encounter and communicate with God Petition: asking for forgiveness followed by request to be involved in working with God to build his Kingdom. Blessing: people bless God, God blessed them. Adoration: acknowledgement that humans are creatures and God is creator. Thanksgiving: for everything in our lives, especially for the work of Jesus in bringing salvation to our world. Praise: recognises that God is God and praises him for what he is not what he does. Intercession: praying for needs of others.

  12. WAYS OF PRAYING Contemplation: communion with God. ‘I look at him, and he looks at me’ Vocal Prayer: Using words (out loud or silently) Meditation: tries to understand the nature of God and the Christian life. Might use books or rosary.

  13. THE IMPORTANCE OF PRAYER. Because it is the way of communication between God and humans. Purpose of all religions. Can be seen from: OT figures base their live on prayer. Jesus prayed often Jesus taught disciples to pray. CCC 25% on prayer. REFLECTION: thinking about things. Being open to God so he can enter your life. Explore feelings and asking the deep and meaningful questions.

  14. LIFE AFTER DEATH Jesus will come back to earth and raise the dead. Souls reunited with bodies. God will judge everyone A new heaven and new earth will be made. Those who die and have been purified go to heaven. Those who have not been completely purified go to Purgatory Those who refused to believe or with mortal sin will go to Hell. Traditional RC teaching. Other teaching: souls in grave until end of world when Jesus will return. God will judge them and they will go to heaven or hell. Souls live on after death and may go to heaven – immortality of soul. Don’t believe in hell. Levels in heaven where people continue their religious learning. For all people

  15. THE SANCTITY OF LIFE. All life a gift from God: sacred, holy, valued, to be preserved. Contraception: prevents conception. Artificial methods wrong because: God gave sex for reproduction so every act of sex must be open to possibility of conception. Should be based on natural methods. Promiscuity Broken families STIs People felt it was important to control the population growth in order for there to be food for everyone. So artificial methods of contraception became popular e.g. condoms and the pill. Catholics in favour of birth control but not by artificial methods. RC Church says only methods based on the woman’s menstrual cycle should be used. Natural methods Humane Vitae and CCC.

  16. OTHER CHRISTIAN ATTITUDES. Almost all other Christians accept artificial contraception. Many Catholics follow their own conscience and use artificial contraception. They do not consider it to be morally wrong and feel the Church’s teaching fails to take into account the pressures and circumstances of modern life. CAFOD has supported the use of the condom in certain situations for those at grave risk of STIs especially AIDS Improves woman’s health. Raises standard of living and education for children. Sex not just for reproduction but also for enjoyment and mutual bonding of two people.

  17. ABORTION Killing someone is murder: so.. When does life begin? At conception At some definite point during pregnancy eg when heart begins to beat. When it can live outside the mother. Made legal in 1967. If: the mother’s life is at risk Risk of injury to mother’s physical or mental health The health of existing children would be affected High risk that baby might be seriously disabled. 1990 Act: abortion up to 24 weeks after conception. Some say: the foetus has a right to life. Others say: the woman has the right to choose.

  18. CATHOLIC ATTITUDES TO ABORTION. Life begins at conception. Murder. Life is sacred. It belongs to God and only God has right to end it. Everyone, including a foetus, has the right to life. This right must be protected. Always wrong. (Except: when mother’s life is at risk. The intention is not to cause an abortion it is a secondary effect.)

  19. OTHER CHRISTIAN ATTITUDES Some eg Evangelicals have same view as Catholics. Most others: permitted in certain circumstances as lesser of two evils. Eg foetus would be seriously disabled. Life does not begin at conception. Maybe the loving thing to do. Sanctity of life not an absolute. Eg war. We should accept medical technological advances and use them. If banned: rich would still be able to get them (illegal payment or in another country), but poor would not.

  20. EUTHANASIA. Gentle and easy death for someone suffering from painful terminal illness, who has little quality of life. Assisted Suicide: someone provides person with means to commit suicide. Voluntary Euthanasia: persons asks doctor (or other) to end their life. Non-Voluntary: ending a person’s life when they unable to ask, if have good reason to think they would want you to. Ilegal in UK but legal in Netherlands under certain conditions. For legalisation: Medical technology can now keep people alive even when quality of life is very poor. These people should have right to painless death. Already happens. Doctors switch off life support machines. Doctors allowed to stop treatment. Eg feeding. Basic human right: control over your own life.

  21. AGAINST EUTHANASIA. Families might want to gain from person’s will A cure might be found Doctors have a duty to save lives not end them. People might not understand what they are doing when ask for Euthanasia People might begin to distrust doctors

  22. Catholic View: All life is sacred. A gift from God and only God can take it away. A form of murder. We should make every effort to care for people (our responsibility as Christians) rather than get rid of them. Most would accept switching off life-support machine but not withdrawing feeding. Treatments which prolong life but do not cure can be withdrawn if patient wants. Can be given painkillers that will shorten life but not to kill.

  23. OTHER CHRISTIAN ATTITUDES. Most would agree with Catholics. Exceptions: Some would allow: Switching off life support machines Some would allow: stopping artificial feeding. Some would allow: assisted suicide if in great pain

  24. CATHOLIC TEACHING ON WEALTH AND POVERTY Must be gained morally and is a gift from God, should be shared to help everyone Wealth can be used for good or evil The wrong attitude to money can lead away from God. SHEEP AND GOATS The good people are those who help others and share what they have. The bad are… Hungry. - fed Thirsty - drink Stranger - welcomed Naked - clothed Sick - cared Prison - visited “when you did it for the least of my brothers, you did it for me” THE GOOD SAMARITAN Love your neighbour. Help everyone

  25. THE NEED FOR WORLD DEVELOPMENT. 1st W = USA, W Europe, Canada, Australia, NZ, Japan Poor countries used to be called ‘Third World’ 2nd W = USSR, Eastern Europe, China 3rd W = Poorest Developed = USA, W Europe etc Things have changed since 1980s. Developing = Brazil, Mexico etc Less Developed (LDCs) = Sudan, Mali

  26. THE NEED FOR WORLD DEVELOPMENT. 1st W = USA, W Europe, Canada, Australia, NZ, Japan Poor countries used to be called ‘Third World’ 2nd W = USSR, Eastern Europe, China 3rd W = Poorest Developed = USA, W Europe etc Things have changed since 1980s. Developing = Brazil, Mexico etc Less Developed (LDCs) = Sudan, Mali

  27. Reasons for lack of Development. WARS 19 century European Empire-building joined a number of races into one country. When gained independence in 20 century one race often badly treated, resulting in civil war. Sierra Leone, the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Sudan Civil wars. Between countries: Wanted land/resources Ethiopia and Somalia. Corruption and political differences Mozambique, Angola, Guatemala.

  28. Earthquakes, floods, droughts etc are more frequent and severe NATURAL DISASTERS They don’t have means to offset their effects. Borrowed money from banks of Developed countries. Have to pay interest – which they can’t afford and is money they could use to speed up development – hospitals and schools DEBT 1970s Chile borrowed $3.9. billion: by 1982 had paid back $12.8 billion

  29. The work of Catholic organisations to relieve poverty in the UK Saint Vincent de Paul Society Many parishes have a branch. They help the poor and elderly by donating furniture/household items. Visits etc. 1833. Founded by Frederic Ozanam. St Vincent captured by pirates and enslaved in Tunisia for 2 years. Inspired by this he founded the Lazarist or Vincentian Fathers and Sisters of Charity. Both help the poor. Catholic Children’s Rescue Society (St.Joseph’s penny). Provides range of support to children and families. Lazarus was a poor man in one of Jesus’ parables who was refused help by the rich man Catholic Welfare Society. Disabled and Elderly

  30. Crops grown for sale rather than eating. Cotton, tea, coffee, tobacco. CASH CROPS If don’t get enough money for crop due to unfair trade – can’t buy food, so starve. Little land for food left. LACK OF EDUCATION RELYING ON ONE EXPORT DISEASE (AIDS) UNFAIRTRADE LARGE NUMBERS OF CHILDREN

  31. CAFOD Catholic Agency for Overseas Development Part of larger organisation: Caritas Began in 1962 to co-ordinate work of Catholic organisations concerned with International development 70 staff. 500 projects. 75 countries. FUND RAISING Friday Groups: give up something and donate money Family Fast Days in Lent and October. 24 hour Fasts (Mtc) Working in Partnership: raise money for particular project Involved in selling Fair Trade products

  32. EMERGENCY AID Sends food, medical supplies, shelters, blankets etc. Has a disaster fund to respond to emergencies. Earthquake, flood, tsunami etc. LONG TERM AID Works through the international organisation: Caritas They identify the need and CAFOD responds Helping people help themselves. Hospitals, Schools, Clean water, irrigation, farming help Much of aid is channelled through Christian organisations in the country concerned. So aid goes where it is needed

  33. EDUCATION 5% of budget on educating people in England and Wales about need for development and ways in which Christians can help. Raises awareness Newspaper called Friday and other magazines: Fairground and FastTrack Many free educational materials to schools. Big Web Site Describes CAFOD’s work but also focuses on problems, issues and causes of poverty in LDCs Been involved in all major campaigns. Such as: Drop the Debt, Jubilee 2000 and Make Poverty History

  34. Examples of CAFOD’s Long Term Aid Hola. Kenya. No access to state health care. Nomadic, subsistence farmers (cattle). Trained to provide basic medical care and advice on hygiene, nutrition and child health The Hola Catholic Mission has opened 3 clinics. 40 health workers (community chosen volunteers) Brazil. Street Children. Scheme called: The Community Taking Responsibility for its Children Street educators: literacy and job skills. Organisation of Peasant farmers. Schemes to help them when crops fail due to floods. Eg duck farming Bangladesh.

  35. MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LIFE SOCIAL FACTS. Since 1995: less marriages in church. Less couples marry Married couples healthier/live longer More couples cohabit before marriage (or do not marry) More births outside marriage More divorces. Easier Divorce affect children. Do less well at school. Damaged health. More single parents

  36. CHRISTIAN TEACHING ON MARRIAGE No sex before marriage Adultery wrong Marriage for life Some Christians would accept cohabitation if leading to marriage Life-long relationship of love and faithfulness. Support and comfort each other Bringing up a family Having children

  37. CATHOLIC MARIAGE CEREMONY 1 Reading are about love and commitment. During Mass Sermon Have you come to give yourself to each other, freely and without reservation? Three Questions Will you love and honour each other for life? Will you accept children lovingly from God?

  38. 2 “I (name) do take thee (name) to be my lawful wedded wife/husband, to have and to hold for this day forward, for better or worse, for richer for poorer, in sicknes and in health, to love and cherish till death do us part.” Vows: Acceptance of Consent by Church: What God has joined together let no man put asunder Take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity in the name of the Father and of…… Exchange of rings: Couple first: bread and wine. Symbolises unity with each other and God Communion: Mass continues as normal with a special ‘nuptial’ blessing at the end.

  39. Major signs: Vows Rings. Sacrament: The couple give the sacrament to each other as a sign of God’s presence in their lives. Covenant: an unconditional agreement. Permanent: for ever. Life Giving: Couple gives their lives to each other. Be open to having children Exclusive: Faithful to one partner

  40. DIVORCE Marriage for life. Only marry again on death of partner Catholics do not allow divorce and re-marriage Allows separation. If partner forced Mental problems Allows annulment (marriage never really took place) No intention of keeping vows Partner not baptised Important information not given Non-consummation

  41. AGAINST DIVORCE BECAUSE: Marriage is a sacrament. Couple united and bound by God and no human can break it Jesus taught it was wrong. Marriage is a Covenant: An unconditional agreement. It cannot be broken Promise in the vows: Permanent: For ever.

  42. Attitude of other Christians to divorce. If first marriage failed for good reason. Many allow divorce. If show repentance for any failure BECAUSE: Christianity is about forgiveness. So people should have a second chance Jesus allowed it for adultery

  43. CATHOLIC TEACHING ON THE FAMILY Duties of parents One of purposes of marriage is to have children and bring them up lovingly Basic unit of society Baptise child Take to Mass A holy and sacred institution Take it to Receive Communion Teach right from wrong Send to Catholic school Children should respect parents and look after them in old age Give good example Confirm child Provide basic necessities of life Love children and each other Some choose not to marry and give their life to God. Priest. Religious

  44. HOW THE CHURCH HELPS WITH THE UPBRINGING OF CHILDREN Facilities at Mass Catholic Schools: religious education, ethos and worship. Children’s liturgies Preparation classes for first Holy Communion and Confirmation Charities: Marriage Care, Catholic Child Welfare Council Church Youth clubs and activities for youth Adoption and Fostering

  45. HOMOSEXUALITY: SOCIAL BACKGROUND Sexual attraction (orientation) to same sex UK: crime until 1967. Age of consent reduced from 21 to 18 in 1994 At lease 5% of male pop gay. Genetic causes. UK: cannot marry or have same rights as Heterosexual couple. (Can in some countries) Many people consider Homosexality wrong. Homophobic groups attack homosexuals

  46. CATHOLIC ATTITUDE TO HOMOSEXUALITY. Homosexual orientation is not a sin and not to be condemned Homosexual activity is a sin. (Condemned by Bible). They should be celibate Homosexuals will find help from God Church gives help through organisation like ‘Encourage’

  47. ATTITUDE OF OTHER CHRISTIAN CHURCHS TO HOMOSEXUALITY Evangelicals: God will help them change. Be born again Homosexuality orientation is a sin. (Condemned by Bible) Bible need to be re-interpreted for modern age Acceptable but not equal to heterosexual partnerships. Church of England: Not all homosexual friendships are condemned by bible Some Christians, eg. Quakers – homosexuals to be treated like heterosexuals Christians must show love and respect to all people

  48. COMMUNITY COHESION Growth of Equal rights for men and women in 20 Century. Because of World Wars and Women’s Rights Movements, women are now treated as equal to men. This is in theory and the law. Some still maintain that women are still not treated equally In the past: Men were seen as breadwinners and in charge of the family. Women stayed at home and looked after children. Men more important

  49. Biblical Teaching on Roles of Men and Women: Women not equal Remember: the bible was written by men and they had a dominant role in society In Genesis, Adam is created first and woman out of his rib. It talks about him ‘working by the sweat of his brow’ and woman having pain in childbirth. Saint Paul: Women should submit to their husbands Paul: Adam formed before Eve, so should have dominant role.

  50. Teachings which show women as equal Preached in court of women. Genesis: God creates male and female in his own image Jesus treated women as equal. Treated Samaritan woman at the well as equal. Paul in Galatians says that women are equal, because we are all one in Christ. Had women disciples, who stayed with him at the cross In Philippians: women seen as co-workers and allowed to preach the gospel He appeared first to women after his resurrection.

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