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Capacity Building for Better Agricultural Statistics

Capacity Building for Better Agricultural Statistics. Misha Belkindas and Graham Eele Development Data Group, World Bank. Why agriculture?.

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Capacity Building for Better Agricultural Statistics

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  1. Capacity Building for Better Agricultural Statistics Misha Belkindas and Graham Eele Development Data Group, World Bank

  2. Why agriculture? “75 percent of all poor people — those living under $1 a day — live in rural areas. Of those rural people, 86 percent are involved in agriculture in some way… Despite its importance to poor people, agriculture as a sector has been neglected over the last two decades” World Development Report 2007: Agriculture for Development

  3. Why statistics? Statistics are needed to provide the evidence for sound policy making, to: • Achieve issue recognition • Inform program design and policy choice • Forecast the future • Monitor policy implementation • Evaluate policy effects and impact Chris Scott “Measuring up to the Measurement Problem: The Role of Statistics in Evidence-based Policy Making” PARIS21

  4. The problem • The neglect of agriculture is in part because of a failure of agricultural statistics • Statistical systems, especially those in the poorest countries, have failed to provide the evidence needed to identify problems, to develop effective policies and to monitor change • To a large extent this is a problem of capacity

  5. But not because of neglect • Since the Millennium Declaration interest in statistics has increased significantly • Major effort by the international community to improve statistics, stimulated by the MDGs • Increased focus in countries on managing for results • Major focus on monitoring

  6. New initiatives • The Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21) – coordination, advocacy and support • The Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics – targeted actions to strengthen national capacity and improve international support and coordination • Major efforts by donor agencies to scale-up support for statistics – up to an additional US $2 billion may be needed over the next seven years

  7. So what needs to change? • Learn the lessons from past capacity building efforts • Tended to be piecemeal and uncoordinated • Initiated and led by donors • Did not address underlying institutional issues • Not sustained • Deal with agriculture as part of a wider statistical system, rather than on a stand-alone basis

  8. From a vicious to a virtuous cycle Low demand Stronger demand Inadequate resources Increased resources Poor output Better output • Stronger demand • MDGs, focus on agriculture, results-based management • Better output • Improved data quality and dissemination • More resources • Budgets, skilled staff, financial and technical assistance

  9. Developing a new approach • Must be country led • Based on a comprehensive and realistic assessment of strengths and weaknesses of the whole statistical system • Be feasible, setting priorities in the light of constraints • Integrated with national planning processes • Take a long-term view • Focus on results

  10. Country leadership • Effective capacity building can never be imposed from the outside • There must be strong political leadership • Need for wide ownership based on comprehensive consultation • Need for agreement on vision, goals and targets • Mechanism for review to respond to a changing environment

  11. Assessment • Needs to be comprehensive • Look at agricultural statistics as part of a larger system • Examine both the external environment and internal structures and processes • Be driven by the needs of users, both current and anticipated • Compare with international recommendations and good practice

  12. Setting priorities • Identify and document constraints • Goals and targets must be financially, technically and organizationally feasible • Sequencing is important • Process is usually iterative and must involve stakeholders • Results need to be sustained

  13. Integration with national processes • The demand for statistics should be driven by national plans and strategies • Financial constraints will be determined by budget processes and plans such as Medium-Term Expenditure Frameworks • Manpower plans must be realistic and in line with government targets • Need to address regional and international obligations

  14. Looking at the long-term • Many statistical activities are based on a 10-year cycle • Planning and implementing major new statistical programs can take several years • Developing skills and building competencies takes time • Need to look forward and anticipate demand • Need for long-term financing plan

  15. Focusing on results • Need to emphasize capacity to generate better results • Results will generally be improved dissemination of statistics, outcomes will be achieved when these statistics are used • Important to measure what is achieved and to report on progress • Need for mechanisms to monitor user satisfaction

  16. Implications for agricultural statistics • Management and staff need to think strategically and develop their own plans • Need for greater coordination with the statistical system • Important to interact with users to understand and anticipate data needs • Make better use of technology • Research to identify solutions to technical problems

  17. Implications for statistical systems • Agricultural development is a mainstream concern in most developing countries • Need to give priority to statistics on agriculture and rural development • Strengthen coordination • Support statistical operations in other agencies • Establish frameworks for improving data quality and dissemination

  18. Implications for donors • Emphasize importance of statistics • Support the strategic planning process • Support strategies and follow agreed priorities • Provide long-term support, both financial and technical • Support research to address technical problems, especially in data collection • Encourage cooperation between statistical agencies in developed and developing countries

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